Sunday, November 30, 2008

so thanksgiving has come and gone. its my favorite holiday, one I usually like to spend with my family, particularly my neice and nephew. This year however, I was writing for a new show and wasn't going to make it home so I made plans to chow down down down down and down friends. when my show was cancelled I thought about going home but I'm so glad i didn't. I had a great week, drove up to the Santa Barbara vineyards to get some wine, went out to the farmers market on wed. night with a huge group of friends, maybe drank and ate too much on Thanksgiving and hiked and played all weekend long. Played Golf on fri with my friends bernie and Kyle and hung out with their friends friday night and went bowling. yeah, tis a great holiday weekend. Ugh I can't imagine what I wouldve done in NY, been bored out of my mind probably staying with my parents!

thanksgiving in LA is the best kept secret cuase NO ONE is in town, the streets are emplty, sure yesterday runyon canyon was packed with people trying to hike off their stuffing, but other than that, its THE best time to be in LA!

and i didn't even have to cook a thing, my friends ordered a whole meal from whole foods and it was delish!!!

BTW why do i find Anderson Cooper AKA the silver Fox, so freakin cute even though he doesn't bat for my team?! Could i change him?

also I'm watching this CNN heroes thing and I'm wondering why Lucy Liu and Selena Gomez are Unicef spokespersons or something.

So i'm confused by facebook, apparently there is this thing where you can limit people looking at your facebook profile and I had unknowingly blocked my profile from like half my friends and I have no idea how I did. My friend Charlie was like, um, i can't see your friends anymore and I was like I have no idea why, but hes 16 so he helped me fix it, but i'm so confused that some people can see different parts or have access to differnt parts of profiles.

I just ate way too much chocolate.

oh and I'm embarrassed that i'm starting to like that show Private Practice on ABC!

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