last night i was bored, and since every night is friday night for me since I aint gots no job, I called my friend danny who lives up the street from me. He and his wife invited me over for dinner and a few beers. AFterwards they headed out to see a movie and my friend K called me and so I met up with her at the grove and had a few more drinks and she ate dinner. Then she drove my car to her house and we watched reality bites and then I had sobered up, drove to canters deli bought cookies and ate them on the drive home.
I love that danny lives in my neighborhood. I seriously have such a fantastic area. My friend D. is moving here today and then my friend jessica lives 2 blocks from me and danny and his wife live at the top of my street. Bernsie lives 1.5 miles from me, so sometimes i'll walk over there and yeah, this neighborhood rocks. I've lived here for 1 year and I simply could not be more delighted with this part of town, I also am totally obsessed with my kick ass apartment! i can't believe I didn't live alone before last year! It's just bloody fantastic!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
sorry, i cannot believe it's been 9 days since i posted last. I've been crazy busy readying my pitch for SONY Television on monday morning. I had to re-write then re-tool it in order to get it in to shape.
funny hollywood story typical of the tv world. I sent my producer the pitch last friday at 630pm. by monday i hadn't heard back from her with notes and was suprised so i emailed her to find out if she got the pitch. she replied back no she didn't, then 5 mins later followed up with "wait, i did get it. next time to avoid situations like these please dont send stuff to my home on friday night when i'm out to dinner and I forget I recieved it."
soooo i guess her forgetting she recieved something from me is MY fault. I love that she speaks to me like I"m her subordinate, when in actuality, I'm the talent so really she should be mine.
so freakin typical. also, since when (in this town) is 630pm FRIDAY NIGHT??? 10PM yes, but 630pm here at least is still considered part of the business day considering no one starts work before 10am!!!
p.s. am i the only one who thinks josh groban is cute sometimes, but other times not so much?
p.p.s. i have things cooking on all fronts of my personal and professinal life, will update when I have more details so i dont jinx myself.
funny hollywood story typical of the tv world. I sent my producer the pitch last friday at 630pm. by monday i hadn't heard back from her with notes and was suprised so i emailed her to find out if she got the pitch. she replied back no she didn't, then 5 mins later followed up with "wait, i did get it. next time to avoid situations like these please dont send stuff to my home on friday night when i'm out to dinner and I forget I recieved it."
soooo i guess her forgetting she recieved something from me is MY fault. I love that she speaks to me like I"m her subordinate, when in actuality, I'm the talent so really she should be mine.
so freakin typical. also, since when (in this town) is 630pm FRIDAY NIGHT??? 10PM yes, but 630pm here at least is still considered part of the business day considering no one starts work before 10am!!!
p.s. am i the only one who thinks josh groban is cute sometimes, but other times not so much?
p.p.s. i have things cooking on all fronts of my personal and professinal life, will update when I have more details so i dont jinx myself.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I"m starting to see why actors and in general people in hollywood become drug addicts. it's all because boredom can drive a person crazy. right now i'm not bored, but for the past 2 years combined I have been insanely bored. sure i have projects here and there I get hired for, but since I have to turn them in on my own time, and they usually dont require me to work 100 hours a week i find myself bored.
now back to my thesis statement, i just took an anti-axiety pill because I am bored. I was like I'm going to take a pill and i have a million of htese things since i am and always have been very anxious, so i just popped a pill not because I'm anxious right now, but only because i was in the bathroom and had nothing better to do.
anyway, do not become alarmed, I'm guessing one pill in 2 years because i'm bored is a pretty good ratio and safe. The only ever time I take one is when I'm pitching to a network, although I'm so used to pitching now, I barely even do that. Its strange that something that struck fear in me 2 years ago, doesn't even really show up on my radar now. I'm starting to think i'm starting to mellow, but I suppose it depends on who you ask...
howdy. i'm gonna write more later, just wanted to let you know i was still alive. If I had more to report i would've sadly, but I do not. I've been hanging out and writing and on tuesday I refused to drive in order to be more green and save money (it's 5 bucks a gallon near me) so I walked to the beverly hills library and worked there.
The homeless people of BH spend the day on the internet at the BH library. I'm really curious to know what on earth they are looking up or searching for. They get a little jumpy when people are get too close so it's not like I can look over their shoulder to see them on their gmail account or reading about getting an online degree. I have no idea. then again, why do i assume homeless people dont want to be caught up on current events or have friends they email. I mean if i lost my house and lived under a bench on santa monica blvd in BH, i'd still have people i'd like to think would want to hear from me on email, right?
on sunday I was in church (yes I"m still a good.... good-ish) Catholic girl, anyway, i saw vanessa williams and this is the 2nd time i've seen her recently, the first time being right before easter and i thought she's one of those catholics that come to church only around the big holidays, but i was wrong, she was there (and so freaking skinny, my arms are bigger than her legs) on sunday, so good for her.
Oh and I have a great story about YO and an email exchange we had. I dont even know where to start, but actualy i'm not sure i'm going to share cause I shared with my friend carrie and chris last night and they thought i was a total bitch! which is funny because all my married friends thing I was in the wrong and my single friends think I am in the right... weird. will get to that some other time. need to go work.
The homeless people of BH spend the day on the internet at the BH library. I'm really curious to know what on earth they are looking up or searching for. They get a little jumpy when people are get too close so it's not like I can look over their shoulder to see them on their gmail account or reading about getting an online degree. I have no idea. then again, why do i assume homeless people dont want to be caught up on current events or have friends they email. I mean if i lost my house and lived under a bench on santa monica blvd in BH, i'd still have people i'd like to think would want to hear from me on email, right?
on sunday I was in church (yes I"m still a good.... good-ish) Catholic girl, anyway, i saw vanessa williams and this is the 2nd time i've seen her recently, the first time being right before easter and i thought she's one of those catholics that come to church only around the big holidays, but i was wrong, she was there (and so freaking skinny, my arms are bigger than her legs) on sunday, so good for her.
Oh and I have a great story about YO and an email exchange we had. I dont even know where to start, but actualy i'm not sure i'm going to share cause I shared with my friend carrie and chris last night and they thought i was a total bitch! which is funny because all my married friends thing I was in the wrong and my single friends think I am in the right... weird. will get to that some other time. need to go work.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
dominicks is domi-awesome
last night i just got back from the gym.... wait lets start over...
yesterday morning i got up super early to hike with a friend of mine who i worked with on a show many moons ago. We lost touch and then she hired my former writing partner on her show and from that day forth i decided never to speak to her again. But as you get older and realize life is a nightmare for every fucking person, you soften and we ran into each other at a couple of strike events and picked up where we left off and now we're hiking buddies. Yeah, look who is being the bigger person for the thousandth time in a row... Anyway she is writing on some new show so she is working now so we hike super early. So later in the day, b/c i have so much on my mind these days, i had forgotten that I already worked out and went to the gym last night!?! in the middle of my run i realize... i already worked out today?! who does this? anyway, i figured, well i'm already here so i might as well finish my workout.
so after the gym i get a text from my friend jessica to see if i wanted to get a drink so we head over to dominicks, i freakin love this place. I discovered it like 2 years ago and now live within walking distance and am obsessed! we sat outside by the fire, had a great chat, a nice glass of wine and then headed home. What a fun way to spend 2 hours of your tues night. God, i love LA. (the city not the industry)
so i'm pitching to my producer on friday morning now, it got pushed! I have been writing the pitch and i kinda super like it! Much better than the idea they forced me to pitch last year where wasn't as organic as this one as this one is based on my life in my small town i grew up in. If this show ever made it to air, i'd have to change EVERYONEs names. Because everyone is either based on someone I grew up with or most are an amalgamation of a few people and everyone has names of people from said podunk town. so i hope she likey and wont make me make many changes for when we go to SONY on the 30th.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
a couple of years ago when I was rich and never cooked for myself, or did anything for myself if we're being honest, i would go to whole foods in bev. hills all the time an dpick up food. One time while in front of the glass counter trying to figure out what to eat, a man from behind me started giving me suggestions, completely unsolicited. he told me to get the chicken nuggets. I turn around to thank him and it's billy bob thorton. He then (still completely unsolicited) goes on and on to me about why he likes them, what other foods he likes there and his food allergies. ALL OF THEM.
strangely i took his suggestion and loved the chicken. I had completely forgotten about this until my friend kristin was talking about billy bob last week. For some reason i was thinking bout this conversation on sunday while I was hungry and I thought to myself, you know what I really want, those chicken nuggets from whole foods. and i went to get them.
Now billy bob will forever be in my brain associated with the bevely hills whole food chicken nuggets. How strange that a conversatoin about billy bob days before helped solve my food question... just thought i'd share.
strangely i took his suggestion and loved the chicken. I had completely forgotten about this until my friend kristin was talking about billy bob last week. For some reason i was thinking bout this conversation on sunday while I was hungry and I thought to myself, you know what I really want, those chicken nuggets from whole foods. and i went to get them.
Now billy bob will forever be in my brain associated with the bevely hills whole food chicken nuggets. How strange that a conversatoin about billy bob days before helped solve my food question... just thought i'd share.
Monday, June 09, 2008
i'm not computer savvy.
some of my recent posts were accidently deleted when I checked a whole bunch of them and then clicked delete in stead of save.
visited Kristin's set again today (went to the un burned back lot of universal on saturday and spent a few hours there watching them film the mexican carnival scene)
anyway, today they're filming in a boutique on 3rd street right around the corner from me. Bernsie and janie are extras!! anyway, I was walking through the store and needed to get around someone and said "excuse me" only to find out that "someone" was a mannequin.
some of my recent posts were accidently deleted when I checked a whole bunch of them and then clicked delete in stead of save.
visited Kristin's set again today (went to the un burned back lot of universal on saturday and spent a few hours there watching them film the mexican carnival scene)
anyway, today they're filming in a boutique on 3rd street right around the corner from me. Bernsie and janie are extras!! anyway, I was walking through the store and needed to get around someone and said "excuse me" only to find out that "someone" was a mannequin.
Friday, June 06, 2008
secret shopper
like i said in my last post i'm being a secret shopper tonight at a nice sushi restuarant in LA. And i'm psyched for free food, but I have to fill out like a 10 page form about everything from the moment I call to make a ressie to the minute we leave valet!! but here is what my friend Amy (who is one of my best friends out here and is a mom with 2 young kids so i'm taking her with me for a night away from the family treat) and I have to eat tonight. And as many of you know, i dont like to eat big dinners so this is going to cause me to have nightmares tonight because all the food I'm going to ingest. (the nightmares will not come from eating so much food but I get nightmares when I eat big meals, it's weird, i know but what can you do?)
how am i possibly going to be able to consume all the food"?!?!!?!
but i'm super excited!!!!!
how am i possibly going to be able to consume all the food"?!?!!?!
but i'm super excited!!!!!
Thursday, June 05, 2008
do you ever have those days when you just can't seem to focus on what you need to accomplish? These days are brutal on a writer with a deadline. I have to pitch to my producer over at SONY on wednesday and I have to really develop the world of the show I'm ptiching then write the pitch, all of which i was hoping to.. well not finish, but at least start today and for some reason I have done everything but do this. I have accomplished nothing. IN fact when I type this, i'm going to the gym to run instead of working on my pitch. And it's not like something I can phone in, i am going to be sitting in a room opposite my producer, just the 2 of us while I pitch this and it has to be clear, concise, funny oh and a viable idea that she can envision as a tv show. If not, we're back to square one. So the fact that I can't concentrate on my only really reason for getting out of bed this a.m. is DRIVING ME BATTY!
I do however, now have a clean apartment floor as I swifter-ed it and vacuumed and took out the trash, walked to the grocery store, met a friend for coffee, helped her re-do her pitch for paramount and then played on the internet. BTW I liked life a lot more when I had a maid cleaning my place. I've had one almost my entire life so to now not have someone clean my apt. because I can't really spend the money on it is also DRIVING ME FUCKING BATTY.
while at peetes coffee today on larchmont, i saw a lot of people carrying around yoga mats, i need to do this next time I head to larchmont (a ritzy upscale street in LA that is so super cute, has adorable shops, the best pizza in LA and reminds me of scarsdale) I also saw tina majorino, she was the little girl from "when a man loves a woman," she was in napolean dynomite and also she's in big love on HBO. she was walking with some TV exec. I saw someone else famous today too but can't remember who... I went to bed at 1am and then woke up at 6am maybe that's why i'm all over the place today.
last night i went to dinner with my tennis class girls, we're all soo different yet we all get along so well, we range in ages from 45 to 25, from australia to marietta GA, from Catholic to Jewish, from writers to hotel industry employees. we had a fantastic time!!! Damn, i love tennis.
Monday, June 02, 2008

Steve and bernsie pretending they are at a major rager!

bernsie, kristin, Gunn!

me with the boys (check out the sign in the background)

me, carrie (from high school), danielle and bernsie

me, adam (so hot!), bryan (we dated and his engagment party is the one i went to this weekend), kate and morgan.

me, bernsie and bryan.

me, amy and bernsie!
last week i was working at universal studios. i parked in the muddy waters parking lot and had to walk through the back lot in order to get to Kristin's office. I walked through it 2 a day for 3 days, also walked through it every day when I worked there 6 years ago. Anyway, now the back lot has been burned to pieces. So sad to think I may have been one of the last people to see the back to the future clocktower set...
anyway, i was walking through there the other day when all of a sudden a black BMW almost hits me. I look at the person driving and thought it was my agent, Greg, but as I looked closer i see it's the actor, the guy I used to live with. well, not live with but lived in his house with him. anyway, he's doing a spot on CSI and was there for a wardrobe fitting and yeah, he narrowly missed me! he gave me a ride to kristin's office and said "how funny would that have been if I hit you, got out of the car and was like I'm so sorry-- Sarah?"
Hilarious that would've been!
today I at the Writers Guild reading some scripts and then I need to send off an email to the ABC drama exec who i met with a few weeks ago to tell her if I liked them. of course I will say I loved them all, b/c i want a fucking job!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
this weekend went by fast. I was driving today thinking, i hate when the weekend is over cause that means i'm supposed to do something with my life starting tomorrow. unfortuatnely it appears that SONY is taking their sweet time on deciding on which idea i'm going to develop for them this year. so i have nothing to do!! i know this sounds like a dream to some, but i assure you it sucks so much balls to open your eyes every morning and look up at the ceiling thinking i could stay here alll freakin day and no one would ever know.
yesterday i went to my friend/ex engagement party. the party called for "hoedown" wear. Now for a girl from NY i do not have any hoedown type garb. so the closest thing I had was a red bandana that i wore on my head and a white skirt that COULD be seen as a western outfit, but was really more a hippie outfit. my friends were all wearing cowboy boots and plaid cowboy shirts and cowboy hats and took one look at me and here are the comments i got:
so needless to say the party was my worst nightmare with all these atrocious outfits and then country music?!?! and the food was from zeke's BBq. so there were ribs and pulled chicken and baked beans and basically everything I woudl NEVER eat. Now I'm sure many know I have major food issues, mostly because of the foodbourne illnesses i have had in the past, so as you can imagine, i'm not an adventourous eater when it comes to shit like pulled chicken and fucking ribs!!!
well, I bailed right after the food arrived to hit the Sex and the city movie with remi, carrie and the gang. BTW the movie was terrible, but so freakin delicious for a fan like myself!!! so i looved every 140 minutes of it!! and so did the rest of the arclight audience, people were clapping and hollaring. yeah, i'm a freakin cliche and loved every second of it.
after wards we headed to the well, which is my least fave place in LA and got a drink. I passed on the drink and headed home early since I was so freakin tired from working all week on the ABC pilot.
alright, off to the gym!
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