Ricky Gervais is coming to LA!!! And I'm going tomorrow night as a surprise from the BF for my Bday!!! I saw him in London a few years ago, and I freakin' laughed my ass off! I might love him! I am so excited, i dont even know what to do with myself.
Hit up yoga this morn. it was a tough one. not the class per se, but I wasn't able to workout this week, so if you dont work out, your body gets stiff, and so the class was quite challenging. This afternoon i shall be reading the 76 page book about the California Primary. Oh yes, in california, if you're going to vote, your ass has to read through all these ridiculous props to figure out which way to vote... unless you're a republican, then its easy and you dont educate yourself about issues at all, you just let Beck, Limbaugh, Palin, etc to tell you what to do.
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