Tuesday, February 27, 2007

so last wed. night i went out with Kevin from ehar. so he's totally cute,
but he's an actor and ALLL
HE TALKED ABOUT was the entertainment busines.. Like I
even tried to switch topics but he some how was able
to worm his way out of those conversations and get
back into one about ENTERTAINMENT! don't get me wrong
i love the biz, but really, 2.5 hours of talking about
his involvoement in the entertainment industry!?! I'd literally be like let's talk about AIDS babies in AFrica and he'd be like speaking of babies from Africa, what do you think about Brangelina.

also i dont know how many times he said the following
when talking about someone more successful than he is
that he may or may not know "don't get me wrong I dont
begrudge them any of their sucess..." LIKE 8

anyway, i'm so desperate, i'm going out with him again next week.

Also i gave up sweets for lent which started last week and I'm totally dying! i want candy so bad!!

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