my job and the show i've been working on for the past 4 years is rapidly coming to a close. we're done 2 weeks from today!! yikes!!!! here's a picture of the craft services table from todays table read and 2 from stage yesterday. I've started to clean out my office, it's weird to find pictures of people who i was dating 4 years ago in the bottom of my desk drawers. i've taken the pictures down and started packing up. SO SAD!!! on a high note, today we ordered from kat-suya sushi, one of the best sushi restaurants in LA! it was so good! if you ever come to visit insist that we go there to eat at least one meal! one more thing about my office, is it wrong to take my dusty books and scripts that have been sitting on the shelves in here for 3 years and rub them on my couch instead of getting a cloth and actually dusting them myself? i didn't think so.
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