My friend liz is obsessed with Johnny Sweep the Leg from the karate kid. His real name is billy zapka and he played Ralph Macchio's blonde nemesis. He was the quintessential bad boy in every 80s movie. Anyway, I know him randomly through a friend of a friend. So when my friend liz found this out, she nearly lost her mind and it's all she has been talking about for 2 years, when is she going to meet johnny sweep the leg? I'm quite convinced this is the whole reason why she is friends with me in the first place. anyway, I find out that he's going to be at a halloween party I had been invited to, and immediately told Liz that her time had finally come. So she's dressed as Rainbow brite and me with my cowgirl hat head up to the party. and because it's a halloween party and people's faces are covered in masks, etc, she scanning the crowd constantly to see if she can spot him. Well he finally arrives and comes up to the people I was with and we're all talking and LIz RUNS AWAY! she got so nervous like it was Jesus Christ himself. I kept warning her I was leaving at midnight and if she wanted to meet him, she better get it together or else her dream will never be fully realized. She was so nervous I was going to embarass her by making it a big deal, why she would think this I"ll never know, but anyway, I finally got her to come and get an introduction. I kept his girlfriend occupied while she chatted him up, my guess is she never dreamed she was going to meet him while wearing a rainbow brite costume, not the dream outfit you want to be in when you meet the biggest crush of your life. she texted me on sunday and said she hung out with him the rest of the night and even worked up the courage to get pictures with him! way to go, liz!!
Monday, October 31, 2005
Johnny sweep the leg
My friend liz is obsessed with Johnny Sweep the Leg from the karate kid. His real name is billy zapka and he played Ralph Macchio's blonde nemesis. He was the quintessential bad boy in every 80s movie. Anyway, I know him randomly through a friend of a friend. So when my friend liz found this out, she nearly lost her mind and it's all she has been talking about for 2 years, when is she going to meet johnny sweep the leg? I'm quite convinced this is the whole reason why she is friends with me in the first place. anyway, I find out that he's going to be at a halloween party I had been invited to, and immediately told Liz that her time had finally come. So she's dressed as Rainbow brite and me with my cowgirl hat head up to the party. and because it's a halloween party and people's faces are covered in masks, etc, she scanning the crowd constantly to see if she can spot him. Well he finally arrives and comes up to the people I was with and we're all talking and LIz RUNS AWAY! she got so nervous like it was Jesus Christ himself. I kept warning her I was leaving at midnight and if she wanted to meet him, she better get it together or else her dream will never be fully realized. She was so nervous I was going to embarass her by making it a big deal, why she would think this I"ll never know, but anyway, I finally got her to come and get an introduction. I kept his girlfriend occupied while she chatted him up, my guess is she never dreamed she was going to meet him while wearing a rainbow brite costume, not the dream outfit you want to be in when you meet the biggest crush of your life. she texted me on sunday and said she hung out with him the rest of the night and even worked up the courage to get pictures with him! way to go, liz!!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
the lt. dan band
So friday night was the taping of my episode that I wrote. it went really really well, i was so proud of myself. my cousin hillary, who is a freshman at a christian college in the O.C. came with a bunch of her friends and after we went to a party thrown by Gary Sinise, from CSI: NY. He has a band called the Lt. Dan Band, the name of his character from forrest Gump, and they're a cover band. The party was on Seinfeld street on the studio, where all the exteriors for the shows that take place in NY shoot. The party was rocking, a ton of people from the studio came and there was free drinks and food and the they had tables set up and those heat lamps to keep us all warm. It was a great time. I have pictures, but I have to post them tomorrow!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
a cricket
there's a cricket in my office and it's driving me crazy!! help me! where is it? i can't see you, but I here you, you jackass!
awesome food
if you've ever been to LA and not gone to Dan Tana's restaurant in west hollywood, you're missing out. went there last night with Will, he'd never been, it is an old hollywood italian stomping ground! you walk in and you can't help but to immediately fall in love with the ambience. the waiters there all have been working there for over 20 years, not your typical LA waiters who actually want to be actors. Anyway, we got there and had to wait for a table, I've never seen this place so packed before, i think it was becuse of the world series and the bar is a must go to in LA as well as the restaurant. we had a few drinks and then the matri'd seated us and we just people watched. The food was fantastic, I had a chicken parm and a few glasses of wine. Will ordered the steak and insisted I try some, I didn't have the heart to tell him I don't eat red meat, people judge you a little when you say that. I just don't like the taste, but they have to inject their personal views on you. However if I said I didn't like the taste of asparagus, they would not even waste their time trying to convince me otherwise. anyway, all in all, I had a great time on my 4th date, we shall see where it goes from here. he goes to mexico on tues. for a week, so i'll have a little break from dating.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
i'm boring today. got into to work to find out we were'nt doing anything this morning cause of casting, so i walked to the gym on the stuodio lot and worked out. had to buff up my arms for my date with will tonight as I will be doning a slutty shirt from nordstroms. don't worry, it's preppy westchester slutty, not call girl vegas slutty. last night we worked late and i went to the gym. i'm falling asleep just listening to my life!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
squid and the whale
Went to go see the squid and the whale with my friend jackie last night. It was really good, but sad to see what divorce can do to a family. Anyway, you should go see it, the music is awesome. also, i sprained my ankle and am going out with will again on wed. night!!!!
Monday, October 24, 2005
pumpkin carving

Last night my group of friends and I gathered at my friend kristin's house for pumpkin carving and poker. For those of you who don't know, the word is pronounced pump-kin, not PUNKIN!!!! For the love of come on now!! please just say it right. anyway, our pumpkins came out so super cute. I also made my famous cupcakes in cake cones with white frosting and a candy corn on top. you bake cake batter in the ice cream cake cones for 25 mins, they're really really good. After the pumpkin carving, we had dinner (potluck) and poker. I had too many glasses of wine to really enjoy poker, so I went all in on a hand and lost so I could go upstairs, watch t.v. and sober up. It was so much fun, I'm so delighted with us all!!
Friday, October 21, 2005
table read
today was the table read for my episode, and it went awesome, really couldn't have gone any better, probably the best table read we've had all season!!!! I worked my ass off on that script, so it was nice to see my hard work pay off! it was really really funny! aw man, it was nice to rub it in the faces of certain people who i work with!!!!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
3rd date breakdown
ended up going with black pants instead of a skirt. the shirt I borrowed from my v. fahsionable friend did not go well with the skirt. anyway, we went to dinner at the farmers market at the french restaurant, I had some sort of goat cheese salad, which i enjoyed. I think i like first date will even more now. Hmmm, i'm not sure how well it went though. He paid again and when I tired to, he said "you can get next time," whihc you think sounds promising, but it has been my experience (100% accuracy actually) that if a guy says that, I never hear from them again! also went ring shopping with my friends boyfriend for an ENGAGMENT RING!! that was totally fun, sparkly jewelry is fun and so girly to try on, i loved it!!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
mid-week blues
I'm going with a skirt tonight on my 3rd date. I have consulted with numerous ladies and this is the way we decided. This morning we auditioned Santa clauses for my episode. It was very cool. I would hate to be an actor though, it sucks, going from audition to audition. And i'm sure these santa looking guys always see each other at every santa audition this town has.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Last night i worked out with my trainer from 6-7 and planned to pick my friend up at 7:45pm to go see elizabethtown. so i had nothing to do for 45 mins and i would've been insane to go all the way home, so I went to the newsroom, a restaurant in bev. hills and sat at the counter and ordered a glass of wine, to celebrate turning in my 2nd draft of my script. the table read is on friday morning, anyway, then i realized I probably should eat, so i ordered scrambled eggs and toast, yes for dinner. Then i picked up LIz to go see elizabethtown, but we hadn't seen each other in a while so we went to a later show and went to the restaurant at the Arclight theatre to catch up (which has really good food and wine FYI) and I had 2 more glasses of red wine. The movie was just okay but seriously, SERIOUSLY, orlando bloom is SO FREAKIN' HOT!! I love him maybe too much! I'm also going out with first date will again on wednesday! I noticed I don't make fun of him to my friends. Which is strange cause I make fun of every guy I go out on a date with, which is "not very honorable" says my dad, but it's funny! But I can't find anything to make fun of will about, so that's a good sign.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Notre Dame
Well, for those of us who are Notre Dame fans we had a devastating loss on on saturday against those cocky USC trojans. I'm still recovering. However, the ball breakers, my soccer team, finally won a game on saturday. Granted the other team only had 7 players and we had a full squad, but still, WE KICKED ASS! I did the AIDS walk yesterday, 6 miles, with my friend Carrie who I went to high school with. It was a great time and I raised over $600 for that cause! I am totally hooked on that Grey's Anatomy show, tried as I did to not have another appointment t.v. show i had to give in!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
I was wrong
apparently I'm much better at hitting 50 MPH baseballs than I thought. I nailed a few out of the park so to speak since we were batting in a cage. Anyway, first date will wasn't as good as me, so then I was embarrassed for me because i'm a girl and what am I doing being so good at batting? anyway, after that we watched some teens do dance revolution, a video game that has a dance foot pad and then on the screen it tells you which pad to hit and you have to coordinate it to hit as the arrow scrolls. Here's a picture of it, not the one we were at, but a pic I found on the web. So we watched and kinda laughed at these dance revolution fanatics, complete with all the moves memorized, they wore gloves to grip the steady bar and ankle supports. One guy played a few rounds, then broke out his AXE deodorant during his break to refresh! It was quite insane. after that we got drinks and food at mexicali in studio city and then went to a party with his friends in hollywood. I had a great time, he's still very cute and sweet. I'm taking it one day at a time, this is a foreign concept to me as I usually over analyze every aspect of every guy I date and every they say, wear and do! But so far he's pretty cool.
Friday, October 14, 2005
my brother, Dan, has pointed out that I am too young to have watched mary tyler moore on her show and it was not due to parental restrictions. I do however know for a fact that I was not allowed to watch the love boat due to bikinis. also my friend cathy pointed out that that Captain stubbing from the love boat (who is on our show this week) played a character on the mary tyler moore show and that character name was murray! I'm going on stage to watch the taping and get a glass of wine!
big day
I made mary tyler moore laugh. Yeah, it was cool. She wanted to meet the writing staff of the show and the director pointed us out (it's all men and me, the other girl is out of town) and she said "nice to meet you guys" and then looked at me and said "forgive the use of guys" and I said "that's okay, i'm more masculine than half of them anyway." you might have had to be there. Going on a date with first date will tomorrow night, we're going to the batting cages and drinks. how to look cute at a batting cage? that was my suggestion FYI, i thought we already did dinner and drinks, and i thought let's mix it up a little and if i don't like him, i'll still have fun trying to hit baseballs, which truth be told I don't know how to do. See, i have been told that I intimidate men, so the sheer fact that I can't hit any balls should dispel that concern. NOw if only I could stop quoting shakespeare and dealing with quantum physics problems like einstein, I might have a shot!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
mary tyler moore
so mary tyler moore is filming our show this week. Everyone is very excited about this, I don't really know too much about ms. moore. I guess she was on a t.v. show a long time ago, but since i wasn't allowed to watch t.v. growing up, I'm not familiar with this reference. My friend dybner told me that her show did a lot for single women in the work force, her character was a single woman in the city with a career, she was a pioneer of sorts. So now I really like her, seeing as I'm all these things, except the pioneer part, i'm not braving any new territory, I feel like evertying has already been discovered. anyway, mary, if I may be so bold to refer to her as such is really funny! She puts such an interesting spin on all the jokes she delivers, i think she has a future! she's going to be on 3 episodes, so I'm going to get a picture with her and when I do I"ll post it. we also have the guy from the love boat on this week too, the guy who played captain stubbing. The love boat was another show I was not allowed to watch, my father said he didn't like his children seeing all the women running around in bikinis! Anyway, captain stubbing is also hilarious and seems like he's 40 years old! I wonder if he's single...
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Pick up your tickets at will call
so first date will finally called!! Hallejulah (is that how you spell that?) anyway, he called this afternnon and left a message and asked me out for this weekend. I have to call him back aafter the gym. Aw yeah, i'm very psyched. I think he's like 27 years old and probably doesn't want to get married, but he'll have to if I trap him, right? Hahahaha! I'm just kidding. I've become obsessed today with the Kayne West song, gold digger. I love that song, I stole it off the internet and now I can't stop listening to it! I'm not even sure what he's saying, the words are probably horribly offensive to those in the office closests to me, but still. So tomorrow is the jewish holiday yom kippor, the day of atonement and you can't eat or something. It's my one payback day for all the "giving up during lent crap" i go through for 40 days. I usually give up sugar and my Jewish colleagues love to eat treats in front of me, it's pure torture!!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
do we have a dial tone?
so no word from first date will. that's def. not a good sign. I think some girls on my soccer team have guys they want to set me up with, if not, i'm so f-ed! I"m 31, i'im a total old maid! I'm going to die alone with all my cats, first i have to get cats though, and I don't even really like cats. yesterday after work I worked out and watched t.v. and read my New yorker, I used to have a friend who went out every night of the week and i went out with her, but now she has a boyfriend and isn't nearly as fun, so my social life has def. been curtailed.
Monday, October 10, 2005
oatmeal cookies
yesterday, all i ate were oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. that's it, now i have a huge sugar headache! I played soccer on saturday so I could barely move, and it was all I had in my fridge to eat! Yes, i'm like a frat guy.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
today is my nieces (and Goddaughter) Rowan's third birthday. I wasn't able to attend the princess party festivities, but I was thinking about her. I love her to pieces.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
first date
I had a first date last night with this guy Will. He's totally cute and funny and sweet and now, for the first time in a VERY long time i want a second date. I think he had fun too, but you never know. I always pretend i'm having a great time on a date with a guy i don't like and i never am. I never thought about pursuing a career in acting, but by the way the guys i go out with think i'm totally into them, i really should start thinking about it. anyway, we had dinner and then he suggested we get drinks and we had a few and then we went back to the restaurant to get our valet cars and they had closed up shop. so we went to the next valet stand down the road, they had our cars, but when they pulled them up, they left them running in the middle of the traffic so we both had to run out and get them, leaving for a very awkward, rushed goodbye. the next day I called him and thanked him for dinner, we talked for like 20 mins and then when he went to hang up he said "TALK TO YOU SOON." Now, what does that mean? It's pretty vague, does that mean, i won't be talking to you soon? or does he sincerely mean You'll be hearing from me soon. I really don't know. I'm completely stumped! I guess time will tell. I also think life is getting me back for all the guys who wanted to go on a second date with me and i was like nuh-uhn!
Friday, October 07, 2005
Well, after much searching and researching, my friends and I have finally booked our place for new years eve!! WE'RE GOING TO TELLURIDE, CO!!! I cannot wait. We got 2 houses next door to each other and about 16 people are going for about 5 days!! It's mostly my LA couple friends, and a few singles thrown in, including my friend Amy from new york who was visiting LA last weekend and some how got invited. I predict right now that amy and I will be kissing bandits at 11:59pm 12-31-2005. Beware boys for telluride, you've been warned!!!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
keep the past where it should be
I got an email today from my more recent ex. We started emailing each other last week, i just felt compelled to cause I have no other male attention going on. Anyway, in it he told me he had hung out with my friends about a month ago and there was this girl who was hanging out with them he'd never met before. He said she had just the right amount of jaded-ness and moxie. so i'm thinking HE TOTALLY LIKES HER. So i did some recon to find out her sitch, turns out she's dating my friend noah, who is dating many other people too, but when I told noah about mr. ex he was like "why was he asking you about her?" and that got me thinking WHAT AN ASSHOLE!! I'm his ex and he was asking me about another girl. boys are so freakin stupid. Also on the EX front, about a year and half ago I was dating 3 guys at once. One of the guys was Dave and we only went out on 2 dates, and then i left the country for 2 months and then started dating the first guy i was talking about. anway, when i returned to the US he called me a few times, but I never called him back. Well, about an hour ago I ran into him and it was v. awkward. I gave him a hug and it was returned but it was not up to his fullest huggable potential. Anyway, he looked good and now i'm super pissed at myself for not dating hiim and going with the other asshole. AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
no go
It was a no go to yoga last night. I am so stressed out writing my script, that I simply could not pull myself away from the computer, however, my friend erika offered me a glass of wine if I came to her house to watch gilmore girls with her. It was a really hard decision, but I went with the wine. I needed a little medicinal treat from all the hard work i've been putting in writing this script. I don't think i've ever worked so hard on anything. It's not great yet, i still have until tomorrow, but I don't think it sucks, so that's something to be proud of. However, every writer who has handed in their script and gotten notes back has stumbled out of the writers room in a daze, getting their script shreded, so I'm buckling my seat belt for the worst. I've been told they don't like anything unless they wrote it. So says the other writers.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
frozen yogurt
What is healthy about frozen yogurt? I just had some for lunch and it got me thinking. It's not like regular yogurt, which on it's packaging talks about good bacteria for your intestines or some crap, and the kind I had had no sugar or carbs or flavor for that matter. I'm thinking it's just a bunch of chemicals and that can't be good for me? So I eat it and then tonight I'm going to yoga to do something good for my body, but is that just cancelled out by my eating this Frozen chemical conncotion? Not sure. I did go to the gym last night and do like a million lunges and I'm more sore every time I stand.
Monday, October 03, 2005
My girlfriends and I got all dressed up and had ladies tea, high tea i believe it's called at the Beverly Hills Hotel yesterday afternoon. It was lovely. We also had cocktails, cause we're not that civilized. We chowed down on tiny sandwiches and scones and I think I personally went through 4 little collated cream jars and 4 strawberry jam jars which is strange cause usually i prefer raspberry. They all talked about dorky their husbands are, while I just continued to spread jam on scone after scone, i wanted to yell SERIOUSLY SOMEONE TAKE AWAY THE KNIFE!!! I had gone to weight watchers that morning and lost a pound so I thought the best way to reward myself was to eat the beverly hills hotel restaurant out of their days alloted food!
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