Monday, December 18, 2006

party time

hit up a bunch of parties this weeeknd. my friend michaela had a bday fest on friday night, silver lake style. I never hang out there much, i'm not hip enough (not hollywood hip mind you, but more grunge hip) but it was fun.

saturday night I saw Apocolypto, which i didn't want to see on principle cause I dont like mel gibson and his hate spewing ideals, but my friends were going and it was raining and i thought what the hell. turns out i loved it, wwaaayyy too much violence for my taste, covered my eyes for about 30% of the movie, but still thought it was worth it. then headed to santa monica for my friend ferells party, it was awesome, but way too many chicks there, i mean the reason i leave the house is to meet men, and was wildly disappointed, but enjoyed dancing to justin timberlake whose concert i'm going to in a few weeks AAAWWWW YEAH!

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