Monday, October 30, 2006

weekend update

here's me on saturday night looking so fucking fat, newman on the left is slutty candy corn, the liz is a scarecrow and rachel is some sort of egyptian lady. not sure who the guy in teh back was.

also this carved pumpkin sits outsdie the gates of tom cruise's house down the street from me.

and am i the only person sad that reese witherspoon and ryan phillipe broke up? Yes? okay i'll shut up

Sunday, October 29, 2006


I hate halloween, hate it hate it hate it. I hate getting dressed up but have done so for the past few years, so this year I decided I was going to take the year off, but my friend Liz wasn't having any of that. So she came to myhouse before we went to this huge halloween party (zach braff was there) and made me put on her costume from last year, rainbow brite, see pic. So I put it on but i'm taller than liz is so the costume came to about the end of my back or the begginning of my butt, either way, not okay to wear in public. so i had to throw on a a pair of jeans. I have an actual pic, but my camera is not cooperating, yet.

yesterday before Carter's big bash (carter created how i met your mother, very fancy) bernadette and I spent the ENTIRE day getting together her costume for halloween, the best costume at her office wins a computer A COMPUTER!!!! she's going to be ugly betty and we got had to put together the costume piece by piece. we coudln't find the giant guadalaja poncho anywhere so we had to re-creat it and i think we did an ubelieveable job, pics to follow next week!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Medium Premeire Party

working for ivillage has provided me many an exciting opportunities. last night I got invited to the medium premiere party. Medium is a show on NBC with patricia arquette who I got to interview and who I now love. Of course my favorite person I interviews was masi oka from heroes, he's so sweet!!! Courtney cox aruquette was there with her daughter and I took a few pics of her daughter's juice box, so cute. I had so much fun at the party, it was an awesome night. I knew nobody so I had to make friends with people who all work togetehr, so it's hard to inject yourself into such a tight knit group, but I managed. Also jason bateman was there, so cute!!!

next week I get to hit the red carpet of the 90210 / melrose place dvd release party and get to go to the party after! bernadette is going to be my plus one so I'm not alone in that one! cannot wait, loved 90210!!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

very exciting day

yesterday was exciting. I started off the usual way, coffee, yogurt, fruit salad, and proceeded to sit at the writers guild and do no work whatsoever. The laptop computer with built in internet airport card is both a blessing and a curse. I could have taken this whole week off quiet frankly and not come tot he guild at all seeing as i've done nothing. so i decide to go to yoga at yoga works in larchmont and i get there and place my mat down and right before the class starts in walks NICOLE FREAKING KIDMAN!! that's a huge celeb sighting, right? I mean I see celebs all the time in the coffe shop, in restaurants, going about their daily life, usually just lame ass tv stars, but nicole is a huge freaking movie star, probably my biggest sighting as of yet!!!! she also didnt use a hairband, and she has totally long hair! that was strange and she's good at yoga and has a great body, ugh, hate perfect people like her.

then i went to see the prestige with remi and carrie and my friend carrie is in it and we were at a private screening so whenever she came on the screen all her friends and co-workers were hootin' and hollaring!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

tuesday october 24

yesterday i went on a 2 hour hike with Jenny, very nice and relaxing. I did nothing yesterday once again, although I did go to the writers guild and play on the internet, which is what I'm also doing today, not getting any work done on my Grey's anatomy spec script I've been writing since june (to be fair i've taken the last 2 months off) so that's what I'm trying to finish so i can hand it in to my agents. but i'm procrastinating. I told myself today i have to write 5 pages, i've done one. but i'm not leaving this place until 4 more are done even if it means I'll miss my yoga class at 4:30pm.

tonight I'm seeing the prestige at warner bros at a screening with my friends remi and carrie, very excited! didnt actually want to see it but it's free so now i'm totally on board! also NASA is offereing $6100 to anyone who will lie down for 3 weeks as they do tests on them, they will naturally lose muscle, etc, but i'm seriously considering it, SERIOUSLY. if i dont get the tv writing job i'm up for, i'm submitting my name for it, read about it in todays NY times, 3 weeks for 6 grand, come on! and i get to be in bed for 3 weeks!! dude, awesome.

Monday, October 23, 2006

I'm so fucking bored

with life. When is something going to change and mix it up. I have no job, no boyfriend, no kids, just a car and too many pairs of Nike shoes. I need to take a trip, where should i go? Also I just foudn out today that I'm still in the mix for the show I met on last week, but they're not deciding for another 2 or 3 weeks. That means I can probably go home for thansgiving, which is cool, so i'm going to book that ticket soon! I need to take a vacay although staying with my parents and asking to borrow the car is not my defination of a vacation, so if anyone has time off and want to go somewhere, let me know!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

sup yo

I have led the mose boring life recently. Yesterday I had lunch with my friend at the century city food court which was completely re-done in past years and looks amazing, I used to work with this guy on my old show, I totally adore him, too bad he's married, oh well, such is life.

Last night I went to a party for my friend carrie's husbands movie premiere, didnt' actually see the movie as it's a horror film and I'm not allowed to see those, per my mother when I was a little girl who got scared by Tom and Jerry. So I jsut hit the party which was in a phat house in the hills, it was really fun, except when I found myself with a group of women talking about how to sleep train their children, that was when I suddenly got very tired and had to leave. I had a major thing for the director's son who is 19 and from NJ and is ridiculously hot, minus the chains and diamond earrings. But he's a teen and I couldn't even make the effort, i'm like 40 years older than him and i would've been pathetic for me to even try to talk to him.

One of my BF's from college who works at Nike and who i stayed with at the olympics is in town today and we're gonna meet up in bev. hills for some lunch, so i should go get ready.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


i'm currently looking at a woman's ass right now and i feel that one day my ass might look like hers. it's like a mom's ass, no not young moms, but like an older mom's ass. I'm afraid now i'm going to get that ass. I'm not exaclty sure what about it i dont like, it's not overly huge it's just rounded. I now have to go into the bathroom and check out my ass to make sure it's not that rounded. Why am i obsessing over this woman's ass?

on another note, i saw 2 old people yesterday and did not feel the need to race them, maybe my phase is going away

and on a final note, i saw THE best movie last night with bernadette. it's called the Last King of Scotland. it's amazing. so far my 2 fave movies this year have been in the comedy dept: little miss sunshine and the drama: the last kind of scotland. SEE. THIS. MOVIE.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

important day

I've decided today after many days of consideration that I hate canteloupe. for the past 10 days every day i've eaten this yogurt/fruit salad/granola thing they sell at the farmers market and they have canteloupe in it. So for the past 10 days i've been eating it and today it dawned on me that i fucking hate canteloupe. first of all look how it's spelled, too many vowels for my taste, also it's big and awkward to eat and finally it tastes like nothing. but i will still be eating it every day as i love the rest of the salad especially bananas, mmmmmm bananas.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

suck it

so i had my meeting yesterday, don't think it went that well, which sucks b/c from what I understand i was pretty much a shoe in for the job. these meetings are so fucking strange and weird with diffrent unique personalities all together, hard to explain.

then i met up with amy and monique for a ladies lunch and spa day! so much fun, we hit a restaurant in sunset plaza which is like tourist heaven, but was really f-ing good and then went to the ole henriksen spa and got a 1.5 hr hot stone massage. Yeah, it's the good life. I didn't love it to be honest, i really liked it but loved the hot stone massage i had at the peninsula hotel back in may!

last night i hit the gym for over an hour, i'm trying to get off the last 6 pounds. it's a totally random number but it's something to do. i'm bored...


Sunday, October 15, 2006

aids walk

today carrie and i did the aids walk for the 2nd year in a row. 6 miles baby and then i came back and ate a million bagels. yum, i earned it. this weekend went out to venice friday night with liz and the gang, ate grilled cheese at Rick on main and then got cold stone creamery and then we all went to the brig for a few more drinks. i wasn't having any, but hung out for while. Yesterday i went to barnes and nobles at the grove and read magazines during the day and went to a party in santa monica last night. My friend phil and his roomie live in this shitty apt and have lived there for 8 yeras and are now moving on and they threw a party because they didn't care about the deposit. it was such a guys apt. with beer in the bathtub and a rented margarita machine. I tried to pick up a guy but he had NO INTEREST and then when i went back to my group of friends i said "i just tried to pick up this guy but he was not interested. at. all. I then realized he was stading with his back to my friend who i was telling this to and if you know me, you know my voice is LOUD! so he totally heard, i wish shit like that would stop happening to me. then i met a cute lawyer named Avi, who was like 26 and i fell in love with him, but he wan't intersted probably because i was so tongue tied with him, i sounded like an idiot. and so it goes...

i am meeting on a show tomorrow so i need to get back to working on story ideas that i'll pitch to the creators... I hope i get it. It's cool a show is staffing on the off season. (shows usually staff in may!)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Mac Vs. Old people

There is something definately wrong with me, that much I know. Let me tell you why. whenever i get out of my car and see an old person heading to the ATM machine or same coffee shop as me, i always and i mean always break into a sprint to beat them to their desitination so i can get their first so i dont have to wait for them. I know this sounds mean, but it does make sense

Do not judge me until you have been stuck behind an old person trying to figure out what to order at the coffee bean. the menu is not really that confusing, you'd think they never ordered a cup of coffee before and dont get me started on them trying to pick out a treat to eat from the glass container. It takes forever. but now I find myself racing old people every time i see them, and you dont see many in LA, but it happens at least once a week. most recently in the trader joes parking lot, i saw an old guy get out of his car at the same time i did and i felt the need to race him to the door. Is this normal? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say no.

PS was over at the FOX lot yesterday and saw hugh laurie going into his trailer! i love him to much, it's insane.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

food coma

last night I had girls night with my gal pals. Ive talked about girls night before, well, monique annoucned she's preggers, which is so amazing. However, amy the first girl in the group to have a baby had to pull out of girls night last minute because her 18 month old was having a fit, so now i'm worried that the same thing will happen to monique and eventually girls night will just be me drinking a bottle of wine watching "love, Actually," and wanting to kill myself.

we went to erika's house and her house ive said before is the one straight out of a movie that has the most incredible view of the valley and an infinity pool and hot tub and floor to ceiling windows and it's UNREAL. we ordered pizza and tehy delivered it, and they screwed up the order, so they sent up another pizzz, once again, they screwed up the order so my friend erika called the place and said "can i ask you one question? are you guys high?" THEY SCREWED UP 3 PIZZAS!

I'm super excited becasue monique is taking the day off of work on monday and erika doesn't work, nor do i, so we're having a spa day!!! Hot stone massages are amazing!!!! i cannnnnooottt wait! i've earned it!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

one more thing about me you might not know

a few weeks ago i posted 5 things you didn't know about me, i just thought of another.


ALSO, i recently learned how to bold in HMTL (the computer language i'm learning) so that's why i have started bolding stuff!

i'm totally eating cookies right now

i know i talk a lot about wanting to lose weight, but these cookies are from whole foods and reportedly quite good for me! Anyway, just ran over to the farmers market and the grove mall across the street from the writers guild to get fresh fruit for lunch, so freaking good and cheap, and then get my niece rowan who turned 4 yesterday an outfit from the gap, like Godmother, like Goddaughter... so cute. I was busy last week and wasn't able to get a gift to her for all those who are judging me my auntie abilities, i was trying to sell a freakin' show to pay for her college education, biatches!

ok so on my way back, the TOday Show stopped me and asked to interview me about the afterlife!!! how hilarious is that!! so i'm going to be on the today show on tuesday talking about how i think the afterlife is like a bunch of green golf courses and friends hanging out. Hopefully there will be no boy troubles in heaven!

Monday, October 09, 2006

just another manic monday

today i could not concentrate. I wrote one thing for the tv blog i write for, i'm finding it harder and harder to come up with tv news. turns out there's not much tv news to report on. Its not like celeb gossip which is always happening, TV news isn't so prolific. oy vey, anyway, i think I've decided that I want to get back together with someone who dumped me a while ago. not sure exaclty how to accomplish this... very tricky. i mean, this person didn't want to be with me, so theres that, then there's the chance he has a girlfriend, a good chance since it's totally easy for men to get women, so there's that also, and i dont have his number any more and i've forgotten his email address, so i feel like the cards are stacked against me... i need to think about this some more as i know it's going to end terribly with me feeling sorry for myself. I just need to busy myself and forget about him.

update: I have been assured by my friends that me contacting Mr EX is a bad idea. Like i said i've lost all his contact info, so that pretty much makes my decision for me, but why the need to get back together with him? dont know. Speaking of exes i had a stalker EX a few years ago and I just was on his myspace page (yes even though he was a sorta stalker i still allowed him to be my myspace friend) and even he has a girlfriend, so i have to believe that mr. ex has one too.

have you guys been reading my TV blog? see the link down below, a few posts down, check it ou and post commments.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


the best part of my weekend was going to the mets/dodgers game. holy mooly it was the most amazing game!! i went with my friend alan and i had arranged to have this guy sell us tickets before the game, he had put an ad up on craigs list. so i call the guy as i'm pulling into the parking lot and he says he was at lot #13 and so i park and we start walking and calling him and he doesn't pick up so we call again, he doesn't pick up, again, again, so we're walking around lot 13 and there are only 3 groups there and so alan goes up and asks each group if someone there is sean, the guy's name, so the 3rd group he goes up to and as he's asking, i call again and the group says they have no sean, but as they're saying there's no sean, i see a guy look at his cell phone that has just started ringing, (i was calling) and looks at me on the phone and alan and i are pussy's so we walked away. clearly the guy had told a few people he'd sell them the tickets, and gave them to the first people who showed up. anyway, we scalp tickets to get in since we were already there and unfortuatnly we were sitting near a bunch of gang banging looking types, yeah, it was scary since i'm wearing a Mets hat which i prompttly took off when i realized i could easily get my assed kicked and alan would be of no help seeing as i could beat him up. soooo the game rocked, but the fans were drunk and belligerent so i culdn't really cheer that loud for the mets but WE WON!!! so now we're going to the NL playoffs, hopefully in san diego so i can go down there for a game!! LETS GO METS!! oh and the yanks lost so i guess all my friends who became yankee fans in the mid 90s will now jump on the mets bandwagon, but i will be pushing them off, we dont needs fairweather fans, thank you v. much.

big day

did you guys see me in USA today on thursday?

so that was fun,but the other big part of my day on thurs. was pitching a tv show to executives at the peacock network, home of some tv shows like cheers and seinfeld.

well, the pitch went amazing, i kicked some serious ass and made them laugh and they usually never laugh, so that was good, but unfortunately the pitch wasn't bought due to the fact that they have a similar project already in develop. sucks to work for a month straight on something like that and it literally goes away over night. but we might take it to other networks the reason why i took it to the one i did is becuase the production company i'm developing with has a deal with them and we had to go there first. but seriously pitching a tv show and developing one too is the hardest thing i've ever done in my life, so fukcing ridiculous, but at the end of the day, a great experience for future times I'm going to have to do it over and over again until i get a show on the air... we shall see.

this weekend was fun, saw the most amazing movie, The Departed, seriously unbelievable although ridiculously long. I loved it, how hot is leo dicaprio, did i just turn into a 12 yr old girl? on saturday am had b'fast at my friend carrie's house who i went to high school with. she's married and has a kid and lives in bev. hills, it was fun because she made the most amazing pancakes, seriously, how did she make them taste that good?

today i watched football with liz at my friend bryan's house and now i'm eating soy chocolate pudding, yum!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


i'm in hell, creating a TV show is hell, i'm in hell. I pitch to one of the networks tomorrow so no more updates until after that, just know i'm in total hell. Oh, the hoops i'm jumping through...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

TV blog

for the past month i've been writing for a tv watching blog over on ivillage. here's the link

anyway, a bunch of us write for it, but i'm the main person who does reviews and tv news. Everyone else just writes recaps of episodes of whatever shows they watch. anyway, i just got a call that USA today wants to interview me and it's going to happen any minute, i'm so nervous!! i'll let you know when the interview comes out, eek, i've never been interviewed by a major publication.


Monday, October 02, 2006

boulder insanity

so much happened this weekend, had so much fun. Erin's wedding was beautiful, Jamie and I got wasted, classy, huh? but it wasn't our fault, the servers at the wedding kept refilling the wine glasses on the table and we had no idea how much we were drinking. anyway, we ended up at chautaqua where all the guests were staying and hung outside the cabin erin and chris were in and everyone was just chilling and drinking and jamie and i were wasted and just left and started walking towards the hotel that we had to get cause we were too drunk to drive back to dennver. so we we get to the hill where all the students go to party and there are a lot of frats there and we go to a frat party and i walk in and no one says anytyhing, but they stop jamie and start harassing him and i come back and tell the guys that taylor invited us, knowning that every frat has a guy named taylor in it, well, lo and behold pi kapp does have a taylor in it and guess who was standing right next to me when i said this, TAYLOR, the one and only taylor in the frat! WHAT ARE THE CHANCES?!?! so we're like okay bye, then we stumble down to circle K and convince these guys who were filling up on gas to drive us to the hotel, they are seniors at the air force academy and were on their way back to colorado springs, so they drive us to our hotel and when we get there no one is behind the desk which makes sense since it was 3 am, so i call the hotel from my cell and jamie reaches over the counbter and picks up the phone, this went on for anumber of times even though i was like jamie, stop that, but we were drunk and some guy in the lobbby found us very amusing.... then came yesterday's hangover.... oy vey! more on that later...