My friend had her baby girl on saturday night! Charlie! I'm so excited! She is so damn cute! Went to visit her in the hospital with my BF and friend kristin on sunday, holy crap, that child is adorable! Pure love!
My friend Kristin needs to have a baby, she's insane when she gets around babies. It's quite cute.
In other news, I didn't get a job this year on a tv show and met on a bunch so I asked my agent why, my agent was great and told me the reason why, which is what I asked! I am a fan of constructrive criticsm. If I’m doing something wrong, it only makes sense to tell me so it gives me the tools to make changes and have a different outcome the next time. So here’s the feedback that has come from not one but multiple showrunners “she has too much energy.”
TOO MUCH ENERGY? WHAT? THE? F? DOES THAT mean? I’m a comedy writer? Not an accountant. I’m supposed to have energy as I’m expected to be writing and re-writing late into the night, night after night!
This same thing happened this season to my friend Kristin who is a writer on Chuck. She had all these meetings and were told she has too much energy as well. Neither of us are like Robin Williams on coke! It’s not like I’m jumping off the walls, I just talk fast and am enthusiastic about projects.
I’ve actually decided not to go out for staffing anymore since getting this intel, because, the truth is: I have no idea how NOT to have energy? The funny thing is, when thinking about this comment, I remembered another show I met on 4 years ago and my agent, Lisa Harrison, said to me after: “yeah, the writer said you weren’t enthusiastic enough about the project.”
You can never win in this town.
I think it's funny since if you really know me, you know I"m actually quite mellow.