yesterday I met Kristin for coffee at kings road cafe and saw.... drum roll please... ERIC DANE!!! AKA MCSTEAMY FROM GREYS ANATOMY!!! OMG that man is hot on the show, but his hottness defies all hotness in person, his ass was so close to my face (i was sitting down) that I nearly passed out from sheer beauty.
gossip alert! rumor has it that he has a honey on the side who lives near kings road and who my friend has seen him having spats with and they call eachh other baby. i have not seen this, but it seems like an odd thing to make up, my friends is a reliable source and she has seen them on numerous ocasaions, in case you ddin't know, he's married to rebecaa gayheart, so this piece of gossip is CRAZY!!
Today at Swingers i saw dave chapelle. i wanted to take a pic of my picture a day in 2008 journal, but my friend says "he's bat shit, he might go crazy on you." so i didn't. he was wearing big ass headphones and was in the back so i couldn't see if he was with anyone, i wonder if he used his WGA to get a free meal like we did!!!
there were character actors galore at kings road yesterday too. The dad from Dawson' creek and a few others who would eye each other when the others would get a table, prety damn funny. oh, life in LA.
my migraine still lingers, but i'm doing better, amy and bern are coming over to watch friday night lights today so i had to clean my apartment, not that it was dirty but you know, wipe down the counter and stove and bathroom sink, ugh I ate being poor and not being able to afford someone to do that shit for me!
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