Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Pick up your tickets at will call

so first date will finally called!! Hallejulah (is that how you spell that?) anyway, he called this afternnon and left a message and asked me out for this weekend. I have to call him back aafter the gym. Aw yeah, i'm very psyched. I think he's like 27 years old and probably doesn't want to get married, but he'll have to if I trap him, right? Hahahaha! I'm just kidding. I've become obsessed today with the Kayne West song, gold digger. I love that song, I stole it off the internet and now I can't stop listening to it! I'm not even sure what he's saying, the words are probably horribly offensive to those in the office closests to me, but still. So tomorrow is the jewish holiday yom kippor, the day of atonement and you can't eat or something. It's my one payback day for all the "giving up during lent crap" i go through for 40 days. I usually give up sugar and my Jewish colleagues love to eat treats in front of me, it's pure torture!!

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