Thursday, June 19, 2008

howdy. i'm gonna write more later, just wanted to let you know i was still alive. If I had more to report i would've sadly, but I do not. I've been hanging out and writing and on tuesday I refused to drive in order to be more green and save money (it's 5 bucks a gallon near me) so I walked to the beverly hills library and worked there.

The homeless people of BH spend the day on the internet at the BH library. I'm really curious to know what on earth they are looking up or searching for. They get a little jumpy when people are get too close so it's not like I can look over their shoulder to see them on their gmail account or reading about getting an online degree. I have no idea. then again, why do i assume homeless people dont want to be caught up on current events or have friends they email. I mean if i lost my house and lived under a bench on santa monica blvd in BH, i'd still have people i'd like to think would want to hear from me on email, right?

on sunday I was in church (yes I"m still a good.... good-ish) Catholic girl, anyway, i saw vanessa williams and this is the 2nd time i've seen her recently, the first time being right before easter and i thought she's one of those catholics that come to church only around the big holidays, but i was wrong, she was there (and so freaking skinny, my arms are bigger than her legs) on sunday, so good for her.

Oh and I have a great story about YO and an email exchange we had. I dont even know where to start, but actualy i'm not sure i'm going to share cause I shared with my friend carrie and chris last night and they thought i was a total bitch! which is funny because all my married friends thing I was in the wrong and my single friends think I am in the right... weird. will get to that some other time. need to go work.

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