Sunday, January 20, 2008

I tivo-ed bridget jones diary and just watched it and was stunned by the similarities between bridget and myself and now I'm depressed. I think it also has to do with the fact that I can't tell if I'm sick or not, my body can't make up it's mind. sometimes I feel ok and then I feel sick?!?! PULL THE TRIGGER BODY OF MINE BECAUSE THIS SHIT IS STARTING TO PISS ME OFF!!

1 comment:

bunch said...

I have such a love/hate relationship with that movie. I can't NOT watch it but I'm so much like Bridget it pisses me off. And the fact that everyone told me I looked JUST LIKE Renee Zellweger when those movies came out. Fuckin' a... Jan 21st is the most depressing day of the year according to CNN.