Sunday, August 21, 2005

sunday morning

today i had breakfast with my cousins who were visiting from out of town to drop their daughter off at college. I met this young lady when she was 10 months old, so to see her at 18 with a dorm room and checking out college guys, it was a bit alarming. where has the time gone? that old cliche. anyway, it's a christian college and if I knew how many hot guys were going to Chrisitian colleges when I was picking schools, my fate my have been a little different. Hallejuah, Amen! yes, i was checking out 18 yr, old Christian ass. Hey, i'm a woman. Then I watched the six feet under finale and was totally blown away. I wish I was even remotely as talented a writer as the writers on that show, or as talented an actess as Francis Conroy or talented in any arena for that matter!!!

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