I love my dad, for example he picks me up and drops me off at the airport even at inconventinet times like yesterday morning leaving the house at 6am. Granted I got up early and made us both oatmeal, that's something, but still, a pretty stand up guy.
well today he emailed me and told me he googled "finding a husband" and sent me the top 3 links to what he found. Apparently desperate times bring desperate measures. anyway, one of the links is ivillage which is strange seeing as they are my current and only employer! I shall see if they ahve anything good to say and then give them feedback perhaps. oh that reminds me i got to go check my eharmony account, i got 6 more matches yesterday, none of them every good, but it's something!
FYI I'll be on chic chat radio today again. I'm now their resident TV expert coming on every few weeks to talk TV. Pretty funny. i think you can podcast them to hear my pearls of wisdom on earth shatter topics like oprah and lost.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
big day
yesterday i joined eharmony.com to find my soulmate, yup they tell me that's what is going to happen, so fingers crossed... or uncrossed b.c whenever someone tells me they have their fingers crossed for me, it never works out. UNCROSS YOUR FINGERS PEOPLE!
I just checked and they found like 6 more matches for me, what am i doing updating my blog when my future husband could be sitting in my inbox! inevitably, the guys they send me never look anything like the cute guys in the commercials, but i will keep you updated.
yesterday i also hit bellas, my fave b'fast joint here in westchester. went on saturday with emma and vicki but yesterday i went with my parents, yummy chocoalte chip pancakes! then i got tina out of bed and we took a walk at the park, 2 miles, (still working on gettig those steps in, only got 7500 yester) then last night watched the most awesome bad TV movie ever, it was on CBS and it was one of those hallmark movies with alicia silverstone and of course she returns to her home town and of course living there was her next door neighbor who was in love with her and of course she's hiding a secret that she's dying and of course she needs someone to adopt her 12 year old son and of course her best guy friend does and of course she dies. but it was so bad it was good, i was laughing the entire time.
I just checked and they found like 6 more matches for me, what am i doing updating my blog when my future husband could be sitting in my inbox! inevitably, the guys they send me never look anything like the cute guys in the commercials, but i will keep you updated.
yesterday i also hit bellas, my fave b'fast joint here in westchester. went on saturday with emma and vicki but yesterday i went with my parents, yummy chocoalte chip pancakes! then i got tina out of bed and we took a walk at the park, 2 miles, (still working on gettig those steps in, only got 7500 yester) then last night watched the most awesome bad TV movie ever, it was on CBS and it was one of those hallmark movies with alicia silverstone and of course she returns to her home town and of course living there was her next door neighbor who was in love with her and of course she's hiding a secret that she's dying and of course she needs someone to adopt her 12 year old son and of course her best guy friend does and of course she dies. but it was so bad it was good, i was laughing the entire time.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
it's not a hard knock life
Yesterday, my friend amy gross and i went on a hike at the rockefeller estate. One of my goals every day is to get 10,000 steps on my pedometer so we went hiking and cranked them out. we then headed to barnes and noble to do some research on potential vacays to take next year, we're thinking asia i.e. cambodia and laos. So excited. I was worred that my leg might get blown off by a land mine in cambodia ALA paul mccartney's wife, but she's made a good life for herself sans leg, so who knows maybe I could marry a beatle if i got my leg blown off. Is this an insensitive thought? I think perhaps it might be.
last night had thanksgiving dinner #2 at the pomeranz's house, i'm so fat right now, i cant wait to get bck to LA and go back to starving myself and working out obsessively!
last night had thanksgiving dinner #2 at the pomeranz's house, i'm so fat right now, i cant wait to get bck to LA and go back to starving myself and working out obsessively!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
twas the night before thanksgiving
Last night we headed down to the city to see the balloons being blown up before the htanksgiving day parade, it was really fun. it was my mom, dad, sister and stacey (my old roomie from LA who now lives in NYC) and her mom and dad. It wasn't that cold at all, as it has been in years past. if you've never seen the balloons being blown up for the parade, it truly is one of the more fun things to do in this city. we saw dora the explorer baloon, big bird, super grover, snoopy, a bunch of weebles and many others, and they're being blown up and then they're tied down under like a big military net. It looks like the balloons are trying to break free! Now that would be a site
today I ran a 5 mile run with emma and matija. It was cold and spitting rain at 8am and we wanted to not do it, but we did. I was leading the way toward the end, but in the last 1/8th of the race, my leg muscles just did not want to move and became really heavy and cold and emma and mat crossed the finish line just in front of me, only seconds, but still. Regardless, last year I walked about amile, so this year was a vast improvement! headed to jersey for t'giving with the fam, my sister in laws fam is down there, had a big meal, but even the 5 miles will barely crack a dent in the calories I've consumed!
btw how great was grey's anatomy tonight
today I ran a 5 mile run with emma and matija. It was cold and spitting rain at 8am and we wanted to not do it, but we did. I was leading the way toward the end, but in the last 1/8th of the race, my leg muscles just did not want to move and became really heavy and cold and emma and mat crossed the finish line just in front of me, only seconds, but still. Regardless, last year I walked about amile, so this year was a vast improvement! headed to jersey for t'giving with the fam, my sister in laws fam is down there, had a big meal, but even the 5 miles will barely crack a dent in the calories I've consumed!
btw how great was grey's anatomy tonight
Saturday, November 18, 2006
for the lack of posts. again. on thurs i got on a plane to NY and was involved in a car accident after I dropped my dad off in the city for a class and drove out to westchester in torrential rains and flooding and trees down and leaves everywhre on the saw mill parkway and a huge tree branch came a crashing into my dad's car, very scary. ON friday i drove up to cape cod where i am now thoroughly enjoying my existance for once in a very long time. I wondered into falmouth today and shopped around and got some b'fast with katie, joe and alyce, my bf from college and her parents. and went for a run, ahhh and it's so nice and crsip and gourgeous up here. Katie, alyce and i made cookies tonight and i ate so much fucking cookie dough, i'm sick to my stomach.
some more much needed R and R tomorrow and i'm going to see casino royale with joe, katie's dad. hot date!
some more much needed R and R tomorrow and i'm going to see casino royale with joe, katie's dad. hot date!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
yesterday i went to the writers guild and once again failed to accomplish anything. this is starting to become a bad habit. I'm excited that I head to NY in 2 days for the t'giving holiday. I booked the ticket like last week so the only reasonable flights avail were way before and way after the holiday. which means i'm going to be at my parents for waaaay to long. dont get me wrong i love them, but i'm an adult and hate having to ask to borrow the car. so i'm clipping my trip a little and heading up to the cape on friday for a long weekend, then i'll be back in NY on monday for the holiday week, that's cool with me.
yesterday i also had lunch with my friend Trae who works at Fox and who i've worked with for like 6 years on various shows. we went to the grand lux cafe at the beverly center, it blew, the lunch not the company. anyone who knows me knows i love trae. then i hit the gym and wrote a few things for ivillage and crashed. All in all, not a bad monday as far as mondays go. nevertheless, i'm SO FUCKING BORED from being umeployed for almost a year now! time really flies when you're miserable and depressed.
yesterday i also had lunch with my friend Trae who works at Fox and who i've worked with for like 6 years on various shows. we went to the grand lux cafe at the beverly center, it blew, the lunch not the company. anyone who knows me knows i love trae. then i hit the gym and wrote a few things for ivillage and crashed. All in all, not a bad monday as far as mondays go. nevertheless, i'm SO FUCKING BORED from being umeployed for almost a year now! time really flies when you're miserable and depressed.
Monday, November 13, 2006
saturday night i hung out at the cat and the fiddle with a bunch of friends. Kristen and I got a bunch of friends togther and drank some beers on the open courtyard. sometimes a beer feels so good going down, right? I rarely drink beer, but when i get a nice crisp one, deeeelish!
My exboyfriend's friend showed up, shes really nice and I like her, but the prob. is she's alwasy still talking about him and we broke up like forever ago. she walked in and I was like "oh where did you have dinner?" normal question people ask, right? and she's like oh, i was at a birthday dinner for (fill in ex's name)'s girlfriend. Now, why would I wnat to know that. She could've just said, I had dinner at domiciks with a bunch of friends... but no, she gave me the specifics. Oy
sunday i tried again to hit 10,000 steps on my pedometer, i hit the mid 9000s. so close. I walked around a lot. went shopping with bernsie, hung out with jill at her potche(gifts, lotions, etc) party and picked up something for one of my agent's bday party last night, met a cute writer talked to him forever, turns out hes fucking engaged, as soon as i learned that , was like i'm outtie. then i realized i still only had 5000 steps so i drove to a nice neighborhood and hit the pavement, yes at 9pm, because i'm obsessed with hitting 10,000 steps!!!
My exboyfriend's friend showed up, shes really nice and I like her, but the prob. is she's alwasy still talking about him and we broke up like forever ago. she walked in and I was like "oh where did you have dinner?" normal question people ask, right? and she's like oh, i was at a birthday dinner for (fill in ex's name)'s girlfriend. Now, why would I wnat to know that. She could've just said, I had dinner at domiciks with a bunch of friends... but no, she gave me the specifics. Oy
sunday i tried again to hit 10,000 steps on my pedometer, i hit the mid 9000s. so close. I walked around a lot. went shopping with bernsie, hung out with jill at her potche(gifts, lotions, etc) party and picked up something for one of my agent's bday party last night, met a cute writer talked to him forever, turns out hes fucking engaged, as soon as i learned that , was like i'm outtie. then i realized i still only had 5000 steps so i drove to a nice neighborhood and hit the pavement, yes at 9pm, because i'm obsessed with hitting 10,000 steps!!!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
i didnt realize it had been so long since i last posted? what have i been doing? The answer is nothing, absolutely nothing. I took the week off and now I can hardly believe it's saturday, i really maybe ran 4 errands and donated blood that's all i did, but i cant believe how fast the week went. I donated blood on tuesday AND voted, such a good Amerian I am. I saw borat on wed. night with bern, kyle and Brian, loved that movie, then we hit an italian restuarnat at the grove, very good night. On thursday night, Brian and I went to see the guy who started postsecret.blogspot.com talk. He was so freakin incredible talking about people's secrets and why the site and the books do so well, covered the anatomy of a secret, etc. It was a haunting, moving talk. We were both totally blown away. Now i'm going to send in a secret and see if it gets posted. he only posts 20 a week and gets 1000, so the odds are against me. Seeing as this year I've been rejectecd by every major network and every guy i liked, i highly doubt i'll get mine posted. I am hoping rejection tour 2006 will end when 2007 starts. SO sad if my miserable existance continues at this pace.
Last night I also so Shut up and Sing, the documentary about the dixie chics when they said that thing in london when we were going to war about hating george bush, it was really really good. I dont really remember the controversy, but it makes you really angry that all these stupid, red neck americans were calling country stattions and saying they'd stop listening to the station if they continued to play the chicks. I actually knew nothing about this group until I saw them on Oprah and then went to see the film. It's actually really really interesting and well done, i highly recommend it.
Bought a pedometer yesterday, apparently we're supposed to take 10,000 steps a day, yesterday I took 7000 and today I'm only at 4,000. I better get a walking!
Last night I also so Shut up and Sing, the documentary about the dixie chics when they said that thing in london when we were going to war about hating george bush, it was really really good. I dont really remember the controversy, but it makes you really angry that all these stupid, red neck americans were calling country stattions and saying they'd stop listening to the station if they continued to play the chicks. I actually knew nothing about this group until I saw them on Oprah and then went to see the film. It's actually really really interesting and well done, i highly recommend it.
Bought a pedometer yesterday, apparently we're supposed to take 10,000 steps a day, yesterday I took 7000 and today I'm only at 4,000. I better get a walking!
Monday, November 06, 2006

those are tori spelling's massive pregnancy boobs!!!

awesome tee!

holy crap on fri night i went to the bevl hills 90210 aND melrose place DVD release party. it was awesome. I have pics and everything. so freakin awesome. The party itself actually blew, it was like a bad barmitzvah with colored gels over lights and a lame DJ and lilke a salad bar, i'm serious, it was lame-o considering this show made and contiues to make millions of dollars for the companies involved. anyway, i was on the red carpet and met brandon, andrea, kelly, whoever brian austin green's character was (he looked so fucking hot by the way, wasn't he the geeky kid?) and steve sanders. No luke perry or shannen doherty. boo. they didnt come to the party. anyway, i roamed around with bernadette, scored 2 gift bags complete with dvds from both shows, season 1, and an awesome 90210 tee with a picture of the cast on it, i wore it saturday and got mucho compliments. I didn't get lipgloss and hairspray in my first bag which were supposed to be in there, so thats why i helped myself to another one.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
and the blues continue
like i mentioned yesterday I'm blue from my recent male rejection fest 2006. to make matters worse last night i fell down a flight of stairs and now i'm in a super bad mood. I'm never in a bad mood, i might be in a "don't talk to me mood," but bad mood so rarely happens, but now i'm in one because my wrist hurts as does my ass and so one down the body.
I wasn't even drunk or drinking unless you consider water a vice, i was just going to my bathroom down these windy stairs to brush my teeth and the next thing i know I'm on the stairs flying down them on my ass. I dont even know how it happened. now i'm more blue than ever, black and blue that is.
I wasn't even drunk or drinking unless you consider water a vice, i was just going to my bathroom down these windy stairs to brush my teeth and the next thing i know I'm on the stairs flying down them on my ass. I dont even know how it happened. now i'm more blue than ever, black and blue that is.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
pitch day
yesterday I pitched to these networks, haven't heard any news. We have more introspective issues to deal with... yes, this is a public blog, but this is what i'm writing about because I can't actually see any of you right now.
So last month or maybe 2 months now, I told you how i had like a double date at a bar, my friend jamie was setting me up with this guy and we hung out all night and was totally chill and I wasn't even sure i thought he was cute enough, but regardless i was pleased that he asked for my number, like I had won a prize. I think girls always want the number asked for even if we don't like the guy, but in this case, i liked him. so then i never heard from him and saw him at the gym and hid. so he didn't like me, clearly.
Then on saturday I had a sort of date with a guy who's a friend of a friend and i thought he was nice and cute and charming and SMART! hello he used to work at ted kennedy's office briefing him for senate hearings!!! and i haven't heard from him!
Then on sunday i met the love of my life, of course i'm exaggerting, but a really cute guy who i was instantly drawn to the minute he walked in the door, and that SO RARELY HAPPENS TO ME IT'S LAUGHABLE and so my friend who was throwing the party emailed him the next day (monday) and was like i saw you talking to sarah and I'm just always a matchmaker so i was wondering if it's a match or some shit.. anyway, SHE HASN'T HEARD FROM HIM!!
holy crap, i used to be turning down guys, coming up with every which excuse why i coudln't be with them and now I'm 0-3 in th past 3 males i like interactions!! the only guy who has liked me this year has been the worst date i ever had in february who wouldn't shut up about the sci-fi channel, apparently he's still talking about me! I am not repulsive, but maybe in LA i am, what is going on? what am i doing wrong that I can't even get a guy who asks for my number to call me. I hate life.
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