Ive decided I'm no longer JOB from the Bible. Job is the guy who is repeatedly tested by God to see his faith and God gives him the most UNBELIEVABLE bad luck and just heaps it on him more and more and more and more, killing his wife and kids and taking away everything. For more info read about it here. ALL ABOUT BAD LUCK JOBFor most of 2 years now I've thought I was JOB, the modern day JOB, i do not have a wife and kids to take away but everything else I have had stripped from me.
But today I've decided I'm Lazarus, another Biblical character who Jesus rises from the dead, resurects, more like ressucitates. I have decided I am now Lazarus, I am on the rise.
TOday I picked up a mail from the actors house and found a medical bill, no surprsie there, I'm drowning in medical bills, this is one for $7,000 from 2005 when I was sick after Africa. My insurance woudln't pay it. I had 2 procedures done with a doctor in their network who did said procedures at a non-network place and they would only pay $3000 of the 10,000 so that left with me $7000. I told my doctor last year I couldn't pay it, and it wasn fair since I was using him a in network doctor that I should be penalized becaue he was using a non network surgery center for my stomach stuff. So he told me to fax him the bill and he'd try and work something out, i'd probably have to pay some of it, but not a of it. This is a doctor who I have developed a good report with seeing as I'm always in there with ailments that "only 65 year old men have, not women your ag" that's a direct quote. he was also the one who told me to go to the ER b/c I was having an appendicitis, needless to say this guy has watched the hits keep on coming with me. Anyway, it took a long time for me to get it togethet to mail the bill to him but I did and then never really heard anythign.
until today.
Like i said I went to the old homestead to pick up my mail and there was the bill from the surgery center. I thought for sure I was going to open it and see a figure that I wasn't too keen on paying but much to my surprise the leter said my balance was ZERO! nada, zilch, nothing!!!! My luck is changing! I still have thousands to pay for my medical bills last year, but this one bill was weighing on me for years!!!!!
woo hoo, I feel like I won the lottery, I am like the phoenix, I am rising from the ashes, I'm back in the high life again!
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