Saturday, May 29, 2010



last night we went out to meet some friends who have kids and aren't usually A. out and B. on my side of the hill, meaning they live in the valley. They were at a friends 40th bday party. So they call us after dinner and invite us to meet up with the group at the belmont in west hollywood.

So bernsie, my boyfriend and I head on over... so we get there and the thing you need to know about the birthday girl is pretty much all i know about her is that she's a huge drinker, HUGE. every story i've ever heard of her invovles her falling over the couch drunk (last year) or drinking during her pregnancy and then and I quote "i'm going to have my baby shower when i'm 6 months pregnant so i can drink during it.." um, ok.

needs less to say we show up and i'm like hi barbie (not her real name but she looks like barbie) this is my boyfriend and she is WASTED and says "how cute are you? how cute are you? how cute is he?" i'm like, and then she stands up and i have to catch her and hold her up while she talks to me and we couldn't make heads or tails of what she was saying so every so often, i'd just laugh and say "that's so funny," or "really," "totally," things of that nature.

so shes talking to my friend amy and is ridiculous. oh wait, before that, when she said hello to me, she said it 3 separate times, meaning she thought she was seeing me for the first time 3 times and tried to give me a kiss on my cheeck hello, but just ended up bascially giving me a hickey and missed my face compeletely.

ok, so she's talking to amy and i'm talking to amy's husband and barbie's hubby is talking to my boyfriend. So then amy's husband says to me, get your BF's attention b/c i need to get barbie's husband's attention becuase now shes barely awaake. So boyfriend and i go to the bar and watch as barbie sit in a chair and is completely passed out. like passed freakin out so hard. so her husband pulls the car around and they have to carry her out, over the shoulder, her ass in the air, dress falling ovr her head, everyone at the place is in shock at how much she's revealing. Amy's husband is trying to pull down her dress, but it ain't working. it was insane! I've never seen a 40 year old do that! perhaps at your 21st birthday, but 40th??? it was insane! When I'm drunk, i just know it and stop drinking. but she was out of control and the weirdest part about it was that it was a very small, like 10 person gathering at a dinner table, not a raging fiesta!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

well, i've arrived at the end of the road of my entertainment career. I'll give a proper eulogy soon, but it doesn't look like i'm going to get a job on a show this year, sooooo that means, i need to get a real job in the real world. can you believe that? the real world, ick. they dont even give you days off in jobs in the real world. so like i'm going to have to start a job and then work it every day for like a year until i get a day off! what if i have weddings to go to, or triathlons i want to do or trips I want to take???? personally i think it's bullshit, but what choice to i have.

i start school in august with math camp, stats camp, excel camp and accounting camp. yahooo!!! so excited for this new chapter! now i'm off to find a real job! i figured i've put off having a real job for my entire life and i'm 36, so i guess i'm okay with getting one now.... wait, at what age can i retire!

Friday, May 21, 2010


I'm headed out to wine country for the weekend and needed to do laundry. I have insane laundry right now since the staph infection and if I wear something for even 2 seconds, it gets washed no matter what. yes I'm being obsessive. But i've been on antibiotics for 17 days!!!! done yesterday!

okay, so i'm leaving and have no clothes AND no laundry detergent AND im feeling lazy and dont want to run back to the grocery since i was there this morn and FORGOT to get detergent....

so i go down to my laundry room to see if the washer is avail and it is! but then i see a botle of tide just sitting there all alone and i check and it has soap in it!!! so i know i shouldn't steal a cup of detergent... but i just needed it so bad, SO I DID!!

this is so not like me being a stealer like that! but i plan to replace the cup if the bottle is still there next week!

happy bday to me!

yesterday was my birthday and like every year i head to the spa. I got a good group who i usually go with, my friend carrie from high school has been coming with me the longest, but this year, she had to cancel last minute b/c her son was home sick from school! hello, that's why you have a nanny!!!

so intead it was my friend kristin and her mom who loves me and my manners. yes, i do hvae them!

so we hit up the montage spa which is the fanciest spa in LA and i had a 90 minute massage and loved every fucking second of it even though my masseur rubbed my ass and it was completely exposed. I wished that bothered me, isn't that supposed to bother me? every masseur usually skips the actual ass and he was like seriously grabbing my ass, seriously like baseball glove hands all up in there!!! But i didn't care, who cares, it's an ass!! And it felt good! I work out too damn much so my ass muscles are tight... NOT ANY MORE!

after the hot tub, spa-ing, we headed up to the rooftop deck for a little lunchie and poolside hanging. we also ate way too many sprikles cupcakes, holy shit ar they goooood!!!!

afterwards we met up with my BF and some friends for burgers (veggie for me) and fries and beers at this place on melrose called the burger bar. I sually go to dominicks for my bday but this year is all about changing it up (except still going to the spa.)

i used to also go to church on my bday to just go and say a prayer for a good year and a good one to come, but 2 years ago I went to my church in bev. hills and the doors were locked! i took that as a major sign!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ricky Gervais is coming to LA!!! And I'm going tomorrow night as a surprise from the BF for my Bday!!! I saw him in London a few years ago, and I freakin' laughed my ass off! I might love him! I am so excited, i dont even know what to do with myself.

Hit up yoga this morn. it was a tough one. not the class per se, but I wasn't able to workout this week, so if you dont work out, your body gets stiff, and so the class was quite challenging. This afternoon i shall be reading the 76 page book about the California Primary. Oh yes, in california, if you're going to vote, your ass has to read through all these ridiculous props to figure out which way to vote... unless you're a republican, then its easy and you dont educate yourself about issues at all, you just let Beck, Limbaugh, Palin, etc to tell you what to do.

Thankfully this in not MY staph infection, but mine is pretty bad. I had it for a week thinking it was just a bug bite but it never got better and in fact got worse so last sunday i went to the doctor and he was like "duh, that's staph." DUH? no it's not duh, it's holy f-ing shit, staph is crazy bad if it spreads. They think i got it from the gym, that's most likey, but which gym: yoga? boxing? regular gym? lesson learned, i needn't be working out any more! now i'm on crazy anti-biotics. point beeing: disinfect everything before you touch any buttons at the gym or equpiment, and then disinfect your hands after using it. Bleach your yoga mat, and everything.