There is something definately wrong with me, that much I know. Let me tell you why. whenever i get out of my car and see an old person heading to the ATM machine or same coffee shop as me, i always and i mean always break into a sprint to beat them to their desitination so i can get their first so i dont have to wait for them. I know this sounds mean, but it does make sense
Do not judge me until you have been stuck behind an old person trying to figure out what to order at the coffee bean. the menu is not really that confusing, you'd think they never ordered a cup of coffee before and dont get me started on them trying to pick out a treat to eat from the glass container. It takes forever. but now I find myself racing old people every time i see them, and you dont see many in LA, but it happens at least once a week. most recently in the trader joes parking lot, i saw an old guy get out of his car at the same time i did and i felt the need to race him to the door. Is this normal? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say no.
PS was over at the FOX lot yesterday and saw hugh laurie going into his trailer! i love him to much, it's insane.
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