Friday, February 24, 2006


all the athletes do here is party. that's all i know. last night we went to the american house, AKA the usa ski house and partied with these australian cross country skiiers. I fell in love with paul murray and i fully intended on marrying him cause he's the hotetest guy i've ever met, seriosuly, i'm in love. and couldn't shut up about it. i left early cause i was so tired from the cumulative nights of going out and drinking and so tina went home with him! anyway, now i'm back in torrino and heading up to the mtns. tomorrow for bode miller's last event. right now i'm at the nike hospitality house and wayne gretzky is here and so is derek parra the speed skater who won gold in salt lake. there's free food and coffee and the tvs and xboxes and ping pong tables and nike stuff everywhere. i'm drinking a fabulous cappucino and watching the today show. i was at the set earlier today but it was cold and rainy so i went to the hotel and took a nap.

heres the address where you can see a pic of my aussie (or should i say tinas boyfriend)

1 comment:

bunch said...

HOLY SHITE!!!! He's fucking HOT! I'm dyyyyyyying reading your stories. I can't WAIT for pictures. So glad you're having fun!