My friend jenny baker, code name: bakers dozen, got engaged back in april to a great guy and had her engagement party (in june) at a minor league baseball stadium in hudson valley, NY. It was home of the Hudson Valley REnegades. It was such a blast. I cannot believe how young these guys looked and how unbelievably attracted i was to almost all of them. Aren't they barely legal? I guess barely legal is still legal. Anyway here's a pic from the party. the bride is in the middle, my friend amy on the right, myself on the left!
How fabulous! I actually just went to a minor league game in Albany -- the Valley Cats -- for my friend's son's 7th birthday. For party favors, they got baseballs and Sharpies, so after the game we went outside the locker room for autograph sessions. It was hilarious. I was making the birthday boy go up to all the hot players to get their autographs. "Not him, Felix. Go to that guy with the short brown hair." It was shameless and it was fabulous.
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