Monday, December 17, 2007

hey people. went to the writers guild today to build signs. I did the 8-10am shift. most of the shifts are 4 hours, but the early one is not, so that's good. I took a t-shirt but it was 2XL, so i'm not sure if it'll fit.

went to santa monica tonight for a BIG union meeting. def. not asmany people showed up as the last one and it was a bit more heated but there is still solidarity which is good. fuck the AMPTP trying to rip us off those corporate pieces of shit!

i leave for nyc on thurs a.m. yikes i think it's 7am which sucks

had a lame ass date with this guy i met online. I was disappointed since he was a promising person at least on paper. tall, cute etc. and his emails made me laugh, but alas, it was a bad hour long date. HOW MANY MORE OF THESE AM I GOING TO HAVE TO GO ON??!?!?!

like i say every time this year... maybe next year!

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