Monday, May 15, 2006

depression hits the losers hardest

that's a famous headline from the onion. anyway, this is the big week for all the networks to announce their upcoming fall season, it's called upfronts and every year every tv person goes out to NY and tries to hustle a job for their clients, networks, studios, etc. anyway, nbc only picked up 2 comedies and 2 for midseaon, that means only like 20 people will get writing jobs when thye used to have like 8 comedies on the air and 80 people had jobs, big difference. i'm starting to worry i wont get a job, i know everyone always says it will work out for you, it always does, but this staffing season is coming to a close in 10 days and i dont have a job! i'm totally depressed. the only thing keeping my spirits up is the greys anatomy season finale tonight and the party i'm having for it. i'm thinking brownies and rootbeer floats to help pick up my spirits...

1 comment:

Suzy "We Rule This School" Byrne said...

Tina Fey's show got picked up! I'm holding out hope you get that.

I'll be thinking of you tonight during the finale. I'm still obsessed too.

And I'll send you good vibes to help along your job sit. Good news is coming... i can feel it.