yesterday suzy and her friend and i drove up the pacific coast highway to malibu, where coincidently, a guy i dated was having his wedding yesterday. but i digress, we drove up past pepperdine university and drove around steven speiberg's house and stopped at the malibu country mart where the papparazzi were lying in wait for someone, we think britney spears, but who knows. it was an amazing drive in suzy's rented mustang convertible and it was a beautiful day. then last night we went to L'Hermitage hotel in beverly hills for some drinks and saw matthew perry. It's strange that I have only been three times and now two of those times I've seen matthew perry. then we walked to the four seasons hotel bar and there were hookers galore at the bar waiting for rich old men to pick them up. it was so disgusting. suzy and i sat at the bar and when these old guys walked in their eyes would travel up and down us to check us out as potential floosys. it was pretty disgusting, but totally interesting at the same time.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
yesterday suzy and her friend and i drove up the pacific coast highway to malibu, where coincidently, a guy i dated was having his wedding yesterday. but i digress, we drove up past pepperdine university and drove around steven speiberg's house and stopped at the malibu country mart where the papparazzi were lying in wait for someone, we think britney spears, but who knows. it was an amazing drive in suzy's rented mustang convertible and it was a beautiful day. then last night we went to L'Hermitage hotel in beverly hills for some drinks and saw matthew perry. It's strange that I have only been three times and now two of those times I've seen matthew perry. then we walked to the four seasons hotel bar and there were hookers galore at the bar waiting for rich old men to pick them up. it was so disgusting. suzy and i sat at the bar and when these old guys walked in their eyes would travel up and down us to check us out as potential floosys. it was pretty disgusting, but totally interesting at the same time.
Friday, April 28, 2006
poseidon, the movie
saw the movie poseidon last night at the press screening, it was awesome if you like big summer blockbuster movies! when i go to the movies i like to be entertained, don't usually care about story or character development, and i was surely entertained in this film. it's about a big boat sinking and i found myself gasping for air when they were underwater a few times. now moving on to some more important developments in my life. since i was in the 6th grade,wheni started watching General Hospital,i have been in love with Jack Wagner, and everything about him. well, yesterday my friend suzy from NY came into town and went to the bold and the beautiful press junket for the daytime emmy awards and i went to the poolside event to meet up with her and I MET JACK WAGNER!!!!!! omg omg omg!!! my friend andi's friend ashley is one of the stars on th show and she introduce me and then we had an awkward like, "ok waht do we do now," moment and then he walked away. who cares, i met freakin' jack wagner!!!! one of my fave 80s t.v. stars (and 90s when he was on melrose place) TONIGHT I'M GOING TO BE ON THE RED CARPET FOR THE DAYTIME EMMY AWARDS!!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
it's crunch time here in LA during tv staffing season. I've had 12 unbelievalbe meetings and then yesterday afternoon i had a bad one, i didn't know this until my agent told me afterwards. Apparently i didn't kiss enough ass, good to know for the future ones when i meet showrunners. this was a show runner meeting for a show on TBS, that would start in a week, i like my haitus too much to start in a week fuck that. either way it's a good learning experience.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
my neighbor tom cruise
so tom cruise lives down the street from me. You can't help finding these things out as there's a tremendous amount of activity when he goes and does things ilke have a baby. the other day helicopters were swarming above his house and papparazzi were everywhere. some magazine left a stroller outside the gate and my friend wanted to steal it, but figured she'd be on the cover over every tabloid out there. I drove by yesterday and still with the cameras rolling and a lot of foreign press are out thre too, and then i just drove by again this morning and took pictures of the gate (that's all you can see of the house is the driveway gate) and there are cameras on the gate every 3 feet approx. and then i took pictures of all the car sitting outside with their cameras trained on the gate. i will upload them when i get a chance. so strange that "maverick" from top gun lives near me.
Friday, April 21, 2006
just another manic... thursday?
had a meeting at paramount yesterday morning that went well. all the tv exec have these gum ball machines from The william morris ageny in their offices and i always take alike 10 gum balls at the beginining of the meeting and then immediately regret it when we start the actual meeting and they're like where are you from? I spit pink gumball at them as I say "new york." I had a meeting in the afternoone, no gumball machine FYI, and that went really well, too well, wont go into details just yet. and then last night all night i tried to read the ABC pilot scripts beofre my meeting today, but couldn't help watching HOUSE on my tivo, that is a good freaking show and that house guy, hugh laurie, has a sweet ass.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
me vs. suri cruise
okay, tom and katie named their baby SURI? they say it means princess in hebrew, BUT i know for a fact that sarah means princess in hebrew? so which one is it? i know sarah is a biblical name, seeing as it's my name and i'm so hard core biblical, anyone who knows me knows that, or more accurately, i'm a total princess, in my own mind at least. so whats the deal with suri cruise? I live up the street from them so i think i need to go down there and clear this up. SARAH IS PRINCESS!! and that's straight from the book of genesis and there ain't no book before that, aww shit, sarah 1 suri 0!
date #2
yesterday before i left NY, my mom made me go out on a date with this guy she works with, however she wasn't setting me up with this guy, she wanted me to meet this guy to see if I thought any of my friends who still live in the area would like him. I mean, she made me eat lunch at 11:30am just so i could squeeze it in before my flight. sooo, i met david and he turned out to be really nice and smart and i can see why my mom wanted to play matchmaker for the first time in her life. she seems like she wants this guy to find a mate more than she wants me to find a mate! On the way to the airport, my dad pulled his usual move and missed the last exit off the palisades parkway and we went sailing over the george washington bridge!! now we had already crossed the hudson river on the Tappan Zee bridge, but now we were crossing the GW bridge in the opposite direction of newark airport. I said dad, there's the last exit (not the one we wanted, but still the last one before the bridge) so he looked at it, drove past it and then stopped 100 yards from it in the middle of the palisades parkway, just stopped the freaking car! can you imagine, i was all "don't even think of backing up to that exit, looks like we're going over the bridge." I was freaked out about missin gmy flight but couldn't be too mean cause it was his birthday. so we drove into manhattan, down the west side highway to the lincoln tunnel and crossed this time under the hudson river, so for those of you playing at home, that's 3 crossings of the hudson river, coming into a total in EZ pass charges somewhere in the area of 12 dollars!!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
date break down
Ok, so i love ryan, he's the cutest. I guess the person he rreminds me of is jimmy fallon. Ok, first he's adorable, 2nd he's so sweet and really likes me and 3rd hes a great kisser. AAWWWW yeah. the night started out at a bar on the east side called i think the banshee bar, we encountered this scottish bartender who said "is this ur first date?"and when we said yes, he kept checking in on us the rest of the night ands aying he thought it was going pretty well and then played "lets get it on" and dedicated it to us. and then i had to catch the last train out of manhattan up to my parents house, which was at 1:50am and so he came to grand central with me and walked me to the track!! HE'S SO SWEET. he teaches autistic kids, how cute is that. and when i got to LA tonight, HE CALLED ME!!! hello!! so what to do now u ask? i'm going home for mothers day i think and i hope to see him then, i mean, i will def. see him then, but long distance relastionships are not my bag any more, in fact i swore id never do it again, so this might be tricky. but so far so good.
Monday, April 17, 2006
big day

today is the big date with ryan, the guy i met out the other nigh when i was totally wasted. hopefully he'll call. my parents keep giving met he 3rd degree about this guy. this is why i could never live in NY and date. this is why i had to move 3000 miles away from here so my parents wouldn't say stuff like "maybe he's a serial killer" and "as soon as you get his last name call us so we can google him" and "we just want you to be safe with this guy" like i'm going to take him to some crack house in the s. bronx and shoot herion and have unprotected sex in a gang bang? I'm just meeting him the city for a drink!
here are some pics of my neice and nephew yesterday in their Easter outfits.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
meet new york's newest lottery winner
that's right, on Friday night NY state held their mega millions number drawing, worth 292 million dollars and guess who bought a ticket and won YOURS TRULY!! that's right, i can now add lottery winner to my list of accomplishments. I won a total of $2!!!! yee haw, i'm going to ask them to write me one of those big checks! i didn't have any of the numbers, but i had the power ball number lukcy # 10
Saturday, April 15, 2006
last sat. night i was at the chateau marmont and saw mcsteamy from grey's anatomy. i had said another celeb lady was there but didn't know her name. my ever astute gossip columnist friend suzy byrne said mcsteamy is married to rebecca gayheart and asked if she was there and yes, suzy, she was in fact the mystery celebrity. thanks so much for helping me out in my old age. oh and by the way, of course mcsteamy is married to her, look at her, he doesnt' want me cause i don't look llike her, maybe i'll take a pciture of me with oil on me lying down like that.
hangover day
yesterday my niece, rowan and nephew, liam came up from philly. they so freakin' cute. we played outside in a little car that rowan drove around. last night, kristen, my sis in law, alyson, and stevie nix (shout out to stevie per her request) went to go see lucky number slevin at the ghetto hawthorne multiplex. This place was built in the 80s and doesn't even have cup holders (GASP!) i mean, where am i supposd to put my diet pepsi? i can't live like that, i'm accustomed to a certain level of refineness and cupholders are the very definition of that. the movie was so so.
Friday, April 14, 2006
emma has reassured me that ryan is super cute and worth meeting up with him on monday. I'm skeptical, but i remember being all about him last night, but you know how that is when you wake up the next day and recount the evening. I don't know if emma was as drunk as me, if she was, we're in trouble, if not, then i'm psyched to go out with hot ryan. hmmmmm. what to do. well, he has to call me first in order to set up the day, but if he was as drunk as I was, then we're both in trouble. I told my parents how i met him (left out the drunk part) and my dad immediately said "what if he's a serial killer?" alas, that explains why i'm single at 31. oh, and i lied to ryan and told him last night i was 30, a relationship based on lies is a healthy one.
grilled cheese invitational
article by the grilled cheese invitation champions
i got very drunk last night. went into manhattan and met up with noah, emma and amy and had dinner and many glasses of wine. then we went to vintage and had a few more glasses of wine. then emma and i were about to go home when we decided to accompany matija to another bar to meet up with a girl from irvington. we go to the bar and i'm all drunk and wanting to make out and saw a cute guy across the bar and figured out a way to maneuver to talk to him, it worked and i love my new boyfriend ryan and coulnd't sop talking last night about my new hottie ryan. ryan ryan ryan ryan. we made plans to have a drink on monday night and we got a ride to irivington with emma and stayed at her house and then I woke up this morning andthought to myself, who's ryan? now i'm at my parents house pretending i'm not hungover and that i had more than 4 hours of sleep.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
derby day out pictures
check out this link to see a collection of pictures of me and my friends in our orange jumpsuits at the santa anita derby last saturday
password: lockdown
don't forget i was one of the sargeant sexy's
password: lockdown
don't forget i was one of the sargeant sexy's
i'm at the airport using my comnputer's airport to get free wireless internet. Im also very very hungry. I made dinner tonight, but all i know how to make is oatmeal and fruit salad and i ate that at like 6pm and now i'm starving but its midnight and there's nothing in the airport still open. I went to dybner's 35th birthday party at the cat and the fiddle tonight, very fun to see some work peeps i hadn't seen in a while. I had a beer, talked to 2 guys i thought were decent looking and seemed nice, then drove here. damn, i'm hungry. riddle me this, i'm flying stand by and I called earlier today and the people at continental were like "yeah, this flight is wiiiiiiide open, there's like 40 or 50 seats empty," and then i get here and the woman is like "oh yes, this is a full flight..." and i'm like, uh, the person on the phone told me the exact opposite thing and actually encouraged me to come here. now which person is lying to me? i guess i'll know when i board, BTW I got on the flight, no problems, i didn't even have to wait at the gate, but they printed out a boarding pass for me before i went through security. this leads me to believe the flight ain't that packed.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
monday monday
yesterday i wrote in the morning at the Writers Guild lounge which rocks and has free internet and coffee and printer and fax and only open to members of the guild. pretty sweet and a great place to get work done, that i cna't do at my house as i'll be too distracted by the tv. so i'm glad i discovered it, only wish i did 6 weeks ago as i would have a lot of scripts written in all that time. oh well, i found it now. then i had lunch at doughboys on 3rd which i love and then headedhome to do nothing for like 5 hours other than check my email and watch t.v. this morning I had a meeting at paramount and got my haircut at frederik fekkai on rodeo drive. I love my hairdresser. She had to thin out my hair cause it's so thick and now it's still long and feels so light and free!!!
Monday, April 10, 2006
saturday night part deux
okay so on saturday night, i went to paul reisers 50th birthday party. I ate some yummy food and since i didn't know anyone as i was a guest of someone who was actually invited, i sat back and people watched. It was at a bar in santa monica called barcopa. pretty loungey and they had a good DJ playing great songs and i danced until some lady slammed into me spilling my red wine all over one of my favorite white!! date tops, that put an end to me on the dance floor. some of the celebs that were there were billy crystal, (verycool to see him), chrisitine lahti, bobby canavale, annabella sciorra, peter falk (columbo himself), and a few others. So then after a few hours there and many red wines later for me, my friend and I went to hollywood to chateua marmont to meet up with seabury and Liz. after much wrangling to get into the fucking place, you'd think it was the pentagon, we met up with them in the outside patio/bar which was very cool. Liz was leading the way to their table when my friend turns to me and says DR. MC STEAMY!!! holy moly, are any of you grey's anatomy fans? he's the one who addison cheated on dr. mc dreamy with? SUPER DUPER HOT, now granted I would rather have seen patrick demsey, but this guy is a very close second. oh, this town is crazy, it was celebrity overload saturday night. so we drank at the chateau and there was some other famous person there, my mind at that point was a little hazy, some girl. so i leave for NYC tomorrow night, can't wait.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
derby day
so yesterday was one of the most fun days in a long time. pictures to follow as i ddint' take any, a move i regret, but others did. soooo. yesterday i went to the santa anita derby, the premier west coast horse race before the kentucky derby. I went with 100 people dressed in orange prison jump suits in 2 huge greyhoud ish busses. My friend pete puts this party on every year. at 10:30am 100 people were at his house wearing orange prison suits he provided, drinking mint juleps and eating mini donuts that a woman was making fresh in his backyard and the entire house was wapped in yellow police line do not cross tape. He was dressed as the warden, and he asked myseld and 3 friends to be sexy prison guards, a role i took very seriosuly in my sargeant sexy outfit. He praised me as did the other about my ability to stay in character the entire time even though while chasing some of the prisoners around the horse track, i aquired some gnarly bruises. anyway, we all get on the busses head up to the track, and scare the shit out of the many people who were there to enjoy the horse races. on woman came up to my friends in the prison outfits and asked if it was okay that children were around. some people didn't know what was going on and just stared, some didnt' even notice 100 people in orange jumpsuits, others were afraid, it was pretty priceless. imagine going some where and seeing that. anyway, on the bus up, they had a soundtrack of prison songs like jailhouse rock, etc. pete thought of every detail. we get to the track, head over to the picnic area and started drinking and eating and gambling, such a great day, no rain and the track is beautiful. The valaquez family was having a private party near where our tables were and there was no line at that bar in there so i got my beers there and made a request with the Dj for son of a preacher man. Oh, it's so fun being drunk and thinking you're funny. I lost all my money on the ponies, although i only be on one race and didn't pick the favorite horse, i'm always trying to be different. On the bus ride home we all passed out. the whole day was genius and none of the "prisoners" got out of line, thanks to me, sargeant sexy. next up, i'll have to tell you later about my attendance at Paul reiser's 50th birthday party where a few celebs were in the house. that was last night too. oh one quick note, ran into one of the ex's friends at the derby party, and she told me he's started dating someone else. always a tough pill to swallow.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Henry Winkler
henry winkler, AKA The Fonz, was just in front of me at the gas station on the corner of beverly and fairfax. you know how they have room for two cars at each island. well i pulled in behind the fonz's black mercedes and we both filled up our tanks. he was wearing a pink and purple and green plaid sure, not very macho coming from the man who made leather jackets cool and had an office in a bathroom and would hit the jukebox and a song would erupt out of it.
turtle racing
so last nights turtle racing rocked! i went to marina del rey, got a beer, rented myself a turtle, named it seabury after my friend bryan and was all psyched to win. Well, there are all these rule you have to abide by for example when the turtle is racing you can't point or swear or make any sudden movements like getting up and running around (which drunk people have a tendency to do) and then the person who has rented to the turtle has to place the turtle in the center of the ring bending over without bendting their legs so basically all the guys can see the girls stick out their ass. also you have to do it very slowly or they blow a whistle and make you do it over and over. my guy friends who had heard of this ruule said it was over sold and not so hot especially right now being so cold and not alot of skirts and shorts being worn. so my turtle seabury, raced in heat #3 and came in 2nd, it was a close race, i have pictures but haven't uploaded them up on my computer so the ones i stole from the internet will have to do! tomorrow, i'm off to the santa anita derby day. My friend pete organizes a trip up there every year and picks a theme/costume we all have to wear and everyone gets drunk on the bus ride up there and drinks all day and plays the ponies. this years theme: we're all going to be dressed in orange prison jump suits, all 100 of us. he asked me and my friends to be slutty prison guards, so i have to go find slutty costumes today!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
wine bar
last night i went to the wine bar that i'm frequently going to with andi and bernsie. i had so much fun and it's weird but i didn't want to go out, i wasn't feeling well from the blood donation or something but forced myself to go and we had so much and laughed and it was an all around good night. this bar, bodega de cordova in LA is so chill and the guy working there is so nice and lets you taste any wine before you buy and the whole vibe just rocks. turns out andi, bernsie and i are all reading the same book called "under the banner of heave" about the mormons. how weird is that? so we decided to meet at the wine bar and have a book club in 2 weeks. tomorrow night i'm going to the turtle races in marina del rey with my group of friends. you can either bring your own turtle or rent one, i'm totally renting one and it's gonna kick ass!! see the link below to learn more about this insane event.
beverly hills
so last night i was all set to go to the beverly hills city council meeting instead of doing something much more fun with my life. but i said i would go in order to get more information on the article i'm writing about the proposed expansion of the beverly hilton. so i show up EARLY i may add which i never do for anything and talk to one of the clerks there as I'm flipping through a copy of the meeting's agenda, everything is so formal, anyway, dude tells me that the bev. hilton already gave their presentation at 2pm in a "study session," whatever that is. bascially a "sarah is screwed session." now if this issue was going to be in the study session, then why on the website did it say it was going to go before the meeting? i'm all WTf and do you know how hard it was raining last night, so i had to trudge back to my car, but on the way back, stopped into the beverlyhills library where I got one of these things called a library card and checked out a book FOR FREE! i know i know everyone knows about the fucking library, but with all these super book stores, i never go to the library, but now i am!!! anyway, so i had to emai the editor of the canyon news and tell her i was totally fucked with my article, and she kinda got snippy, like i was supposed to know that the city of beverly hills has secret sessions that they don't tell the public about, anyway, i wrote a shorter, lamer article and am about to submit it. I also donated blood yesterday, which i forgot when i got on the scale and it said i lost like a pound and i was just about to chow down on something when i realized that loss was probably coming from the pint of blood that left my body yesterday, not from willpower and exercise.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
yesterday i had a meeting at warner bros. studios with a t.v. exec. he was totally nice and it was a real fun meeting. these meeting in march and april are usually just general meetings with people from studios and networks. the people who do the hiring are the people who have written pilots and when the pilots are picked up to series in may that's when the real hiring starts. after my meeting, i drove over to the other side of the studio where they have the studio store and a jamba juice, starbucks and ben and jerry's and a cafe with internet connection. it was a nice way to spend the end of the morning. i would've walked, but it's crazy crazy raining here, like pouring fukcing rain and it is supposed to rain the rest of the month. I'm telling you, i'm int bed right now and keep falling asleep because of the sound of the rain hitting the roof and ground outside my sliding glass door. ah, so nice, now i want coffee. the streets are all flooded and there's madness outside. anyway, then i did basic errands running to the post office, bank, etc. I worked out and hit the bookstore and bought a new book to read for my trip to NY next week for easter. It looks like good plane reading. Today I'm going to donate blood, i'm really starting to run out of things to do if I've signed up to donate blood.
Monday, April 03, 2006
laurel canyon dog park: controversy rages on...
okay so as you know i've starting writing for this newspaper, the cayon news, solely to get clips of my writing for future writing in magazines and newspapers, but my first story as been blighted with the addition of a quote from someone who wasn't me, so now my story IS RETARDED SOUNDING!! and i didn't add this quote, but i wasn't going to mention it until i got an email from one of the peopel i interviewed who is on the laurel canyon association and thought the quote was innapropriate and inflamed, get in line, buddy so did i. so i had to write back explaining that I didn't add that quote in my original story and i personally think the quote was besides the point, so here's what he wrote back
"Your editor should fight the tendency to whip up
controversy when the issue is really about finding sound and reasonable
solutions to problems placed on us by our very short sighted City
HOT DAMN! so then i wrote my editor and expressed my frustration of this and how it makes me look bad and ruining my sources and she said the person who added the quote was the photographer, THE WHO? DOES THE PHOTOGRAPHER KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HOW TO WRITE A NEWS STORY. did the photographers parents pay an large sum of money for an out of state student to go to the university of colorado and get a journalism degree. AHHH NO! so hows about we leave the writing to the writers people so i don't get hate email! i'm not even getting paid for this shit! meanwhile i had submitted my own pictures, in thsi age of digi pics, i don't need a photographer on my stories, even it's only for the fact that i don't want him adding shit to my stories.!! AHHHH
"Your editor should fight the tendency to whip up
controversy when the issue is really about finding sound and reasonable
solutions to problems placed on us by our very short sighted City
HOT DAMN! so then i wrote my editor and expressed my frustration of this and how it makes me look bad and ruining my sources and she said the person who added the quote was the photographer, THE WHO? DOES THE PHOTOGRAPHER KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HOW TO WRITE A NEWS STORY. did the photographers parents pay an large sum of money for an out of state student to go to the university of colorado and get a journalism degree. AHHH NO! so hows about we leave the writing to the writers people so i don't get hate email! i'm not even getting paid for this shit! meanwhile i had submitted my own pictures, in thsi age of digi pics, i don't need a photographer on my stories, even it's only for the fact that i don't want him adding shit to my stories.!! AHHHH
Sunday, April 02, 2006
grilled cheese invitational
oh my God, last night was so much fun! i love doing totally random things in this city, or anywhere, but the grilled cheese invitational has to be on the top of the random things to do list. Ok, so my friend spancer who i've worked with for a long time has a bunch of friends who every year have the grilled cheese invitational. what is it you ask? it's basically a grilled cheese competition with 3 categories: missionary (you compete using only bread and american cheese) kama sutra (you can really mix it up with differnent types of bread and all sorts of cheese and add salsa or peppers or anything you want, one guy added lucky charms cereal in his) and then dessert category which has a funny name but i don't remember it. this is my second time attending and a few years ago, spancer competed and came in 3rd in the missionary. this year he competed in the missionary category and each "sandwich" was in the shape of a cube withc bread on all sides and cheese goodness in the middle. so basically outside people are grilling up with sandwiches and then get a cheese runner to run into the finished product inside where there are testers (thats where me and my friends come in) and put the sandwich (small ones, just bite size taste test) on a paper plate and attached to the plate is a scorecard, so you eat the sammich, score it and then a helper hands the score card to the people behind the computers who enter the scores into the computer to determine a winner, im' tellng you this thing runs so smoothly. there had to be like 150 there eating and cooking and just hanging out. I gave up sweets for lent so i couldn't try the dessert category, but some of the sandwiches were so fucking good, like one guy used date walnut bread that had raisins in it and and a funky cheese, but it rocked and another person had really thick bread and cheese and then dumped red hot salsa on the sandwhich and cayenne pepper too and holy moly was that hot! then another one i tasted was just a bunch of different cheeses between bread but the bread was in the shape of a breadstick, whatever it was, it was amazing. i really didn't have a bad sammy in the whole lot and i tried like 10 sammy's. anyway, after that, i went to my friend tal's 30th birthday, also downtown, and michael vartan from alias was there as was fred savage from the wonder years and fran dresher from the nanny, and then a bunch of t.v. execs and writers, a very interesting mix. it was at this restaurant called ciudad and it has a patio outfront and it was an awesome space and free drinks and food and the cake looked good but once again giving up sweets for lent has decreased my eating fun the past month. ugh, anyway, it was an awesome night! and seeing as the grilled cheese and tal's party was free, i didn't spend much other than valet parking and gas.
oh and happy birthday cathy!!
check out the grilled cheese web site
oh and happy birthday cathy!!
check out the grilled cheese web site
canyon news
hey here is the link to my article in this week's canyon news, big big major newspaper here in so. cal, im sure you're heard of it
also, the little quote from the 21 year old from sherman oaks was not part of my original story i submitted and isn't written right and they must've added it in even though i had quote in there from a dog owner that basically said the same thing. so now i'm pissed, this weeks topic: the beverly hills hilton is thinking of expanding, issue to go before the city council of bevhills this tuesday night and sarah mac is on the case and will be there!
also, the little quote from the 21 year old from sherman oaks was not part of my original story i submitted and isn't written right and they must've added it in even though i had quote in there from a dog owner that basically said the same thing. so now i'm pissed, this weeks topic: the beverly hills hilton is thinking of expanding, issue to go before the city council of bevhills this tuesday night and sarah mac is on the case and will be there!
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