I have a meeting with the above mentioned network today in regards to my high profile project i'm writing for them.
so here's the gossip: they just brought on a new executive over the one who bought my project and you know what happens to the projects that are bought before someone comes in, they get pissed on. So i have to go in and meet with this person who i hear is a nightmare, a total uber bitch. and who has been pissing all over all the projects she didn't personally buy. GREAT.
also, this network just had a huge show bomb, one of their new scripted programs. and it bombed on monday night. so this should be fun!!!!
i'm stressed about this meeting because i've been warned the bitch smells fear and will tear you apart. and the asst. warned me becaue I'm so easy going that she's worried this woman will steam roll me, so now i have to have a zone defense ready for her when she questions things in my script and why i wrote what i did.
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