working for ivillage has provided me many an exciting opportunities. last night I got invited to the medium premiere party. Medium is a show on NBC with patricia arquette who I got to interview and who I now love. Of course my favorite person I interviews was masi oka from heroes, he's so sweet!!! Courtney cox aruquette was there with her daughter and I took a few pics of her daughter's juice box, so cute. I had so much fun at the party, it was an awesome night. I knew nobody so I had to make friends with people who all work togetehr, so it's hard to inject yourself into such a tight knit group, but I managed. Also jason bateman was there, so cute!!!
next week I get to hit the red carpet of the 90210 / melrose place dvd release party and get to go to the party after! bernadette is going to be my plus one so I'm not alone in that one! cannot wait, loved 90210!!!
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