I play tennis every friday morning at 8am at the Bev hills tennis center. Its all sorts of crazy early for me, but still, i do it and have a really fun time with my friend jennifer who is also an out of work TV writer. Anyway, i won today... AGAIN.!!
but it made me think as i looked at all the balls laying near the bleachers... WTF happens to tennis balls when they're no good anymore? do they just go to the land fill? I've never been to a landfill but seen pics and never seen any tennis balls in these photos. are they biodegradable? this is really stressing me out! i have tennis balls in my trunk and in my house (they're great if your back hurts and you cant get a massage right away, roll on a tennis ball, feels great!)
had great sushi last night with my friend from college, christie who was in town from portland. itzakaya katsuya sushi in LA is THE BEST! by far i've ever tasted! I'm glad it's walking distance from my place. also went on a fun hike and had a great organic lunch. I dont know why everyone doesn't eat organic, non processed food. It's so yummy.
ok, back to learning italian from rosetta stone, today is day one and my brain already hurts. oh and think about those tennis balls and let me know if you have any answers. think about how many there are in this world. should this be my new charitable venture? i'm sure id get so much press and money.
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