Wednesday, September 19, 2007

what ho! i'm headed to jolly old england tomorrow. I cannot cannot wiat! I have meetings set up, one is a tea! hilarious! One is a drinks, which of course I'll love as i need things to do in the evening.

i got a new top from banana. I got a clean white top for my meetings! so excited to leaving l.a. behind for 10 days to drink, walk around, have meethings, i'm going to watch rugby world up on sunday at a pub in kensington with my friend alan's friends. yahoo!!

I do the gorilla run on saturday, pictures to follow upon my return. I'm super excited to make out with an english lad(s), my face is waxed and plucked, my hair cut all cute and tonight before I go, I have a free ticket to see Justin Timberlake at staples and a limo to take me there!! woo fucking hoo!!!

next stop London!!! awesome! i'll fill you in on all the details this weekened about the gorilla run!!

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