last night i saw a screening of the new leo dicaprio movie, blood diamond and went to the premiere party where I rubbed elbows with Leo himself!!! holy crap is that man hot in person, seriously, his face is chiseled, boy can wear a suit real and don't get me started on his cocky swagger!!! ME LIKEY SO MUCH!!
the party was at the roosevelt hotel and i went with my Warner bros connections who know people who work with the top stars of the movie so we had VIP access to the after after party at teddys next door. but before we went there, I spied djimon hounsou, who was in the film, quite possibly one of the best films this year, and he was wearing this pin stripe suit that I wanted to tear off with my teeth and then procede to lick his gorgeous chiseled abs (which are prominantly displayed in the film, all the more reason to see it)
also at the party: kevin connelly from entourage, dr. burke from greys anatomy, wearing a baseball cap to remain inconspicous, PUH-LEASE DR. BURKE YOU'RE A NOBODY WHEN LEO AND DJIMON ARE IN THE SAME ROOm, you're at a movie premiere party, one of the places you don't need to try and hide, and I saw one of the guys from Lost and a few other movie stars. at the end of the night, we were leaving teddys (paris hilton in the house, yo) and missed out on the gift bags, but the lady was still there and gave us a bunch, she gave my friend 3 and my friend gave me all the t-shirts b/c they are freaking awesome and al ldifferent styles and colors and now I have 3 news soft awesome tees in my wardrobe!!!
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