Does this guy look gay to you? he's on brothers and sisters and I saw him walk into the little door next door last week and.... I find him super fly, so why didn't i follow him in? I was outside talking to my friend Paul and just had a big lunch with my friend carrie and didn't need to eat or drink any more coffee even if a tv star was in the showp. but he looked so cute!!!! he's from wales, i think we would make a cute couple.
I wonder if he lives in the nieghborhood becuase I live in the neighborhood and it would be so convenient.
also on the male front, there's a guy who i have a mild interest in, he was the one in april who after my friends premire party tracked my email down and send me an email. i went to see his band the other night and he seemed so happy to see me and kept touching me while he talked to me, and so i sent him some pics from the gorilla run cause he donated and then NOTHING. my friend karen was with me and was like "i think doug likes you, he kept touching you, he wasn't touching me!" and i was like "nooooo" but inside i was like "yaaaayyy!!"
but now im disappointed cuase i haven't heard from him
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