I just saw that my last post was in JANUARY my life has been so freaking crazy words cannot describe. I worked and went to school for my MBA. Monday - Friday I worked my ass off, then ALL DAY saturday i went to school and then on sunday I both studied AND wrote a pilot for Spike TV. then in june I got on a plane and moved to Oregon to work for the #1 sports company in the world.. take a guess. but I had a sumer class, so every weekend I had to fly to LA at 6am and fly back to oregon at 10pm EVERY WEEKEND! sufice it to say, i'm so freaking exhausted and have had little time to do ANYTHING!! ANYTHING ANYTHING!
so school is over for a month, my internship is over and now i'm just writing a pitch to pitch a tv show and headed to NYC to see my BF for a week! it's about damn time i get a break!!!
I bet no one is still reading my blog since i haven't posted in so long, but i hope that's not the case! I'm back baby and HAVE NOTHING TO DO!!!