so yesterday I spent the day pitching to 3 networks my sitcom pilot. It was so intense, you go into these room with these execs and put on a little play for 20 mins. and ih ad to do that 3 times yesterday and then i went out and got drunk. I had remi and carrie over for wine and then they went to a dinner party and I drank a little by myself and then walked to dominikcs to meet up with kristin where i proceeded to drink a lot more and wanted to go home with the guy sitting next to me which turned out to be a director from my favorite show!!! it was coool cause my friend came by to say hi to me and she's a tv director so i think i might have gotten her at least a meeting to direct my fave show.... and then i could meet my tv boyfriend, again!!!
anyway, pitching is so hard for the soul as the studio i work with loooooved my pitch and so when i went in to pitch it it's hard b/c these people dont laugh or sometimes they yawn and when that happens i start hating on myself something fierce and start an inner dialogue WHILE also pitching on the outside!

on thurs I was walking past that restaurant across from Toast and saw natalie maines from the dixie chicks, love her! did u ever see their documentary? it rocks, she rocks.
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