Sure enough, went to Greg's party on satruday night and who is playing darts in the guest house? Mary Jo Butafuco. Awesome! And she seemed super nice. But who seemed even friendlier and nicer? Her new husband! I mean, how great is that? I've never met these people before yet I'm so invested in MJ's new life and happiness. you know? Is that weird that I want this woman, who let's be honest, overcome ALLLLL the odds to survive a horrific accident, to live out every single day of her life filled with love and happiness. yes, California has made me soft!!!
And she looks great!! Ran into a number of character actors at the party as well, the type of person who you're like "ive seen that guy a milion times on every legal show on TV!"
And then Kristin and I cruised over to Beechwood, that rad restaurant/bar also in Venice, hung out there for a bit, learned my friend Liz is also auditioning for "are you smarter than a 5th Grader," which I audition for tomorrow! woo hoo, the capital of alaska is juneau!!! See, i am smarter. also George Washington was the president in 1790... i'll let you know how it goes!
spent this afternoon at the sickest silverlake house ever. this place is one of my favorite houses in LA! the view is amazing, there's a beautiful pool and hot tub, pool table, plasma screen tvs in every room, it has an amazing kitchen, food being cooked left and right, all creative TV writers/actors/wannabes. it was insane, loved it!! I only stayed for like 3 hours though as sometimes my fellow hollywood-ers exhaust me!