Sunday, March 12, 2006

quote of the day: "I don't wait well." sarah mac

last night i was at my friend janae's party. she's married to an actor who has lots of actor friends so i was excited to go and meet some cute boys, albeit actors. for those of you who don't know the stereotype of actors, well, they're very self involved, selfish, only talk about themselves, see a pattern here? janae's husband isn't like this, but he's the exception to the rule. anyway, long story short, i didn't talk to anyone of these guys, mostly b/c they weren't as cute as i was hoping for. so around midnight, i texted jake to find out where he was. he had invited me to party with the band, Jett, or Jet, not sure how they spell it, and i have no idea who this band is, but apparently they're semi famous and he wanted me to meet up with them. he replies they are at the cabana club, which i've been to, but only when i was on a list and was escorted right in, none of this waiting in a long line, especially when it's 39 degrees out, that's right, it's totally freezing here in LA, 39 fucking degrees. anyway, i texted him back and asked if there's a line, he said one a mile long, but he could get me in, this seems highly unlikely. do you have those friends who can promise you entry into clubs, real easy. it's never ever easy, it's alwasys ends up with me yelling at some doofus bouncer who thinks he's more important than the almighty Lord himself cause he's dressed in all black, holding a clipboard and has an earpiece in. i often wonder if this earpiece is actually attached to anything, I mean for God's sakes, he's a bouncer, not protecting the dali llama. so i texted back Jake, that's ok, i don't wait well. which is true, i am spoiled and i like things when i want them and have no room for anything else. so i came home and watched SNL where my friend will forte, whos' been a cast member on SNL for like 4 years, did a great song during the news about shites, kurds and sunnis, very funny!

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