remember when you were little and your mom or dad got you out of the bath and wrapped you in a towel and you felt safe and warm and someone was taking care of you and your life? i got out of the shower at jamies this weekend and wrapped myself in this big towel and put it over my head and wanted to feel safe and wanted my mom and dad to take care of me. this whole adult thing is so over rated. got back from denver yesterday. I walk in the door and my roomate starts in on my job search and what i'm going to do with my life, interrogating like he's my dad and i'm so overwhelmed by his inquisition that i tell him i have to stop talking about it because I'm having trouble breathing (panic attack) but he doesn't get it and he keeps asking me question, like an annoying uncle asks the college senior on his graduation night. it's weird, he's such a smart guy, but can't take the social cues that i dont want to talk about this anymore, say the fact that i walked out of his room (he followed me)... DUH! went to fryman canyon, the very place i got poison oak, and hiked then came home and curled up in a ball, whoa is me!!!!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
fryman canyon
remember when you were little and your mom or dad got you out of the bath and wrapped you in a towel and you felt safe and warm and someone was taking care of you and your life? i got out of the shower at jamies this weekend and wrapped myself in this big towel and put it over my head and wanted to feel safe and wanted my mom and dad to take care of me. this whole adult thing is so over rated. got back from denver yesterday. I walk in the door and my roomate starts in on my job search and what i'm going to do with my life, interrogating like he's my dad and i'm so overwhelmed by his inquisition that i tell him i have to stop talking about it because I'm having trouble breathing (panic attack) but he doesn't get it and he keeps asking me question, like an annoying uncle asks the college senior on his graduation night. it's weird, he's such a smart guy, but can't take the social cues that i dont want to talk about this anymore, say the fact that i walked out of his room (he followed me)... DUH! went to fryman canyon, the very place i got poison oak, and hiked then came home and curled up in a ball, whoa is me!!!!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
bolder boulder
so this weekend i abrupty left los angeles, basically because i couldn't breathe and was having a panic attack about the fact that i'm going to be unemployed for the next 12 months, possibly longer, as there's no guarantee i'd get hired next May. so n that note, i left LA and flew to denver to spend the weekdn with one of my best friends, Jamie, who I grew up with and always makes me feel better. Yesterday we ran the 28th annual bolder boulder, one of the most popular 10K running races in the country, it is so much fun. This is my 3rd time running it. therea re about 50,000 participants, bands playing ever kilometer, people on the street spraying you with water, people handing out everything from gin and tonics to bacon! seriously, if you ever find yourself in boulder, colorado on memorial day, do not miss this event. Well, my first time running it, i was 22 years old in 1996 I ran the 6.2 mile race in 1 hour 29 minutes 29 seconds. 2 years ago I ran it, age 30 and I ran it in 1 hour, 13 minutes, 47 seconds. this year, age 32 I ran it in 1 hour 9 minutes and 13 seconds!!!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!??!? I am older, but i'm running faster and I'm in better shape!!! Jamie ran it 4.5 minutes faster than me, but he's a boy and shouldve run it faster.. hehehehe!! the best part of this race is the last .2 miles when you run into the university of colorado stadium run around the entire thing and then cross the finish line. 25,000 people are in the stands, at least, cheering for you, it's amazing!!! really really inspirational and unforgetable!!!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
poison ivy/oak
my friends from my childhood most memorable memories of me is when i had poison ivy, which spread onto my face, forcing my eyes closed and swelling up my entire face. needless to say i was miserable. when i complained about it, my friend jenny's mom told me to stop complaining, which i was about to, when at that moment, i got stung by a bee that i couldn't see to dodge out of the way BECAUSE MY FUCKING EYES WERE SEALED SHUT!! i had to take steriods and also get steriod injections, i looked like a monster, and my parents couldn't think of anything to do to make me feel better, so they thought maybe if i were surrounded by friends that might help SO THEY SENT ME BACK TO JUNIOR HIGH LOOKING LIKE THE ELEPAHNT MAN. okay, so these memories are stil too fresh, so all these years i've avoided getting near anything resembling poison anything, i dont even like skull and crossbones. well, imagine my surprise when i developed poison ivy or oak the other day and blisters are bursting out of my arm and it's red and blistery and itchy and just gross, like i needed something else right now, like right now, with no job, turning 32, no boyfriend, my roomate of 7 years moving out, $600 car repair, and my career over, i need this, thanks. so i m freaking out cause i dont want this to spread because i'm so freaking allergic to it (another thing fair skinned people have to deal with, fair skinned people being irish people, like alcholism, catholic guilt and dark hair sprouting everywhere isn't enough). so i get on the internet to attack this problem so it doesnt spread and try to dry it up ASAP and i got to numerous websites to get advice and the first thing listed under "how to treat poison ivy/oak" is... can anyone guess, what do you think the #1 thing you should do after realzing you have poison ivy, think think think. THE ANSWER: drumroll please..... AVOID GETTING IT. yeah, that's what the #1 treatment was in almost every site i went on. thanks. that reminds me of the time when i left my purse on my frontseat of my car and someone smashed the window and stole it and i was upset and called my mom and her advice was "you shouldn't have left your purse in your car," thanks mom, i'm just gonna hop in my time machine and go back to the moment before i left it thre, because after now having it stolen, it still didn't dawn on me that i shouldn't have left it there in the first place. REAL HELPFUL!!
still no job
well, staffing season is coming to a close and i dont have a gig. which is impossible for me to believe seeing as i just came off a huge show... i'm utterly dumbfounded. DUMBFOUNDED AND SPEECHLESS!!!
yesterday i worked out and did a lot of sitting around. I saw billy bob thorton going into the whole foods in beverly hills. This isn't the first time i've seen him there. one time he cornered me at the prepared food glass counter and gave me recomendations about what he likes to eat and then spent a little too much time talking about his allergies to wheat. I'm not going to lie, it was weird. this time we were just 2 ships passing in the night as i had my groceries and i was leaving as he was just showing up. notice the coincidence of the picture i ripped off the internet that says "bazaar" behind billy bob. he is very "bazaar." oddly enough.
Monday, May 22, 2006
celeb spotting
at most los angelenos, i run into celebrities on a daily basis. you never know who, what, when, where and how. yesterday morning, i do what i do every sunday, went to the newsstnad to pick up a sunday NY times and run across the street to get coffee. on my way back past the news stand, i see jay leno, standing in front of a ford mustang, talking very loudly about the car, all the while trying to catch the attention of yours truly. he totally wanted me to notice him! i'm not saying he had thehots for me, but he wanted to be noticed, by anyone. first of all, he was talking so loud, and he has one of your most recognizible voices, and also he was looking around to be seen, in front of a classic mustang. hello, he's mr. car guy, and he was holding like 4 car magazines. WHAT IS YOUR OBSESSION WITH CARS?!? get over yourself. i hate people who have one thing they wont shut up about, like "look at me, i'm so unique cause i loove fill in the blank," like crazy socks, or some shit. it reminds me of a scretary who has nothing in her life, so fills her desk with all things having to do with cows and whenever she gets presents, it's always cow related. I HATE THESE PEOPLE. anyway, back to my story, so i get in my car and i'm pulling out of the parking lot, when along comes jay leno in some stupid looking old english looking car with 2 old guys in it, and he's taking them for a ride in the car, he picked them up at the news stand, and the car looks like the one pictured, excpet it was green. and he honks the horn and it's this lame english car honk and i wanted to follow him and be like GROW UP, YOU'RE A MAN, LOVE SOMETHING OTHER THAN CARS!! but i didn't. i just drove home.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
happy birthday to me
so yesterday was my birthday, and i had the best time ever. i slept in, got coffee, went to the peninsula hotel day spa and got a hot stone massage that might have been the most amazing massage i've ever had, they lay these hot stones on your muscles and leave them there and then the heat penetrates into your muscles and make them more malleable and oh, it's so good when they can dig their fingers in deep... i'm just remembering back... ok, then liz came over and stacey , liz and i went to sweet lady janes for birthday cake. this is THE cake place in LA, the most amazing, incredible cakes, there's a chance it might be overhyped in a celebrity way, but all the cakes i've had there are amazing. especially their vanilla cake with fruit oh man and the frosting, i need another moment... wow. i had the chocolate strawberry cake, stacey had the raspberry cheesecake and liz had a piece of the dulce de leche cake. mine had a candle in it and everyone gathered around and sang to me, very fun. then we went to this wine bar in LA that i love and it opened about 8 months ago, not many people know about it. but the place is awesome. the wine so good and the hotties that run the joint are so knowledgable about them. i got drunk with about 35 of my friends and had an awesome birthday night. such a good crowd and everyone was psyched to learn about a new place to go in LA so i hope mnay of them return like they said they would so it stays open for a very long time!!
Friday, May 19, 2006
its the end of the world as i know it
so upfronts took place in NY this week. all the networks presented their new fall lineup and the bad news, there were 39 comedies on the air last year, this year there will only be 24. that's about 150 extra writers out of work. that's a complete and total night mare!! and it looks like i'm going to be one of them. what on earth am i gonna do with my life. I just came off a hugely popular show, hugely popular and i can't even get a job. that's insane to me!!! i never thought this was going to happen. there are no shows out there... i'm taking new career suggestions!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
our thirties
i'm turning 32 on saturday, which is bad to me. real bad. When you turn 30, its a milestone, but it's still barely 30s. then when you turn 31 it's like you're still barely in your 30s. but 32.... there's no way around it, you're in your fucking thirties. I can't deny it any more. I'm in my 30s, which sends men running for the hills. no guy wants to date a woman in her 30s because they make assumptions based on what society expects from women my age. although, i'm totally immature and not ready for commitment, but it doesn't matter, men are men and they think EVERY woman in their 30s want babies. I can't even balance my check book, i can't imagine being responsible for a child. I can barely fill up my gas tank every week. I'M LAZY. anyway, i'm also unemployed, that's always attractive.
Monday, May 15, 2006
so i've mentioned before how terrible the staffing process is on a tv show. it all happens within 2 weeks, every agent is trying to get their clients onto shows, it's a complete and total cluster fuck nightmare! i know nobody with jobs right now and the reality is if you dont have a job by next friday, you're probably A. not getting one and B. not getting one ever again cause once you're off for a year, you're 80% less likely to ever get a job again. just to give you an idea of what i'm up against. so needless to say, it's so so so intense ands tressfull and all my friend call me each day and want an update and i want update on them and it's so fucking insane. the days are counting down!! so today i had to go to robertson blvd where the rich and famous shop (i'm looking atyou jessica simpson) to drop off something at my friend bernadettes office. on the way back to my car, i had on my ipod and was listening to my new favorite song called I HATE EVERYONE by Get Set Go. seriously, go to itunes and download it, it's so fucking great if you're in the mood to hate the world, it's really a great song!!
also i saw tom arnold waiting for his car at the valet at the Ivy restaturant where the famous go to be seen.
everyone send me good thoughts about getting on a new show....
depression hits the losers hardest
that's a famous headline from the onion. anyway, this is the big week for all the networks to announce their upcoming fall season, it's called upfronts and every year every tv person goes out to NY and tries to hustle a job for their clients, networks, studios, etc. anyway, nbc only picked up 2 comedies and 2 for midseaon, that means only like 20 people will get writing jobs when thye used to have like 8 comedies on the air and 80 people had jobs, big difference. i'm starting to worry i wont get a job, i know everyone always says it will work out for you, it always does, but this staffing season is coming to a close in 10 days and i dont have a job! i'm totally depressed. the only thing keeping my spirits up is the greys anatomy season finale tonight and the party i'm having for it. i'm thinking brownies and rootbeer floats to help pick up my spirits...
Friday, May 12, 2006
ok, so i've been sick and while i have been sick i was sitting with my laptop on the couch, watching tv and discovered my neightbor has wireless internet that i can steal.... well this has left me no choice to play on the internet for hours at a time. what you looking at you wonder? not porn exactly, but girl porn, fan forums of greys anatomy. like i said i have few things on my tivo and one being the past 2 eps of greys anatomy and so i've watched them both like 5 times each and liked the music so went searching for it and then cam across these fan forum sights that i've seen before, but never really cared about. well, i'm still sick, with a cold and maybe a little unemployment depression, but the major illness i have now is grey's anatomy fan forum itis. so when you go on these sites, theese people are so up to date on all things greys that they find clips of the future episodes, like the one coming up in 2 days and then of course i have to go to yahoo or access hollywood to see them and holy shit, patrick dempsey looks so good in these clips, ladies and gentleman, this sunday night i might actually lick my t.v. screen while he's on it. his hair is looking very much like season 1 and i know this becasuse i bought the dvds and have rewatched them since i refused to get on the greys bandwagon last year and now i'm afraid i'll never get off of it. so this gets me back to my intervention that i need from my friends to help me get off this show, hopefully i'll get a job and have to actually do something with my day besides having a cold tha wont go away and stalking patrick dempsey.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
this sucks
being sick sucks. i just sit at home on the couch and re watch shows on tivo. anyone have anything interesting happen, cuase i certtainly don't.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
sick leave
so i'm on my couch, all day today with a bad cold, just drinking water and chicken noodle soup from the B.G. deli where I usually go and see celebs, but none today. so i jsut sat on my couch and watched greys anatomy again, the sopranos which rocked, and big love which i now hate because snoooore, it's so boring, much like this post. maybe i'll turn this blog into a political one. by the way, have any of you gone onto rosie o'donnells blog? if you think this one is boring, her's is retarded, she writes it like this:
today i went
to a brodway
show with the
BR kids.
so proud
and it goes
like this and
like this
for about
3/4 of a page
i like to
read full
today i went
to a brodway
show with the
BR kids.
so proud
and it goes
like this and
like this
for about
3/4 of a page
i like to
read full
Monday, May 08, 2006
oh what a weekend
on saturday night i went out with my sister to the final party of the tv show i work on at the HOTTEST new club in LA the tropicana at the roosevelt hotel in hollywood. it was so much fun, great food, the party was amazing all set around a pool with great lighting and hotel rooms above the poll and free drinks and great to see the people i've worked with for 4.5 years and havent seen in 3 months. then on sunday morning, early, my sister and i got up and drove up to Ojai Valley inn and spa resort. my sister writes for a magazine and we were hosted by the hotel and got free spa treatments and food and accomodations. this place just had a 70 million dollar renovation and it's in the most amazing setting in a beautiful valley surrounded by a preserved national forest and so many trees that were all differnt shades of green and it made the place just th ideal place for a spa. ohhh it was so amazing. I had 3 of their signature treamtents, took a mediation class, watercolors class, hit the gym, etc. If you ever have a chance to this place, YOU HAVE GOT TO GO. it is amazing. now i have a cold and need to go to bed. and how awesome was grey's anatomy last night!!
Friday, May 05, 2006
so its friday here in beverly hills. my sister is in town visiting for a big party for the tv show i work on that's happening tomorrow night. then we're off for a few days to the ojai valley inn spa. can't wait. I have a new obsession, not as a big obsession as Grey's anatomy, which i can't deal with and has overtaken my life, is spice drops, i love spice drops. what is it about spice drops? are they really that good? or maybe it's that they are great pick me ups for low blood sugar or maybe it has something to do with nostalgia candy that you ate as a child, like comfort food? although they have nothing on kraft mac and cheese.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
the big question mark
i had a first date tonight with robot man. that's what i'm gonna call him, not b/c he's a robot, but b/c I think of him as someone who woudl like robots. anyway, i don't think the date went well, which is weird i usually like dates and they usually go well, it's strange... i thought he was cute and funny and smart, but I can't tell if he liked me. I am actually at a loss. I mean, like food I can tell if i like or disllike a date, but this one is a big question mark. however at t the end of the date there was no, we should go out again kinda thing, it was just a goodbye, pretty much. I HATE DATING!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
i pride myself in my bad taste in music. I wear it like a badge of honor, i don't know why, but i almost always mention it on a first date, not to say, hey i have some bad news to break before we take this any further, maybe i should wait until you pick up the tab... but as to say "this is why you should continue to date me, i have horrible, bad bad horrid taste in music, i'm talking james taylor, hilary duff, kelly clarkson bad. I'm dave matthews #1 fan and there ain't nothing you can do to change it. when i got sirius satellite radio i found they have channels just for people like me, that play bad (good) music all day every day. so it should be of no surprise to you to learn that i also have terrible taste in movies. now at least in movies I can discern if it's good or bad in terms of character, plot, story, etc, just from being a writer. but i love to see bad movies... until last night when i saw the new film from the woman who wrote "bring it on," one of the best movies EVER!! STICK IT SUCKED IT! MY FRIEND jackie and i walked out. here are a few of the quotes of dialogue from the movie.
jeff bridges:"are you sure?"
haley: "I'm so sure I'm almost deodarant."
or this gem
Joanne: "it's not called gym NICE stics"
now you can understand why we walked out. and i don't walk out of movies ever, but there were way to many lame ass montages with girls in different colored leotards on the uneven bars and vaulting and doing flips. oh how gloriously bad it was!!! not even good bad like the t.v. show cheerleader nation.
ps the girl who play joanne in pic is in my soccer league
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
joel michaely's birthday party
last night i went to joel mikely's birthday party at element in hollywood. I have no idea who he is, but my friend who i went with tells me he's been in every movie recently. I guess he was also in can't hardly wait as one of the geeks and has been in a ton of stuff. well, this guy is ridiculously connected. I show up and see dr. melfi's shrink from the sopranos, pic to follow, not sure of his name, okay found out his name is peter bogdonavich. then to my right is shane west, hotty hotty hotty!! with a cap and loooked so freaking hot. also i saw michel tractenburg and james van der beek!! it was hilarious. there were b celebs every where i turned, crazy night. didn't stay out too long, it was way too hollywood for my taste, ugh, but nevertheless, quite a night. then on my ride home, i called the guy i'm being set up with and we talked for like 40 mins. he sounds cute! i think we're going out on wednesday!!! yikes!
Monday, May 01, 2006
hello kitty, reporting
yo yo my peeps. didn't see anyone famous yesterday. went on a hike with suzy and then had some b'fast at hugo's which is such a yummy b'fast place. but then we came back to my house only to find suzy's rental car fucking keyed. someone keyed her car, and i live in beverly hills, these things shouldn't happen here. other big news, this woman i met with for a job is setting me up with this comedy writer and when I IMDB-ed him, i found out that he was married to .... well,i ccan't say her name in case someone googles it, but i can say the following: i look a lot like her, she's a celebrity, she played the Gap manager in Reality bites and do you need any more clues for this blind item? so we've been in negotiations via email. the next step is he's gonna call me. stay tuned....
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