Tuesday, September 27, 2005

big league chew

in our office we have a kitchen that's filled with any kind of candy, cereal, chip, soda, treat you can ever imagine exists. And I wonder why I'm 10 pounds overweight. anyway, yesterday during one of my many procrastinations from writing my script, i wandered into the kitchen and started looking around to see what looked good. Well, lo and behold I found big league chew. Remember that chewing gum from the 80s that looked like pouches of dip? I was so excited I literally shoved the entire thing in the mouth and i looked like the cartoon guy on the front of the package with a tennis ball sized lump in his mouth. I also discovered Fun Dip, but it's like sour apple or some shit so I'm waiting until they at least get blue watermelon, something half way decent!

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