the other day I did the stairs on santa monica. they are out doors, aobut 6 flights of about 40 stairs and all day long people just go up and down them. And they're steep and get steeper each flight. I love them, but you really only can do about 6 or 7 before you die. Granted there are people who can do them for what seems to be hours, but the most i've ever done is 7 which i did the other day.
I only have one friend who can do them with me, all my other friends do one set and throw up or give up. I'm 100% serious on this and the only other person who can do them with me, moved away and she probably could do more than me that's why i liked going with her because she pushed me to do better. The picture just shows one of the stair cases, just think it's that times 6 or 7 i can't remember how many flights.
Anyway, doing 24 flight of stairs though doesn't take that long and so i often would rather go to the gym and do an hour of cardio than go to the stairs all the way in santa monica and only work out for like 30 mins. tops. But I did them the other day and my calves are still crazy sore as are my quads.
this weekend I googled randomly, Mr. Belvedere. Remembeer that TV show with the british butler, it was on friday night, one of the only 2 nights i was allowed to watch tv growing up so i watched it despite it not being very good. But i liked the brit butler. Anyway, i googled mr. belvedere and foudn out that he was a deacon at the church I go to in WEst. Hollywood (which is also boystown) until he died in 2001. How insane that I was probably being served communion by MR. FREAKIN Belevedere and didn't even know it or get to stop and appreciate it!!!! I also go to the Catholic church in beverly hills because I live 1 mile from the church, but from 1996-2001, I lived in West Hollywood and would frequent Belvedere's church every Sunday!!!!
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