hey all, been working on kristin's pilot like crazy these days. Worked until midnight last night and then worked all evening today. but we ordered dinner from Katsuya which is the best sushi in LA!!! so it was all worth it!
I'm having the best time being back in the writers room yukking it up with some of the old guys from that 70s show. It's so much fun!!! i've missed this!!! and Kristin is doing really great considering we've had to re-write the entire script.
I was supposed to read the part of Joy at yesterday's table read but then last minute was re-cast. boo! the part is now cut, but it would've have been had I read the lines!! oh yeah, i practiced and practiced and would've hit it out of the ball park.
tomorrow I'm so excited, I'm hiking at 8am, playing tennis at 10am then working all day again on the script over at universal studios. Saturday i have a engagement party for my ex boyfriend, and then sat. night i'm going to ssee sex and the city with a big group of friends. we're making it a night of it, drinks before hand and I think we're going to the over 21 showing at the arclight so I think we can bring drinks in! either way, i'm fucking psyched!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
today i'm back in the tv hollywood world. going to my friend kristin's table read for her pilot. a table read is where the entire cast sits around a table and reads her script for her show. then the network and studio gives her notes and then we writers go help her make it better based on the network and studio notes and we re-write jokes we thought worked and story plots that need to be fixed.
it will be fun! i'm reading the part of Joy in the script because I guess they haven't cast Joy yet so I'm going to be in front of the entire ABC network, dreams works and all the trained actors on the cast and say some lines!! i hope i dont fuck it up!!! wish me luck! who knows maybe i'll have a new career.
it will be fun! i'm reading the part of Joy in the script because I guess they haven't cast Joy yet so I'm going to be in front of the entire ABC network, dreams works and all the trained actors on the cast and say some lines!! i hope i dont fuck it up!!! wish me luck! who knows maybe i'll have a new career.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
YOu're probably wondering why I'm updating my blog so much today. I'm bored and it's raining in LA. I've now decided to complain about men in general. I sometimes wish I was a lesbian and wonder if woman put other woman through the hoops that men put woman through. I'm also kind of embarrassed what I allow guys to do to me, like what I put up with in order to make something work. this more accurate for relationships in the past then current ones, altho i dont currently have one but you know what I mean. I suppose more recent ones would be an more accurate description.
I was in this meeting with ABC drama last week and the woman told me that people dont come to LA to settle down, that's why so many woman mostly have a hard time finding someone here. They come to follow dreams and live a fairly unrealistic life (quite frankly exactly like the one I have been leading what with my hollywood premieres, TV show job, being part of a celeb entourage albeit breifly) I think her assesment of LA was quite on target.
I was in this meeting with ABC drama last week and the woman told me that people dont come to LA to settle down, that's why so many woman mostly have a hard time finding someone here. They come to follow dreams and live a fairly unrealistic life (quite frankly exactly like the one I have been leading what with my hollywood premieres, TV show job, being part of a celeb entourage albeit breifly) I think her assesment of LA was quite on target.
the last time I was home, i realized something about my mom who totally rules. Well actually this isn't a new realization, but one that started to grate on me. Here's what happened and maybe you can figure out what hte problem is...
we get in the car and drive to bellas, my fave b'fast restuarant. my mom gets the newpapers, gets into the car and sings "oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beuatiful day..." the entire song.
In bellas we were talking about being old and how it sucks to grow up. My mother immediately broke into another song "I wont grow up" from Peter Pan
On the way home I commented on something out of the window and this inspired my mom to break into song again.
Then during lunch preparations, she started to sing another song about heating up tea! How does this woman: A. know so many songs and B. know so many songs that apply to such specific situations?!! Like heating up tea for example, who knew that was a lyric in any song?! MY MOTHER!!
it's just weird because it's not like she was the star of stage and screen or something, she just sings for no apparent reason. IT'S WEIRD!! and this isn't a new thing, she's done it for years, but i think the afflication is getting worse.
i think the weirdest day of one's life might be the day they meet or hear that the kids they babysat for are now college graduates. I just got an email from one of the woman whose kids I used to baby sit for. she wished me happy birthday then went on to update me. her oldest just graduated from college last weekend. Her youngest is going to be a junior in college. I met these girls when they were 5 and 7! I mean, it blows my mind! blows my mind. Why am I so old? who allowed this to happen? Not I.
there are 2 other girls I used to babysit for who have been out of college for a number of years, and I still can't wrap my head around it when I run into them whenever I'm home in NY for a visit. They're real people instead of little kids I'd run around after dressed up as a boogie man or some other strange character. Anyway, perhaps this post is a just a reflection of my passing birthday and movement on in the years!!
there are 2 other girls I used to babysit for who have been out of college for a number of years, and I still can't wrap my head around it when I run into them whenever I'm home in NY for a visit. They're real people instead of little kids I'd run around after dressed up as a boogie man or some other strange character. Anyway, perhaps this post is a just a reflection of my passing birthday and movement on in the years!!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
omg last night i was all ready to go with berna and kristin to see "sex and the city" screening. At least that's what I thought i was doing. On the walk over to the movie theatre, kristin wanted to stop in and see this wine bar we used to go to b./c it cahnged ownership and was like 'hey I want to poke my head in to see what it looks like" so she opened the door and i stood back on the sidewalk waiting and she opens the door and there's a sign that says "happy bday sarah mac" and i think to myself "thats funny thats my name too!" and then i see my friend chris and i think "what a coincidence Chris is at this bar and i'm walking by, this town is so small" and then everyone says suprise!!! AND IT WAS A SUPRISE PARTY FOR ME AND I'M TOO STUPID TO REALIZE IT!!!
i saw words sarah mac and didn't think it was for me!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!
I WAS SO FREAKIN SURPRISED and a little disappointed that i didn't see the sex and the city movie, not gonna lie!
but my friends were like "that was the best surprise ever because the look on your face was priceless," now let it be known that this is the 2nd surprise i've had in 5 years and the same thing happened last time too, i had no freakin idea and was kinda freaked out by the shock of it all.
but it seriously was an awesome night. berna pillaged my list of facebook friends and contacted those she had never even met before and was got all these people on the evite list!!
also i got totally and completely shitfaced. It was so fun to see so many friends to come out to celebrete ME! there were flowers and pizza and crudite and balloons and gifts, people brought gifts!!!!
cool, righ?
on tues i'm going to the spa. every year I go to the spa and to church on my bday! but i'll be getting a 90 min deep tissue massage and spending the day by the pool!! cannot wait!!
anyway, it was a good night. a great super fun happy night! I just feel so stupid again that I had no idea, AGAIN!
Monday, May 12, 2008
this is the week all the shows get picked up for the new tv season. well due to the strike many shows are not even shot yet so they wont be hiring for a few more months. ugh! anyway, i have lots of meetings and had a bunch last week but the show i had the best meeting on probably isn't going to get picked up. Its annoying since i spend hours reading the script, coming up with ideas, stuff to talk about, get dressed, drive to burbank, sit in the meeting, and then drive back, basically taking up 2 days including prep only to find out the show isn't even getting picked up and i have no job after all that?!?!??!?! SUCK!!
yesterday I filed for unemployment again, i get to sign up every may and it lasts for a few months. it's not much money and doesn't cover any of my expenses, well maybe cable and my cell phone but i'll take it. I have no idea if I qualify seeing as in order to get unemployment you have to have earned money in the past year which sadly I didn't earn much, but who knows, i thought i'd give it a shot.
yesterday I filed for unemployment again, i get to sign up every may and it lasts for a few months. it's not much money and doesn't cover any of my expenses, well maybe cable and my cell phone but i'll take it. I have no idea if I qualify seeing as in order to get unemployment you have to have earned money in the past year which sadly I didn't earn much, but who knows, i thought i'd give it a shot.
weekends to me are the same as weekedays. pretty much nothing happens. I guess I have a few more friends around that are off work, but mostly my friends are all unemployed writers so they're around all day every day anyway. It just means there are more people in the brunch places, that's all.
friday night i went to liz's to watch Grizzy man documentary. if you haven't seen it, it's brilliant and when i mention it to people since, a ton of people are like I know i saw that and it's amazing. then i wonder why hasn't anyone told me about this gem of a film. Seriouly stop what youer' doing right now and watch it! not to be believed!!! it's about a guy who goes and lives with bears in alaska and eventually gets eaten by them becaues the bears are like "WTF is this guy doing thinking he's one of us!"
on saturday I went to my friend natalyas and hung out with her and her son who is 1.5 years old. he's so freakin cute. I used to work with her hubby so it was fun to see them. I went to talk career advice with Nat as she's super smart and gives great advice. They then asked me to come to dinner with them and we hit up the grove which was a mistake since there were like 10000000 people there and it was all too overwhelming for a person who sits at home alone all day. we had dinner, checked out barnes and noble and then I came home and went to bed. I had donated blood earlier in the day so was kinda wiped out.

Saw jeremy piven the other day at lulus cafe on beverly. I hate that guy. arrogance just oozes out of him while he's crouched over drinking his vanilla latte and egg whites. I just want to punch him in the face every time I see him.

oh and a great sighting was Kevin Connoly from entourage at my Catholic church last night, I've seen him once before, like 2 years ago, but he stayed for the entire mass, he's very cute, very irish so naturally i'm attracted to him, but he's too short for me!!
also on my way into church i saw a yellow VW bug and thought my friend Matija who used to live in LA but now lives in san fran was at church since she's the only person i know who drives one of those! so i got excited only to walk by the car and see it was an enterprise rental, very disappointing.
friday night i went to liz's to watch Grizzy man documentary. if you haven't seen it, it's brilliant and when i mention it to people since, a ton of people are like I know i saw that and it's amazing. then i wonder why hasn't anyone told me about this gem of a film. Seriouly stop what youer' doing right now and watch it! not to be believed!!! it's about a guy who goes and lives with bears in alaska and eventually gets eaten by them becaues the bears are like "WTF is this guy doing thinking he's one of us!"
on saturday I went to my friend natalyas and hung out with her and her son who is 1.5 years old. he's so freakin cute. I used to work with her hubby so it was fun to see them. I went to talk career advice with Nat as she's super smart and gives great advice. They then asked me to come to dinner with them and we hit up the grove which was a mistake since there were like 10000000 people there and it was all too overwhelming for a person who sits at home alone all day. we had dinner, checked out barnes and noble and then I came home and went to bed. I had donated blood earlier in the day so was kinda wiped out.
Saw jeremy piven the other day at lulus cafe on beverly. I hate that guy. arrogance just oozes out of him while he's crouched over drinking his vanilla latte and egg whites. I just want to punch him in the face every time I see him.
oh and a great sighting was Kevin Connoly from entourage at my Catholic church last night, I've seen him once before, like 2 years ago, but he stayed for the entire mass, he's very cute, very irish so naturally i'm attracted to him, but he's too short for me!!
also on my way into church i saw a yellow VW bug and thought my friend Matija who used to live in LA but now lives in san fran was at church since she's the only person i know who drives one of those! so i got excited only to walk by the car and see it was an enterprise rental, very disappointing.
Monday, May 05, 2008
hey everyone, i've been back in LA for about a week and basicaly done nothing with my life. friday night i met up with remi for her bday and they had dinner somewhere but I met them for drinks at this place called vermont where we were in a minor battle with TR Knight's posse, AKA george o'malley. he's so tiny!!! anyway, his people insisted our table was reserved for his big group and they had some bossy big blonde lady trying to convince us of that, but in fact carrie had reserved that table for us!
in leiu of bday cake carrie had an assortment of cupcakes, omg so freaking good!! what a great idea. I felt bad that i was so freakin tired from all the wedding stuff the week before and the travelling that I had to leave early.
saturday went to david's surprise 40th at village idiot, it was in the back room and it was awesome! great food and seriously, rent that space it's freakin awesome if you're ever looking for a place to have a party. the service was fantastic!
this week i have a few meetings, i want a job, i want to be on a show, i'm so sick of not having a job it's driving me crazy!!! the next few weeks should be interesting as it's sorta staffing season, the annual rush to get writers jobs on tv shows, but due to the strike not all the shows are ready to be shot and ready to hire now so that might happen in a few months, thats annoying because it would be nice to afford my rent.
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