last night i just got back from the gym.... wait lets start over...
yesterday morning i got up super early to hike with a friend of mine who i worked with on a show many moons ago. We lost touch and then she hired my former writing partner on her show and from that day forth i decided never to speak to her again. But as you get older and realize life is a nightmare for every fucking person, you soften and we ran into each other at a couple of strike events and picked up where we left off and now we're hiking buddies. Yeah, look who is being the bigger person for the thousandth time in a row... Anyway she is writing on some new show so she is working now so we hike super early. So later in the day, b/c i have so much on my mind these days, i had forgotten that I already worked out and went to the gym last night!?! in the middle of my run i realize... i already worked out today?! who does this? anyway, i figured, well i'm already here so i might as well finish my workout.
so after the gym i get a text from my friend jessica to see if i wanted to get a drink so we head over to dominicks, i freakin love this place. I discovered it like 2 years ago and now live within walking distance and am obsessed! we sat outside by the fire, had a great chat, a nice glass of wine and then headed home. What a fun way to spend 2 hours of your tues night. God, i love LA. (the city not the industry)
so i'm pitching to my producer on friday morning now, it got pushed! I have been writing the pitch and i kinda super like it! Much better than the idea they forced me to pitch last year where wasn't as organic as this one as this one is based on my life in my small town i grew up in. If this show ever made it to air, i'd have to change EVERYONEs names. Because everyone is either based on someone I grew up with or most are an amalgamation of a few people and everyone has names of people from said podunk town. so i hope she likey and wont make me make many changes for when we go to SONY on the 30th.
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