so the wedding was awesome. On friday night we had the rehersal. I was nervous becasuse I had high heels about 2inches and all the other bridesmaids had wedges and we had to walk on grass and uneven terrain down the aisle. so i was in major ttrouble. AFter the rehearsal, i broke out the shoes and did a test run and did fine. that night the bridesmaids spent the night at the malibu beach house kyle and berna rented for the weekend. we had a big girls slumber party!!
So the next day, was the wedding. it was on this bluff in malibu looking over malibu and the pacific ocean and the sun was setting during the reception and wow, words can't even begin to describe it. bernadette looked amazing as did all the girls (us bridesmaids) I got my hair and make up professionally done, pics to follw in a few days, and danced with my drunken friends and got no action other than a few innapropraite hands on the dance floor. oh well, i met another writer who gave me some great advice on how to pitch a tv show, so it wasn't a waste of my time. on sunday they had a brunch and matija and i drove all the way bacdk to malibu and hung out with the happy couple. then we worked out in brentwood, doing the stairs, which are just a bunch of stairs that people go up and down up and down up and down, sweating their asses off. so i did it 8 times, and was dying because it's a major heat wave here... last night i headed over to my friend pau's house for a BBQ and hung out with some friends until I was about to pass out, I was so tired from all the weeekends events, and I came home and just sat in peace and quiet! all and all the weekend was pretty damn nice. who can complain about a malibu weekend.
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