i'm in colorado right now at my friend jamie's apartment hanging. I'm about to head up to boulder in a little for my freshman year college roomate's wedding!! I love my friend, ERin and i'm so excited for her. actually tonight i'm going to the rehersal dinner in boulder, the wedding is tomorrow, and jamie is coming with, oddly because jamie and erin's fiancee are colleagues at the rocky mountain newspaper. weird, small world, right? Fingers crossed that i make out with a cute boy!! so excited to be back in boulder, it's beautiful!!
Friday, September 29, 2006
boulder bound
i'm in colorado right now at my friend jamie's apartment hanging. I'm about to head up to boulder in a little for my freshman year college roomate's wedding!! I love my friend, ERin and i'm so excited for her. actually tonight i'm going to the rehersal dinner in boulder, the wedding is tomorrow, and jamie is coming with, oddly because jamie and erin's fiancee are colleagues at the rocky mountain newspaper. weird, small world, right? Fingers crossed that i make out with a cute boy!! so excited to be back in boulder, it's beautiful!!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I do not heart boys
a few weeks ago, my friend jamie set me up, in a group date setting at a bar, with a guy named russell. over the course of the evening russell asked for my phone number and said let's get coffee. and it wasn't like he had to do that, we were in a group we were both talking to everyone all night, so why did he ask for it? Well, Duh, me thought, i was A. going to hear from him and B get coffee. oh, sarah, how naive you are. HE HASN'T CALLED! so suffice it to say, i realize that ship has sailed. but last night, while at the gym, that we talked about us both belonging to, i for some reason looked down the line of treadmills while i was on the treadmill, which i never do and i saw him about 5 treadmills away from me. i'm like, say what? is that russell? so i was done with my cardio and heading upstairs to the weights area and got a better look and yup, it was him and we may have made eye contact, but I pretended i did not recognize. seriously, my life is sucky.
Monday, September 25, 2006
all i did this weekend was write. I'm submitting something for a show that i really really really really want to write for. so i have to write a very specific submission for them and that's what i did all weekend. good to know that I"m going to spend 4 days on this thing and probably won't get the job and won't get paid for all my hours on the computer doing research and writing. that blows, ahhh, the life of a writer.
saw the movie "the last kiss," with zach braaf, i love me some zach braff. and i really liked the movie, but found it to be a little whiny about a guy who's 29 and afraid of growing up, guess it has something to do with being dumped by a 25 year old earlier this year who freaked out when he found out i was in my early thirties. I hate whiny, i'm scared to grow up bulls hit, these guys are lucky they didn't have to fight in a fucking war like the men in the early 1900s.
saw the movie "the last kiss," with zach braaf, i love me some zach braff. and i really liked the movie, but found it to be a little whiny about a guy who's 29 and afraid of growing up, guess it has something to do with being dumped by a 25 year old earlier this year who freaked out when he found out i was in my early thirties. I hate whiny, i'm scared to grow up bulls hit, these guys are lucky they didn't have to fight in a fucking war like the men in the early 1900s.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
we shall see....
well the big night is here, the greys anatomy premiere, i'm so excited, i can't see straight. also i just emailed my new tv show pitch in to the company I'm writing for, hopefully they will like it, the security guy at the front desk of the writers guild asked me if i was proud of it and i said yes and he said then that's all that matters, his lips to God's ears. Anywho back to greys, i'm going to my friend michelle's house where she's having a bunch of ladies over for a fiesta, i might be throwing back a few too many glasses of wine, so watch out, i need a little relaxing!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
depression back on
I'm totally stressed out. I met with the producers of my show and they totally changed the concept to where it's unrecognizable to me. And now I have to come up with an entirely different show based on their criteria, which by the way was 2 sentences long!! I'M HAVING A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN.
had a great weekend in seattle despite my nervous breakdown, my aunt and uncles 50th wedding anniversary party was amazing, they showed a video of their life together and it included my dad walking my aunt down the aisle on her wedding day (their dad died when they were young) anyway, i totally cried seeing my dad as a young guy and seeing my grandmother who i never met, but have heard a lot about, it was incredible or i'm a pussy, not sure which one, afraid it might be the latter. anyway, ineed to get back to work on my idea that is pretty much due this week and ih ave no idea what hte fuck i'm doing.. AAARRGGGGHHHH! nervous breakdown is in full effect yo.
had a great weekend in seattle despite my nervous breakdown, my aunt and uncles 50th wedding anniversary party was amazing, they showed a video of their life together and it included my dad walking my aunt down the aisle on her wedding day (their dad died when they were young) anyway, i totally cried seeing my dad as a young guy and seeing my grandmother who i never met, but have heard a lot about, it was incredible or i'm a pussy, not sure which one, afraid it might be the latter. anyway, ineed to get back to work on my idea that is pretty much due this week and ih ave no idea what hte fuck i'm doing.. AAARRGGGGHHHH! nervous breakdown is in full effect yo.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
alright, so i have just spent the entire day at the writers guild library surfing the internet. secretly i wish they didn't have access to the internet because I find myself doing things like playing on itunes store and downloading songs from the new greys anatomy soundtrack when what I really should be doing is coming up with my new tv show idea seeing as I have a meeting tomorrow for it. then on early fri morn I'm off to seattle-ish for my aunt and uncles 50th wedding anniv. party. i'm psyched to see my immediate family including my bro fresh from Iraq!
On the note of downloading songs, you must download my new favorite song, HOW WE OPERATE by gomez!! I LOVE IT AND CAN'T STOP HITTING REPLAY!!!
also you need to email me for the new TV blog I write for this company.
On the note of downloading songs, you must download my new favorite song, HOW WE OPERATE by gomez!! I LOVE IT AND CAN'T STOP HITTING REPLAY!!!
also you need to email me for the new TV blog I write for this company.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
depression lifted
just found out last night that the tv show idea i pitched last week, the people wnat to do it with me. next step is to go to all the networks and pitch it to them and hopefully one of them will want to buy it and I'll get paid to write the script!! SO EXCITING, WHAT A BIG DEVELOPMENT!! I'm so psyched that the first time i've ever pitdched anything ever, i won! Yippee! that's the news on my front.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
weekend update

blind date went well, it was just a chill night at a bar with friends, but the dude asked for my number, so that's good. and he was cute (in a dark bar, who knows what kind of monster he is in the light of day...) and then saturday i had to run errands I blew off the past 2 weeks because of pitching and wedding commitments. I watched football all day with some friends and worked out. I took a lot of naps this weekend which i actually never do, I'm not a big napper, but more of a solid 12 hours sleeper. I think it's screwing me up! I hope my date calls me this week... oh and here's a pick of me in my brides maid dress from B's wedding in malibu.
Friday, September 08, 2006
holy moly
so this week has been crazy sorry for the lack of posts. I pitched a tv show on wednesday, like one that came to me in my brain!! It was so freakin' intense. I had to pitch out the premise and possible characters and story ideas, etc. it was the hardest thing I've ever done. Imgaine giving a speech to 2 people and it's not like teaching where you have the materials that are facts like science, but i had to make them up and entertain and be energetic for an hour. And i had to memorize 4 pages of single spaced microsoft word paper of all that information. Phew. I'll keep you abreast of what happens. then yesterday i had a movie meeting for a possible movie re-write. so today i'm totally exhausted. also I'm being set up tonight on a blind date by my friend jamie. but it's a triple date with jamie and his girlfriend and my friend kristin and a guy jamie is setting her up with too. so the pressure is off, but i'm so tired, i dont know how entertaining I'm gonna be. so much going on...
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
what the?
yesterday at the gym, i went into the ladies room. you walk in and the stalls, about 5 of them are on the left, sinks to the right. so i walk in and go to the first stall and tug on the door ands it's locked, so I notice that the 4th stall's door is wide open, so i headed over and when I got there, i saw a woman sitting on the can and she looks at me and says "hey." HEY?!! not ooops the door must've opened, or oops i forgot to lock the door. but HEY! now the dooor had been open since i stepped in the bathroom, but i just chose to go to the first one first because I like that stall better. anywya, this is one of those ladies you see at the gym whenever you go, she's totally emaciated and takes a spinning classes before and after the mat pilates class you're taking with her, so clearly there's something wrong with her.
Monday, September 04, 2006

so the wedding was awesome. On friday night we had the rehersal. I was nervous becasuse I had high heels about 2inches and all the other bridesmaids had wedges and we had to walk on grass and uneven terrain down the aisle. so i was in major ttrouble. AFter the rehearsal, i broke out the shoes and did a test run and did fine. that night the bridesmaids spent the night at the malibu beach house kyle and berna rented for the weekend. we had a big girls slumber party!!
So the next day, was the wedding. it was on this bluff in malibu looking over malibu and the pacific ocean and the sun was setting during the reception and wow, words can't even begin to describe it. bernadette looked amazing as did all the girls (us bridesmaids) I got my hair and make up professionally done, pics to follw in a few days, and danced with my drunken friends and got no action other than a few innapropraite hands on the dance floor. oh well, i met another writer who gave me some great advice on how to pitch a tv show, so it wasn't a waste of my time. on sunday they had a brunch and matija and i drove all the way bacdk to malibu and hung out with the happy couple. then we worked out in brentwood, doing the stairs, which are just a bunch of stairs that people go up and down up and down up and down, sweating their asses off. so i did it 8 times, and was dying because it's a major heat wave here... last night i headed over to my friend pau's house for a BBQ and hung out with some friends until I was about to pass out, I was so tired from all the weeekends events, and I came home and just sat in peace and quiet! all and all the weekend was pretty damn nice. who can complain about a malibu weekend.
Friday, September 01, 2006
i wrote this whole long post and then my computer crashed... basically this weekend is the big weekend for bernadettes wedding in malibu, very excited. I paid 400 bucks for the bridesmaid dress, so i better look hot in it and hopefully get some action, even though I hear there's not many or any single boys going to be present at this wedding. really what's the point of going to a wedding in the first place. anyway, thankfully i'm wearing the dress again at my aunt and uncles 50th wedding anniv. party in seattle in 2 weeks and again at a wedding in boulder, CO of my college fresh. yr. roomie at the end of september. what does that bring the price per wear down to... i dont like math, so i'm not going to do it. anyway, off to malibu for the rehearsal (gotta get a workout in beforehand to buff up my arms for the dress!)
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