so my show was cancelled, which blows. But I had wanted to set up one of the writers on my show with my friend Adam. He's so cute and so nice and this chic is super hot, so I thought perfect. However I suspected that she dated high profile men, mostly because she told me a story about how she went on a date with Damon Wayans. Nevertheless, i thought my friend is so great, that how could she not like him!
so i was going to introduce them on halloween. My friend has a huge huge huge party every year and its packed with entertainment industry, mostly TV folk and its a blast. This year sarah silverman was there, mindy kaling from the office, Jon Hamm who plays don draper on mad men, etc etc. Oh and I was there, so there you go, big showbizy party i attend every year.
But adam got food poisoning and coudn't make it, so i told my colleague that I would set them up again in the future... so imagine my surprise when I logged on to to find pictures of her MAKING OUT WITH GERARD BUTLER ON A DATE LAST NIGHT AT THE SANTA MONICA PIER!!!!!
I saw this post and was like, whoa, that looks like my friend (i'm not saying her name obviously) and then i texted her and was like "um did you go on a date with 300's Gerard Butler last night?!?!" and she said yes and wondered how I knew, I said check out justjared and TMZ has a video of you making out!!!! GOTTA LOVE THIS TOWN
i think it's over for Adam and her now, i mean he DOES NOT have abs like Gerard! oh well, do i get points for trying?!?!
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