Tuesday, February 28, 2006
today is fat tuesday, which is exactly how i feel after having eaten everything i see in this town of siena. gelato(how many weight watchers points is that) this crazy pasta, a specialty here that is as thick and iàm not exagerating, as a tube of chapstick and so much much much more! thankfully ive been walking lot, mostly to wine bars, but still, its exercise, right. anyway, like i said i slept for 15 hours last night and i had to leave my hotel right now at 730pm in order to avoid falling asleep again, which i almost did. today in the main piazza they had the most awesome circus carnevale party with bands and circus people and all the little kids dressed up in different costumes and they were spraying each other with silly string, a few of them got me, but i didnàt care, it was awesome! i also went shopping and hung out with a few of my friends leather boots, still looking for the perfect pair, and learned my favorite italian word SALDI which means sale. i have been shopping a lot, got the cutest miss sixty shirt on saldi. anyway, tomorrow im getting up early and goiNg to another tuscan town before heading back into florence and then a train to torrino. cant believe my trip is coming to an end. i think this internet place is closing seeing as theyve drawn the metal gate, turned off the lights and are now staring at me. gotta go CIAO CIAO PREGO
alive and well
so i watched the closing ceremonies at the USA house and from where it is situated on the PO river, you could see the fireworks going off at the stadium down the street. we had a nice dinner and hung out for a few hours wiht a few bottles of wine, a recurring theme in this trip. this update is going to be short as the computer is flashing that my time is running out. anyway, got up early the next day to catch a train to florence, everyone else left, i'm all by myself. walked around florence for a few hours where i met my new friends leater boots, yeah, i need to by a pair real bad, they're calling my name. then waited until after siesta to spend $100 at the cosa bella store on some much needed sexy underwear, i think that bought me 3 or 4 pairs. then i caught a bus to siena in tuscany where i got a hotel room, roamed the streets, had a yummy dinner and then slept for 15 hours straight. i just woke up and had a cappucino and need to sleep more, but that will do me for now. the town is so cute and amazing, i must run to see it.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
i'm never sober here
here's a pic of my curling lover/bronze medalist.
okay so last night we finally got into the sports illustrated party, but not without much sarah mac fanfare. so i realized 2 pf my friends who were on the list went in on another list, so i got emma and matija in, but we still needed a way in for me... enter bode miller and his entourage including his agent who is julie mancuso's agent and who i partied with the night before. so i turn to emma and matija and said, go in, i'll take care of myself and i went up to them and was like hey, can i go in with you guys. and they were all sure, so emma and matija took the passes and went in with the commoners and i waited with the entourage. well, we go in the VIP way and its the whole red carpet thing and they announce bode "ladies and gentleman, please welcome US skier bode miller.... and he walks across the stage, flashbulbs flashbulbs flashbulbs and he goes across and i start over by myself when i hear the annoucer say... and "and bode miller's friends!" and i'm standing on the red carpet platform, all alone with a video camera in my face!!! emma and matija were just coming throiught the metal detectors and saw all this and were freaking dying! so we totally partied all night and met up with all my friends inside and around 3 am we left and emma and i promptly got into a fight with some other people waiting for a cab. words were exchanged, i got into the front seat, they got into the back, neither one of us was getting out, more words, the cab driver was like what have i got myself into, all to the delight of christie and matija who watched us sprint up the road to fight over a taxi!! then we got back to the hotel around 3:30, but emma and mat's bus to the airport was at 5:15, so of course we couldn't go to bed, so we walked to a bar down the street and got drunk with a table of italian men who spoke no english and drank until 4:30am. one of the italians spoke spanish so i would talk to him and then translate into english, not very well, as i think they think emma and matija are members of some sort of perverted incest family! so much fun so much fun so much fun. i can't stand it!!!! oh and while at the party i ran into shawn my curling on again off again husband, anyway, i think we're on again. i talked to the guys on his team and started to walk away and he yells "what, sarah you're not going to say hello," i went up to explain the awkward reception i had gotten by everyone earlier in the night but we made uop. i think i might go to boston for the curling world champion thinigy, anyone want to join?
Saturday, February 25, 2006
okay the best night ever
last night i went out like i said i was at the usa house with julie mancuso and her gold medal. i was so drunk after stalking the curlers and their friends and family for a few hours, suffice to say shawn and i will not be marrying as quite frankly i think i scared him. anyway, after the usa house, i left with julie and her agent and a few other peeps and went to an irish bar where her entrance ticket was her gold medal. the manager hooked us up with a table and round after round of drinks were brought. the poor italians who were originally at our table who got pushed to the end of the table must have been like what is going on? whatev, they got some free drinks and shots and fries. we did this drink with beamish and shots of baileys and downed it, very strange. julie got up on the bar and started dancing and the crowd was chanting mancuso over and over. people were taking pictures, i was off with the italians doing shots, it was a crazy crazy night. seriously one of the most fun nights of my life. i partied with a gold medal winner and like 5 other people!!! so much fun. today i went up to see bode compete, we got there watched like 10 skiers do the slalom, bode went, got DQed and we got up and left. now we're at the usa house trying to sneak into the sports illustrated party that is going off next door. they thought i was an ahtlete , obviously, look at me, when i came out of the usa house and then when my name wasn't on the list, they were like sorry. so now we're waiting for my friends to come over. I'M HAVING THE MOST AMAZING TIME EVER!!! LAST NIGH before i went out, i saw chad hendrick win the silver at the speed skating 10000 meter. that was cool. hung out with derek parra for a while, hes so freakin nice. my life is weird. i'm on the hunt for the boyfriend of the night
guest writer emma cale
So as you have already read, I am here at the olympics here with Sarah. Right now we are at the USA house in Torino. Yesterday we went to the torino with Sarah and tooled around for a while. Then we went back to Cesna for the bob sledding competion. Very cool! The best part is we met 2 secret agents who were sent here to protect the Americans, just in case. Then back to the hotel back and back to the Irish Igoo, the American bar is Sesterie, where Sarah met here second boyfriend of the games. While we were there we met the infamous Paulo again. He confirmed his identity when he scrolled through our digital camera and came upon the picture of him and Sarah making nice :) After a couple of drinks. O.K. maybe a few more than just a couple the lights came on both inside and out (It was 5AM) We headed home, with Tina's coworker. We suddenly found much amazement by making snow angels and pushing each other in the snow. We had car to take us home but the alcohol told us that we should walk up the hill. We met Johnny we has a tent on the side of the mountain, helmets with lights were included. So we went drunken sleigh riding. When we could no longer feel our hands and feet, we decided to continue our hike back to the hotel up the mountain. The hotel conceirge was less than thrilled to see 5 snow covered drunks. Oh by the way there was another Paulo sighting today in town.
Friday, February 24, 2006
right now i'm at the usa house for athletes and their families only. i'm partying with the curling bronze medalists and the gold medalist julie manucuso who won in skiing. free drinks, free dinner, it's amazing. i#m so payche. right now i'm drunk and sitting with one of the guys from the curling team and he's so cute and awesome andi'm in love with shawn from the curling team and i#mgoing to marry him. you can't get in here unless you have a pass, i got one from my friend. i'm by myself as these other girls left to go to the nbc hotel
all the athletes do here is party. that's all i know. last night we went to the american house, AKA the usa ski house and partied with these australian cross country skiiers. I fell in love with paul murray and i fully intended on marrying him cause he's the hotetest guy i've ever met, seriosuly, i'm in love. and couldn't shut up about it. i left early cause i was so tired from the cumulative nights of going out and drinking and so tina went home with him! anyway, now i'm back in torrino and heading up to the mtns. tomorrow for bode miller's last event. right now i'm at the nike hospitality house and wayne gretzky is here and so is derek parra the speed skater who won gold in salt lake. there's free food and coffee and the tvs and xboxes and ping pong tables and nike stuff everywhere. i'm drinking a fabulous cappucino and watching the today show. i was at the set earlier today but it was cold and rainy so i went to the hotel and took a nap.
heres the address where you can see a pic of my aussie (or should i say tinas boyfriend) http://www.olympics.com.au/athletes.cfm?AthleteID=4609
heres the address where you can see a pic of my aussie (or should i say tinas boyfriend) http://www.olympics.com.au/athletes.cfm?AthleteID=4609
Thursday, February 23, 2006
where do i begin
okay, so iàm having the best time here. yesterday i got a ride up into the mountains and met emma and matija for the mens parrallel snowboaring slalom finals. it was the most amazing day and we had great nike seats. what ive seen here and whats so awesome is all the fans from around the world who love their athletes more than anything. at the snowboarding the slovenians were going off singing songs and chanting and holding flags, they were amzing. then there was me with my cowbell, oh yes, i have a cowbell that i got at the snowbaording venue, and my u.s.a. shirt and iàm the only one representing for our american snowboarder. the night before at the speed skating, the dutch, dressed all in orange, had a 10 piece band complete with tuba players and a few tromboners, played national songs and these people were filled with so much pride. i guess speed skating is like their national sport and the entire stadium was filled with the ornage dressed dutch. we sat behind team chad, chad hendricks friends and family who was supposed to take the gold that night, but instead got the bronze and some italian guy skated like crazy to the delight of the hometown fans and won the gold. my friend outfitted me in the official olympic teams uniform so when i walk around people ask to take pictures of me. today in sesstrierre where i partied way to much with my friend tina last night whos 30th birthday is today i was walking around with emma and mat and this cute italian who could barely speak english asked to take a picture of us. he took 2, very funny. when i feel better, ill tell you all about my make out session wiht paolo, my italian boyfriend who i met at the disco techque where bode miller was drinking as well! i didnt get a chance to make out with bode yet, but im getting so close. im also going to his event on saturday, so maybe i can kiss him there. i did get kissed on the cheek by a croatian cross country skier and touched tongues with guys from the german ice hockey team. last night was very insane. tina for some reason took off her shirt and so did the croatian and she was standing in the middle of the disco in just her bra and the croatian with his shirt off, he has amazing abs, i touched them dont worry pictures to follow when i get home... its all documented.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
the end of an era
last night was one of the most amazing nights of my life. my show ended after an 8 year run and it was incredible to be at the taping. all the old people who used to be on the show in whatever capacity, writer, production assistnat, etc all hung out on stage and we all caught up, while i got drunk. then after the show, everyone hung out on the stage for hours and i wandered in and out of dressing rooms with my friend vinnie and hung out with all the cast and their celebirty friends and then the night ended with about 20 people on the stage sitting in the audience looking at the sets and 3 of the cast members talked about their experiences in the early seasons and their excitement and how far they've come and they made toasts and we drank tequila and it went on until about 3am. it will be a very memorable night in my life, it was so intimate and special. i am sitting in my office today for the last time, packing up the last box and taking home my car which i couldn't do last night. it will be the last time i walk out of this building and drive off the lot. I've worked for this company for 5 years on 2 different shows and it's so sad to see it all end. but on a happy note, i'm going to be leaving for italy tomorrow for the olympics, so life ain't that bad!
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Today is also the big wardrobe sale ONLY THE MOST ANTICIPATED DAY OF THE YEAR!!!! on every successful t.v. show that is coming to an end, they have a wardrobe sale and sell off all the jewlery, purses, clothes and shoes- pretty cheap. now if i worked on friends that would be one thing, i'm sure the stuff was primo at that wardrobe sale, but since i don't work on that show and i work on a period show, all the stuff is going to be from that period. yesterday i went down and got some jewelry before the big sale, and looked around at what i wanted to by, the wardrobe girls and i get along v. well, they're so nice to me!! anyway, the wardrobe sale is the most anticipated event of the end of any show. so off i go (30 mins early, hahahah) and i'm mostly looking for jewelry and purses as i'm not as tiny as the actresses on my show and i don't like too many retro clothes in my closet. except the rock and roll 70s t-shirts!
liam is 6 today
today is my nephew liam's birthday. he's 6 and i cannot believe it. when he was born I was working on the long ago cancelled t.v. show jesse and was a writers assistant. now i'm a writer on a successful writer on a show and so much has changed. actually that's not true, i'm still the same, but i can't believe how big he is!!!!
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
oh what a night!
okay, so like i said, yesterday i had a terrible day and din't know what to expect for the night. i should've just stayed under the covers and not interact with anyone. but instead i decided to press my luck and go out... BIG MISTAKE! so i go to my friend liz's house for dinner, she made a few girls some chicken sandwiches and we watched the olympics, then i was supposed to meet my roomate stacey and her friends at a bar around the corner, so i walked down the street, which turns out is the perpendicular street to where will, the ex lives, so who do i see carrying groceries down this street, YUP, YOU GUESSED IT. thankfully i was on the other side of the street on my cell, but i get to the bar and i'm like, i just saw will, holy fuck he probably thinks i'm stalking him. my friends promptly get me a drink. as i'm finishing up my drink and feeling much better about my predicatment. who walks into the bar, WILL'S ROOMATE who i know pretty well. he stops at my table with his back to me and i tug on his jacket and say hello, it was awkward, i'm not gonna lie and then he goes to get a drink, so i go up to the bar to close out my tab and go the fuck home, i can't stand this day anymore. while up there the roomate buys me a drink so i stand and talk to him and his friend for like 30 mins and proceed to invite him to the party after our last taping on friday night I SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO DRINK, I DO THE STUPIDEST THINGS!! so yeah, now will's roomate is going to be my date on friday night, what have a i done? on a good karma note, i want him to meeet some of my female friends who work on the show who are single and might be looking cause the roomie is an awesome guy, totally cute and quite a catch in this lame ass guy town!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
snow bound

so this weekend, i was very fortunate enough to visit my bro who is home from iraq for 15 days! while in philly where his family lives, IT SNOWED LIKE 2 FEET!!
on a sad note today i woke up, put my work out pants on backwards, got a speeding ticket, later a parking ticket and another ticket for expired tags!! what shit storm will tonight bring?
Friday, February 10, 2006
tears were flowing this morning at our very last table read for the series. tears tears tears, people broke down crying and some people couldn't say any words because they were burst into tears and men don't play that, so they just said thanks! so so so so so sad and strange and it made me feel old. like 8 babies have been born to the writrs on this staff while i've been here, 3 weddings, everyone (but me) has bought a house, drive nicer and nicer cars. it's insane , we've all grown up... NOT SO FAST, I'VE GROWN NEITHER UP OR DOWN. i'm driving the same car, dating the same person (mr. nobody) and can still only do about 8 push-ups. i just have more wrinkles. tonight i'm taking the red-eye back east to see my brother who's coming back from iraq for 15 days leave. i'll be with his wife and kids at the airport gate cause we're a military family we can greet soldiers and i'm going to be crying like a baby. i can't wait to see him. then all next week are parties for the show ending and then it's off to torrino, italy to see the last week of the olympics!!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
I'm back in the game...
with much pressure from my friends, I have been pushed back into the dating game. that's right, only 1 week after getting dumped a boy i had met at my friends engagemtnt party named... we'll call him stan called me up and asked me out. realizing that 7 days wasn't enough time to get over will, i pushed the date to last night. I admit, i was nervous and had a very bad attitude for the past few days, but last night i got all dressed up and really got into a positive head space for the date. it felt good to be taken out again and liked by a boy. so we meet at 8pm, at bossanova, a brazillian restuarant in hollywood and i was thinking to myself, okay, hes cute, i can do this. we sat down, had really nice conversation, he's very chatty which was nice until i realized he was going to be that way for the ENTIRE 2 HOURS!!!!! Oh my God, it was a complete and total nightmare. I think he asked me 2 questions and as soon as I would answer them, that would remind him of some story and he'd take over the conversation once again. at 9pm the bill arrives and i'm like "yes, i can go out with some other friends after this," and i go to the bathroom and start texting my friends to meet me at a bar. I go back to the table, he has yet topay the bill, and that's when he starts in on the Sci-fi channel!!! that's right, the sc-i fi channell. The programming changes he'd make and how his friends and him sit around and have come up with some great show ideas for them. then i mention i heard battlestar gallatica is a good show (from my brother).... WELL that took the conversation into another direction about how he thinks that battlestar has a lot of similarities to DS-9 (which my friends told me totday stands for deep space nine) seasons 6 and 7 which by the way were their best seasons and the guy who's writing on battlestar wrote for DS 9 six and seven and hes skeptical of that. also mentioned something about patrick stewart and a few star trek movies, i don't know... so at his point i put on my jacket and sat there and listened and then 10 mins go by and i put on my scarf and then 10 mins go by, he's not getting the hint i want to LEAVE1!!!!! SO I pull out my VALET TICKET!!!!! AND HELD IT UP and for 15 more mins he keeps talking about the issues he has with comic book movies!!!!!! This guy does not get the hint i want to go. I felt like I was a Prisoner of war!!!! I literally wanted to run screaming into traffic on sunset blvd. afterwards I picked up my friend Jake and we went to the wine bar I had gone to with bernadette the night before and we smoke and drank wine and i bitched about my date!
so i'm back in the game of dating which is good, i needed a shove or else I never would've done it on my own, but I still miss will, so that sucks! but i'm back out there people, watch out!
so i'm back in the game of dating which is good, i needed a shove or else I never would've done it on my own, but I still miss will, so that sucks! but i'm back out there people, watch out!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
good talk
last night i was supposed to go see some movie called annapolis with bernadette and kristin. I have no idea what this is about, but the poster has james franco in a navy uniform, so i figured that's all the convincing i need to buy a ticket! I grabbed drinks with Berna before hand at this great wine bar on fairfax, pretty new and pretty sweet and Kristin called to bail, so berna and i went to the grove and got another glass of wine and talked about life, love, death, expectations and the future. All in all it was a good night! also while i was at the gym yesterday i was watching a special on angelina jolie and I realized the body i was working out in the gym looks nothing like the body jolie has and now i want to get my body to look like hers, so DRUMROLL PLEASE: i am no longer on team aniston, i'm on team jolie!!!!!! While I think jolie is a familiy wrecking whore, i still wouldn't mind looking like her. (i mean, i already have the long dark hair, so how much longer can it take!!!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
bode miller
when i go to the olympics next weekend, i'm hoping to make out with bode miller, he's a total freakin babe!! some say i should make out with jeremy bloom since he's a fellow colorado alum, but bode is fucking fine. i think i'll probably end up meeething him through my friend at nike and when i do i'm going to ask him if I can kiss him and then someone is going to snap a picture of it and i will be sure to post it!!!!! CHECK OUT HOW HOT HE IS!
Monday, February 06, 2006
fuck yeah!!!
fuck yeah is my rock paper scissors name! for the past 2 years my friend's kyle and bernadette have a superbowl part/rock paper scissors tournament! everyone puts their name in a hat, they pull the names and put the names in a giant grid like march madness brackets and the games begin. this yeaR FUCK YEAH! was the victor! And I got to yell FUCK YEAH! after each successive victory!!! I AM THE 2006 ROCK PAPER SCISSORS CHAMP. it's actually hilarious because 2 people go up against each other and who ever wins 2 oout of 3 is the winner of that bracket and all the other players sit and watch and everyone is screaming and cheering etc. it's pretty fucking great! i had a blast. also we had our party on sat. night, i'd say about 200 people were there, IT ROCKED i have a picture of me in my dress that the wardrobe dept lent me, PURPLE SEQUINS!! i'll post it this week!
Saturday, February 04, 2006
if you live in LA and listen to NPR, you're listening to KCRW. it's a totally incredible radio station and twice a year they have an on-air fundraiser and this morning i was up early (mostly because we're working today) and called and donted $100. Well, about 30 mins later while i was still lying in bed, i hear them thank me over the radio. they usually say the person's name and city but they only said my name, pronounced like the singer, not my way of pronouncing, and dind't say my city which leads me to believe they think i AM the singer and must think the singer is pretty fucking cheap! anyway, i was so embarrassed i stuck my head under the pillow!
Friday, February 03, 2006
almost over

my job and the show i've been working on for the past 4 years is rapidly coming to a close. we're done 2 weeks from today!! yikes!!!! here's a picture of the craft services table from todays table read and 2 from stage yesterday. I've started to clean out my office, it's weird to find pictures of people who i was dating 4 years ago in the bottom of my desk drawers. i've taken the pictures down and started packing up. SO SAD!!! on a high note, today we ordered from kat-suya sushi, one of the best sushi restaurants in LA! it was so good! if you ever come to visit insist that we go there to eat at least one meal! one more thing about my office, is it wrong to take my dusty books and scripts that have been sitting on the shelves in here for 3 years and rub them on my couch instead of getting a cloth and actually dusting them myself? i didn't think so.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
worked out today with my new trainer. my old trainer quit the business, not sure if the disappointing results I had had anything to do with it. I like to think not. anyway, I now go where my friends greg and amy go. it's a private gym where the guy trains like 5 clients at one time. he'll set me up on some weight machine and while i go at it he helps someone else. actually a great way to do it and cost effective as it costs 1/2 of how much i was paying the other broad. evite party update is at 160. if you're in beverly hills on saturday, why don't you stop on by, everyone else is.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
me and captain stubing
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