here's a pic of my curling lover/bronze medalist.
okay so last night we finally got into the sports illustrated party, but not without much sarah mac fanfare. so i realized 2 pf my friends who were on the list went in on another list, so i got emma and matija in, but we still needed a way in for me... enter bode miller and his entourage including his agent who is julie mancuso's agent and who i partied with the night before. so i turn to emma and matija and said, go in, i'll take care of myself and i went up to them and was like hey, can i go in with you guys. and they were all sure, so emma and matija took the passes and went in with the commoners and i waited with the entourage. well, we go in the VIP way and its the whole red carpet thing and they announce bode "ladies and gentleman, please welcome US skier bode miller.... and he walks across the stage, flashbulbs flashbulbs flashbulbs and he goes across and i start over by myself when i hear the annoucer say... and "and bode miller's friends!" and i'm standing on the red carpet platform, all alone with a video camera in my face!!! emma and matija were just coming throiught the metal detectors and saw all this and were freaking dying! so we totally partied all night and met up with all my friends inside and around 3 am we left and emma and i promptly got into a fight with some other people waiting for a cab. words were exchanged, i got into the front seat, they got into the back, neither one of us was getting out, more words, the cab driver was like what have i got myself into, all to the delight of christie and matija who watched us sprint up the road to fight over a taxi!! then we got back to the hotel around 3:30, but emma and mat's bus to the airport was at 5:15, so of course we couldn't go to bed, so we walked to a bar down the street and got drunk with a table of italian men who spoke no english and drank until 4:30am. one of the italians spoke spanish so i would talk to him and then translate into english, not very well, as i think they think emma and matija are members of some sort of perverted incest family! so much fun so much fun so much fun. i can't stand it!!!! oh and while at the party i ran into shawn my curling on again off again husband, anyway, i think we're on again. i talked to the guys on his team and started to walk away and he yells "what, sarah you're not going to say hello," i went up to explain the awkward reception i had gotten by everyone earlier in the night but we made uop. i think i might go to boston for the curling world champion thinigy, anyone want to join?
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