Monday, March 24, 2008

so immediately after my accident last week my parents flew me home to NY. I just clarely had such a bad run of bad luck and I was so wound up and the pressure and stress and mental toll was all to much. I got into the acciddent at 2 called them around 3pm and was on a plane that night. My dad said i was so upset on the phone he thought I had killed someone. No, not someone, just someone's jaguar.

so i have been hiding out in ny recovering from whip lash and all my mental scarring. I'm glad I came home, turns out it was easter so I had a great time with my family and then started being spotted in my small town and in the church I go to and had to tell people I was home. It was fine, by then I was ready to get off my parents couch, although not behind a wheel. basically my friends just pick me up and drive me whereever they're going, i tag along. today I went swimming which i read is good for shoulder, neck and back injuries, so that felt good. my dad and I split a lane, hehe! pretty funny. we have matching goggles.

tonight my friend BJ and her kids and I went up to briarcliff to her sister cathy's sweet ass condo. I think one of my basketball coaches now works for the NBA pretty high up so i'm going to contact her about employment opporutnities there. Very excited about that. that should be cool. we had yummy spinach pizza tonight and played with the kids and gossiped about everyone we know. it's fun to do that with people you have known for over 15 years! it's not the same with the friends i've only had a few years, not that I dont cherish those relationships. I def. do, but still. anyway, I emailed with one of my friends today and he just gave me a great email reply when I told him I had to miss lunch b/c I was in ny due to this accident and my nervous breakdown, he said the nicest things, I just love getting those types of emails. Although now more and more I'm getting condolence emails and phone calls from people who are starting to hear about my accident etc as the news trickles out since I just picked up in left hours after the accident took place. lets see how nice they're going to be when they have to drive me everywhere when i go back to LA cause I'll be without a car for who knows how long. suck!

Saturday, March 22, 2008


I bought a mega millions ticket the morning after my accident and guess what?!?! I WON!!! I WON THREE DOLLARS!! it's something right?!!?!?!

what should i spend it on? i dont want to spend it all on one place so as one would imagine that really narrows down my options. YIPPEE!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

she's being aggressive

She's very AGGRESSIVE. this is what i just heard from my insurance company. My poor insurance compnay who i've only had for like 3 months and they have to deal with a COMPLETE lunatic that was involved in the accident with me. This woman was screaming at me and now i can only imagine what they're dealing with. As a result of this revelation and warning from my insurance company, i can no longer divulge information about the accident. Just know we were both at fault (my side) she on the other hand has a different view of the story. It's very complicated.

today was Good Friday, I've always wondered why it's called "Good Friday" since it's the day Jesus died. Actually I do know the answer, but it still bewilders me.

I would also like to apologize to my faithful readers who day after day come to my blog to read something witty or funny only to find out that I have suffered more bad luck, have slipped further into my depression and have completely lost the will to live. I'm sorry, I just can't seem to catch a break, I hope you know that since i'm reading "When Bad things happen to good people" (thanks mom!)... wel, I dont want to say I know I'm going to be okay and i'm going to get through this because if you scroll through my days it only keeps getting worse, but lets just leave it at that I'm reading this "when bad things happen to good people book," and that's that.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

hmmm i guess the bird poop thing wasn't good luck after all. On monday I had a car repair for $1100. Tues I got a rejection letter for an entry level trainee job saying I didn't have the right qualifications!! FOR AN ENTRY LEVEL JOB and then on wednesday i got into a big car accident with a screaming lady, a lunatic insane lady who my insurance company told me today is being very "aggressive" with them and causing a lot of problems. (less than 24 hours after the accident) oh and a sassy black bus driver who first said I hit her bus too and then 10 mins later said "no wait you didn't hit my bus." so she's the "credible witness" for the entire case. Oh and i did happen to mention the botoxed lady was driving a brand new Jaguar?! yeah, awesome! I think I cried more yesterday than I have in... well only bout 2 weeks. but today is the first day of the rest of my life.

p.s. okay that is pic is not what happened!! oh and the $1100 car repair is gonna have to be completely redone! but it's okay, i'm gonna be ok and it could've been worse!! (at least that what some guy told me when he saw me standing by my car just staring at it glazed over about 30 mins after the accidnet)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

good luck

I hear getting pooped on by a bird is good luck. any one have any idea what that is based on? I just got pooped on so I was curious!?@!

this week i went up to santa barbara with my cousin mo and her 2 girls to check out colleges for one of the girls. it was a small Christian college in montecito, so ridiculously beautiful and very very very small. I convinced Hannah to go to Pepperdine in Malibu, i wanted to go there but my parents were against it. check out the picture of this campus!!! come on!!! amazing. So that woudl be cool, hannah is a very cool girl. its weird to think that when she was 1 years old that was the last time I took a road trip with her and her parents, and now i'm road tripping with her TO COLLEGES!!!

life is going by waaaay too fast!

yesterday I went to a baby shower for my friend erika. it was reallllly nice of course, all my friends are TOTALLY RICH RICH RICH!! I am not. but that has been well established. anyway, she was opening presents and wondered where this one woman was who RSVP-ed and I was like I dont know her and she was like yes you do, you know Kerry Anderson and I was like no, I dont and this is how ther est of the conversation went.

Kerry Anderson, you know Kerry Anderson. Kerry Anderson?
me: no I have no idea who she is
Her: Kerry Anderson. (turns to our friends) She's met Kerry Anderson right?
Jenny: yeah, you know Kerry Anderson she was at my shower
Me: i swear I dont know Kerry Anderson
Jenny: yes you do, she does, she met her at my shower
her: Kerry Anderson, you know her.
me: you can keep saying her name, but my answer isn't going to change.
Jenny: no, you know her, you just dont know it.

me: (in my head)
: oh, ok.???

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Post tenebras spero lucem ("After darkness I hope for light")

Ive decided I'm no longer JOB from the Bible. Job is the guy who is repeatedly tested by God to see his faith and God gives him the most UNBELIEVABLE bad luck and just heaps it on him more and more and more and more, killing his wife and kids and taking away everything. For more info read about it here. ALL ABOUT BAD LUCK JOBFor most of 2 years now I've thought I was JOB, the modern day JOB, i do not have a wife and kids to take away but everything else I have had stripped from me.

But today I've decided I'm Lazarus, another Biblical character who Jesus rises from the dead, resurects, more like ressucitates. I have decided I am now Lazarus, I am on the rise.

TOday I picked up a mail from the actors house and found a medical bill, no surprsie there, I'm drowning in medical bills, this is one for $7,000 from 2005 when I was sick after Africa. My insurance woudln't pay it. I had 2 procedures done with a doctor in their network who did said procedures at a non-network place and they would only pay $3000 of the 10,000 so that left with me $7000. I told my doctor last year I couldn't pay it, and it wasn fair since I was using him a in network doctor that I should be penalized becaue he was using a non network surgery center for my stomach stuff. So he told me to fax him the bill and he'd try and work something out, i'd probably have to pay some of it, but not a of it. This is a doctor who I have developed a good report with seeing as I'm always in there with ailments that "only 65 year old men have, not women your ag" that's a direct quote. he was also the one who told me to go to the ER b/c I was having an appendicitis, needless to say this guy has watched the hits keep on coming with me. Anyway, it took a long time for me to get it togethet to mail the bill to him but I did and then never really heard anythign.

until today.

Like i said I went to the old homestead to pick up my mail and there was the bill from the surgery center. I thought for sure I was going to open it and see a figure that I wasn't too keen on paying but much to my surprise the leter said my balance was ZERO! nada, zilch, nothing!!!! My luck is changing! I still have thousands to pay for my medical bills last year, but this one bill was weighing on me for years!!!!!

woo hoo, I feel like I won the lottery, I am like the phoenix, I am rising from the ashes, I'm back in the high life again!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

free screening

last night this guy i went on a date with in dec and a few more in jan called me out of the blue. he had disappeared in jan, (after the date where he called me at 830am to ask me to a free movie screening that night) only to send me an email in feb congratulating me that the strike was over and so i replied "i was wondering what happened to you" something to drive home my attitude of "WTF where did u go?" then i followed it up with yes, thanks for the email blah blah.


then last night he called me at like 930pm to invite me to a screening (another one, it's the only thing he ever calls me to do, a free movie screening, he really knows how to make a girl feel special.) for 4pm today, but i was like Um I have to work.... and he said maybe we could get drinks after if i couldn't make the screening, but I already have plans!! WHO IS THIS GUY? HE CALLS LIKE 2 SECS BEFORE HE WANTS TO HANG OUT. now i know you're all thinking Jeez, give it a rest, at least he's calling, but honestly, a 16 hour notice isn't enough. I'm not saying i'm popular, but I don't see people alllll day long andit's really lonely so as a result I book my nights up way in advance becaues I need to see people and not feel so isolated, so i'm ususally booked up at least 10 days in advance. it's something I know i have to do to keep remotely sane! so i called him back today and left a message and haven't heard back. i'm sure in 3 weeks I"ll hear from him again!


i handed in my pilot to my agents and they loved it but want me to do a re-write so we had a conference call yesterday and i've come out of it not understanding WTF they're trying to say. The thing about agents and TV execs is they get their job after answering a phone for a few years and then get promoted. The thing about writers is, they have to answer the phone for a few years BUT ALSO WRITE SCRIPTS AND IMPROVE THEIR CRAFT. you see the difference. In what other industry do people who answer the phone get promoted into a job that requires understanding of script development, story building, character?!?!? NO OTHER THAT'S WHY THERE IS SO MUCH BAD TV. the people who are giving notes HAVE NO EXPERIENCE DOING SO!!!! They're just trying to sound smart so as not to lose their job THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE IN THE FIRST PLACE. So sure agents listened in on all their bosses phone calls when they were assistants, so they hear phrases and words that execs and agents say that sound like they have meaning (they think the person on the other end knows what htey're talkinga bout) but really they're just saying a lot of words but it means nothing. I'm not sure you can fully understand this until you have had it happen to you.

so yesterday on the phone my agents said a lot of words but didn't really say anything concrete or of any value that will help me in my rewrite and this makes it difficult as one would imagine. I just want to be done with this script and send it out and maybe sell it (long shot, but crazier things have happened)