that past month has been insane: 4 weddings, 1 baby shower, 2 bridal showers, one bachelor party (yes I was the only girl there) and lots of travel!
I'm exhausted. I have a bachelorette party and baby shower next weekend, but am not going, who has the time? I actually dont i have school stuff as i'm starting my MBA at the end of the month!
OMG HOW COULD I ALMOST FORGET!! last night, i went to thurs. night at the farmers market where all the tv people seem to gather each week in the summer. It gets crazy packed at the bar in the middle and we shut it down and then head to Sheddys across the street for more drinks. I gracefully bow out around 11pm to go to bed, hello, i'm old. there are always TV stars milling about as the group is usually tv writers, directors, actors and an executive tossed in there for good measure. For example last night the page guy from 30 rock, jack mcbrayer was there, he's way too tan. but the best sighting, not with our group but walking by...
LEVI JOHNSTON!! OH YEAH, SARAH PALIN'S SOON TO BE SON IN LAW!!! he was with a group of guys and walks by and my jaw dropped, i never care when i see famous peeps as i see them everywhere I go every day, but this was so freakin awesome, i turned to the people at my table and was like "holy crap that was levi johnston" and it soon got around the group of famous people themselves and everyone EVERYONE was frekaing out. My friend Kristi wanted to go up and kiss him and take photos of it and sell them... okay maybe we wanted her to do that, she didn't seem up for it.
but great sighting right???
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