Friday, September 30, 2005
as of now I can't discuss what took place at my workplace yesterday as the fallout hasn't finished. Suffice it to say I blew up at a superior who has harrassed me for 10 months and a few "F" bombs were dropped. It ruined my day and my night as I had been invited to one of the best parties this town has, and I couldn't even have fun. Last year I saw justin timberlake and jake gyllenhal and christina aguilera. this year, I saw a few b level celebs and that's it. also I had no patience for the crowd after the day I had. i wish I could write what happened, but i have to be really careful... BOO!!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
chocolate milkshake
so my personal (re: dating) life is currently on hiatus, involuntarily, I assure you. so i have learned to appreciate the smaller things in life. I ordered this body wash by Philip B. i think he's some fancy guy, and the flavor is chocolate milkshake. I got a sample of it at some beauty supply store and fell in love with it, only to learn that it costs, when you go to buy an actual bottle $30 for 12 oz. So I won't drink this weekend to pay for it. Anyway, I got it in the mail last night and immediately went home and took a shower and oh, my god, it might be the worst thing someone on weight watchers can torture themselves with. it smells so good, you could literally eat the entire thing, although it says not to on the warning label! The good news is, if I am ever asked out again and use this stuff before the date, I will smell so enticing the guy won't know what to do with himself... or me for that matter.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
big league chew
in our office we have a kitchen that's filled with any kind of candy, cereal, chip, soda, treat you can ever imagine exists. And I wonder why I'm 10 pounds overweight. anyway, yesterday during one of my many procrastinations from writing my script, i wandered into the kitchen and started looking around to see what looked good. Well, lo and behold I found big league chew. Remember that chewing gum from the 80s that looked like pouches of dip? I was so excited I literally shoved the entire thing in the mouth and i looked like the cartoon guy on the front of the package with a tennis ball sized lump in his mouth. I also discovered Fun Dip, but it's like sour apple or some shit so I'm waiting until they at least get blue watermelon, something half way decent!
Monday, September 26, 2005
University of Washington

My friend, Steve Maley from my hometown in NY is a PHD canidate at UW. So we met up after the game and had an awesome dinner in the U district at this Thai place called Thai 65! It rocked and i litterally would've eaten the table cloth I was so hungry so it hit the spot. then we walked around the U. which is an amazing campus. Not as beautiful as boulder of course, but a distant second! Anyway, he also took me on his brand new scooter he tools around seattle on. I made it pretty clear to him I did not want to ride on this thing, so he said I didn't have to, but ended up bringing it anyway and leaving me with no options. I hate to admit it, but it was really fun to ride on. I had a helmet and held on for dear life. It was until the end of our trip when I asked when he got it and he reavealed to me he had only just bought it days before: "I was hoping you weren't going to ask me that earlier!" there's steven in front of his old building (where he did his work for his masters). I'm not sure you can see the beautiful roses, but there are tons of them, really classes up the joint i think!

I went to seattle this weekend. I had such a blast. I took my 72 yr old uncle to a seahawks game and you could't have ordered up a more beautiful, sunny day if you tried. The sky was a perfect blue and it was the most fantastic fall day to take in a game at the new-ish Qwest field. The Seahawks had one of the best games my uncle has ever seen (and he's watched them all!) Our seats were incredible, compliments of my friend Jeff in LA who's a season ticket holder and the new stadium is just state of the art, all the bells and whistles!
Saturday, September 24, 2005
internet dating
The happy pictures of people who met at whatever particular internet dating website, like eharmony, are such BS. There's no way these people met on eharmony. they are way too good looking and I've been on eharmony now for like 6 months and the only guys they send me are serious uggos! I have never had a hot guy sent my way.
Friday, September 23, 2005
We had a table read today and had to re-write the script. So the writers were split into 2 groups, the joke room and the story room. The writers who were sent in the joke room were given 16 jokes to make funnier. I was in this room. It's usually the same 8 people in the joke room and we usually put on music and pitch jokes until we get a few that make us laugh out loud. My friend Greg asked if anyone had their i-pod and I was like "i do." BIG MISTAKE. He puts it on random, and so first off, every 3rd song was dave matthews band which everyone knows is the only group I like. Then we heard a little moby, some damien rice and I'm thinking ok, maybe my taste in music isn't so bad... the very next song "When the Rain Comes Down," by FREAKIN' HILLARY DUFF! Oh, my God I have hillary duff on my IPOD and now people at work know it!! FINE I LIKE HILLARY DUFF SONGS. Okay? I have bad, horrid, horrible taste in music, now the whole world knows it!! she's terrible and i love it!! HEAR THAT, AMERICA!!! p.s. I always see her at my favorite sushi place. We have so much in common!!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
corbin bernsen
I almost killed corbin bernsen driving into work today. You remember that guy who was the hot shot blonde lawyer from LA law? He's kinda cocky i think in that role and certainly was in Celebrity mole. Anyway, i'm driving to work along the storied mulholland drive and all of a sudden I take this tight turn and I'm face to face with Corbin who is jogging in my lane. For those of you who don't know mullholland is extremely dangerous for drivers due to the no shoulder and hairpin turns, let alone joggers out for a stroll. Can't this guy join a gym and hit the treadmill and not scare the bejesus out of me!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Mr. alan dybner, my colleague and friend and only person I work with who knows about my blog has suggested (repeatedly) that I take off... my clothes! Just kidding, to take off the 2 postings about certain colleagues of mine on my show. He says and rightly so that you never know who could stumble on this thing and that it could effect my work environment. So I am going to take his suggestion, mostly to get him to shut up about it. Everytime I pass him in the hall it's "i think you should take that down," nonesense and I just can't take it anymore. He's single ladies, if you're looking for a nice Jewish boy. Here's his picture (he's the guy on the left) with my friend alyson and I drunk at my 30th bday. let me know if you want some dybner ass!! Also alsyon is single too, but she lives in NY.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
new york times
In the new york times the other day they had an article about a poll of current Ivy league female students who say they intend on not having a career when they have children! I believe the number is about 60%.
"I've seen the difference between kids who did have their mother stay at home and kids who didn't, and it's kind of like an obvious difference when you look at it," said Ms. Abugo."
My mother is an Ivy League grad and was a stay at home mother and I'm kind of a nuerotic nut job! What say you?
"I've seen the difference between kids who did have their mother stay at home and kids who didn't, and it's kind of like an obvious difference when you look at it," said Ms. Abugo."
My mother is an Ivy League grad and was a stay at home mother and I'm kind of a nuerotic nut job! What say you?
Sunday, September 18, 2005
cookie dough chocolate cake
I made this amazing dessert today for my friend's emmy party. You take cookie dough, put it at the bottom of a cake pan and then pour cake batter over it and cook it like you would a cake! then you let it cool, sift a little confectioners sugar to dress it up and voila. It was amazing. I served it with some french vanilla ice-cream. At the bottom of the recipe it said "VOILA, YOU'LL GET BOOTY TONIGHT" Suffice it to say, I did not get booty, there were only like 10 people at this party and the only other single person that... not so much. However my booty did get bigger thanks to the 3 helpings of my cake I heaved onto my plate.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
people, please don't call me early on saturday mornings? what's wrong with you? You'd think my mother would know me well enough by now that I, like every other child she has, am not a morning person. Then again she still can't remember that I don't eat red meat (since 1993) am allergic to peanut butter (since 1989). I believe the words she says every time "I just can't keep track of what you do and don't eat. It's always changing!" I play on saturdays in a all women's soccer league. It's really fun, albeit, quite hot and sunny. So this weekend we played the "lady killers." They were a little dirty for my taste, I was getting shoved left and right. We lost 3-2 although the game was so close and really exciting. And our team actually gelled and really played well. At the end of the game one of the girls from the other team, during the good game good game good game high five line, asked me what college we played for. I was like Um, I'm 30!!!!! Now i know why these girls can run circles around me, I'm 10 years older than them. Well the exciting part of the game was at the end when Dalia who plays fullback yelled at Lauren who plays stopper, "Lauren, don't you ever tell me what to do during the game again! Show me some respect!" anyway, i came home, showered and found like 8 bruises I aquired during the game. It's official, I'm a pussy!
On every t.v. show they have a person who's sole job is to feed the cast and crew. During the week they lay out b'fast, lunch, snacks and more snacks. This area of the stage is called crafts service. Well, this week I show up and we have a new crafts service person. turns out our last person had been doing a crappy job. So last night at our filming the new person rented a chocolate fountain. it's basically a champagne fountain , but chocolate cascading down and you dip in a variety of options, i.e. marshmallows, strawberries, etc. well, i planted myself next to this thing and started sticking everything I found in it to see how it would taste, with an audience watching. Apparently I crossed the line when I stuck in a green pepper slice and someone who is not even an employee on the show, suggested I step back from the chocolate fountain. when I asked the crafts service lady if the chocolate foutain would be a permanent fixture at every taping she said, it would be at some, but she has other stuff she wants to break out!! I don't think i will be able to sleep at night until I see what could possibly be better than a chocolate fountain!
Friday, September 16, 2005
bakers dozen

My friend jenny baker, code name: bakers dozen, got engaged back in april to a great guy and had her engagement party (in june) at a minor league baseball stadium in hudson valley, NY. It was home of the Hudson Valley REnegades. It was such a blast. I cannot believe how young these guys looked and how unbelievably attracted i was to almost all of them. Aren't they barely legal? I guess barely legal is still legal. Anyway here's a pic from the party. the bride is in the middle, my friend amy on the right, myself on the left!
me and my siblings
Thursday, September 15, 2005
hump day
Last night I had girls night. Which is essentially, drinking wine and eating pizza night. It was so much fun. I have a great group of girls and I"m friends with all their husbands as well, yes I'm the only single one. But we all go skiing together, and get dinners together, etcc. Now I just want to meet a man who can fit right into this friends circle or else I shall be very sad.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Monday, September 12, 2005
empty tank
I'm heading to bed now, I'm tired. I worked out for over an hour today with weights. I better start seeing some freakin results. anyway, i went to work and worked out, my life is empty, i need a man, i'm desparate.. oh, wait is a woman supposed to say that? Not sure. well, at least I'll have great triceps!!!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
product tester
Okay, so my sister writes for a high end magazine, i won't say which one, but anyway, they have their annual beauty issue coming out soon and I have been asked to be one of the product testers for the products they are going to be reviewing. I was sent an eye cream, a serum and a moisturizer. I'm very excited about this because I am utterly obsessed with free products, but more specifically free beauty products. The eye cream I like, but the serum so far is pulling way far ahead. It has cleared up my skin, so either hell has frozen over or this is one solid product. funny enough, I'm also testing out another type of product, lady toys. I have been asked to be a product test er for a friend's new sexy toys website. you know the ones you use when you're by yourself.... get it... anyway, I need to get some batteries before the reviews come in... I'll link you up to my reviews when I get a chance.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
the peninsula
yesterday i spent the day at the peninsula pool in beverly hills. a friend of mine had a cabana there so i went to play with her and her baby! her daughter is 6 months and the cutest!! anyway, it was very decadent. I also hung out in the presidential suite where my friend was hosting a fantasy football draft with about 10 guys. Alcohol was flowing and after about 4 months of not feeling well enough to drink, i'm not ashamed to say, I had a lovely sidecar compliments of phil. it was great. anyway later that n ight i went out with them to an amazing steak house called Sterling, where the wine flowed freely. After that we headed next door to the cabana room, where we had a table and they brough over bottles of vodka and mixers. at some point in the night, i asked my friend if he had any single friends, he said his friend steve was single. I told him to send him over cause i was going to make out with him, a byproduct of the alcohol. anyway, steve comes over and I grabbed him and made out with him on the dance floor. oh what a night, so reminiscent of college!!!! now i need to recover. my body isn't used to this abuse!
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