Hey everyone. I am back. Well not in LA, yet, I'll get there tues at some point, I'm still in NY. It's been a fun 10 days, how come it goes by so fast when you're having a great ol' time, but when life is shit, it drags on?
I have so much to cover, and no energy to do so. To give you a funny anecdote to my trip, last night Alyson and I drove up to Emma's new house on 3 acres in pound ridge, it's fucking awesome. we had dinner, drinks and played a few rounds of the game Taboo. If I told you this version of Taboo we played that we came up with ourselves has never been played before or will be played since, you will have to believe me. I have never laughed so hard during this game and the reason I'm not elaborating is b/c it was wildly innapropriate.
anyway, alyson and I get on the road at like 1:30am and head back to I-town and i arrive at my parents house at like 215 or something. and my parents get all pissed at me that I showed up at 215 without calling. I'm like, uh i didn't call becaues I"m a grown up and I'm allowed to stay out past 2am if i so please. but they were all worried, i have no idea why, but the next day my mom made up a story that a bunch of people had been recently killed by drunk drivers on the
coincidentally the exact road we were driving on. (now mind you she didn't tell me this before my journey up there which is why I know it's not a true story, she likes t omake stuff up.)
anyway, thankfully i wasn't drunk and could have a conversation basically letting them knwo that i'm an adult and that's the end of story.
will fill you on on more stories and pics. I had a great t'giving!!!! my neice and newphew are the fucking cutest!!!