Wednesday, December 31, 2008

here is my top 10 list for 2009

1. get that new career path/education
2. try not to have a nervous breakdown this february
3. floss more often (so says dr. mulas)
4. lose 9 pounds
5. get on Oprah (this has been on my list for a few years, got so close in 2004!!) but i dont want to get on because i was the surviving member of some horrible plane crash or something terrible like i've been diagnosed with some rare disease I start a foundation to increase research! no no no, I want oprah to do something important for me like come in and give me a makeover... i'll get back to you on that one!

6. beat bernsie and Kyle at golf.
7. Visit Jamie in Sydney (perhaps 2009 New years eve!)
8. am i at 10 yet?! oooh i just thought of one for #8. I want to be stephen fry. He's a gay national treasure over in britain and he's the most incredible talent on this planet, if i had to pick someone to be on a desert island with the rest of my life, i'd pick him. he's an endless fountain of knowledge and is so interesting and wise and so on and so on. He's hilarious as well. sorry all my friends, while I do enjoy your company... well he's 6 foot five and well it's more practical to have him around to pick fruit off tall tree branches.
happy almost new year!!

im sitting at my parents house eating godiva truffles and drinking tea watching the snow fall. it's now almost 4 and ive been doing this all day. I wonder when getting snow stopped being fun, i guess around the same time I threw away all my snow gear and headed to LA, seeing as i dont have any apropriate foot wear it's an annoyance. I remember it used to be fun to et snow. I suppose it's my own fault. But it's an awful inconvenience, quite so, you can't go for a run outside and that's barbaric treatment of a human! you can't go pretty anywhere. which is quite fine for me because when I do leave my parents house here and I get into conversations with people who think obama is going to make the USA a communist state. Is everyone so conservative and hates people of different races and creeds in westchester county?! Seriously, i grew up on planet koo koo bananas. Thank God for Boulder, CO and California!

Alyson and I got our nails done yesterday, so much fun! Although I think i should've gotten a mani because i'll be wearing running shoes tonight and no one will see my toes!

I'm going to dinner at my good friend amy's house and I think our friend noah is going to come!! we're supposed to do a run at midnight, but due to the snow I'm not sure that's going to happen. So then my good friend from LA betsy is going to be at a party in the east village and so I might go hang with her and her friends!

i think i want to go do a yoga retreat after jan. 16th! I'd love to go for a week. I'd love to just head to bali for week, but due to this crazy biz i'm in, i have been told i may or may not have to meet on this show or go to a school interview or be finishing up my SONY script. But honestly, I'm sick of putting my life on hold, i haven't left the country at all in 2008 b.c i've been studying or working my ass off with no life! so i've earned it!!! Grrrrrr... Kripalu in massachusetts is a yoga retreat where Bernsie went a few years ago, she might come with! so fun.

On a final note, i've decided I want to be jennifer anniston and courtney cox, they do seem to have quite an enjoyable life bee-bopping around the world vacationing together with their families/signif. others. So i need to find significant others and then a courtney cox (cause i'm obviously jen anniston in this scenario) and then be on a hit NBC sitcom that runs for 9 years and... ok this seems like a plan! onward to 2009!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

i'm bored..

ok so today I wasn't bored, but for the most part, whenever I come back to NYC i'm ttotally bored, well not NYC i guess mostly irvington. Went to see Liza Minellia at the palace on sunday after I landed with my family and then monday I just sat at home contacting people who i knew were home and off of work and no one wanted to hang out. On tues, my boredom hit critical mass and i bought my return ticket to LA as I couldn't stand staying here one more day! my original ticket was a mess so i had to buy 2 one way tickets and now try and figure out what I'm doing to do with my original. Back to liza, she kicked ass! I didn't know what she did, but she's this old singer and hasn't aged well but man can she belt out the tunes!!!! she's fantastic! my old boss used to be her driver for 2 years in NYC, but i never paid attention to her stories about Liza as I was like "Liza who now?"

so today is my favorite day of the year!!! i love love love christmas eve! Today I went shopping with my father very early, hit up the westchester mall and I was dreading it but it wasn't crowded at all, very pleased with that. my dad made us walk by every store to make sure we didn't want to get something for my mother for her stocking. this is an annual tradition! we always get the same things, but this year I got my dad to branch out a little and we even got something for her from sephora, one of these years i'm gonna get him to agree to buy something from victoria's secret!

then we went to barnes and noble and got some books and i had to run into irvington and tarrytown to get the finishing touches on my nephews gifts, I came home, wrapped them, wrapped my dads... oh speaking of my dad, he is the worst driver ever to get behind the wheel. if you see him on the road, run screaming. as we were driving today in white plains he was in the correct lane, but decided he wanted to be one over so he just went over and then he had to be in the right lane to make a right so he went back into the original lane and then we were going into the parking for the mall and we were in the right hand lane and then i said we need to be in the left lane and so he stayed in the right lane and made a right into the general deliveries area, so us and Fed ex were there. and then he go out of that and somehow narrowly escaped death and finally got into the parking lot, this is man who when he wants to switch lanes, he just slams on the brakes coming to a dead stop in the middle of the road, no matter who is behind us, and then waits to switch lanes, it's crazy. hes in such good shape, working out a few times a week and teaching at a local university and taking french classes so his mind is also so sharp and doesn't seem like he's months away from 70, so sometimes I forget that he's that old and that's why he's a total nightmare behind the wheel. it's hard to describe the terror and trauma and frustration driving with him, i'm not doing it justice, but i wouldn't want to wish that on anyone!

anyway, off to my friend sarah's party for christmas eve for an hour and then having dinner with the family and then off to church before we hit the road tomorrow for a long weekend with my brother and his family in Philly!! cannot wait!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

i think I just broke a hot new celeb couple news story about a couple sitting next to me at dinner last night... more on that when the details emerge!

So I still have yet to get paid for 2 of the weeks I worked on my ABC show and i have to say it's getting old cause its not like I can call up ABC and ask wheres my checks, its all done through my agents so I'm on them a few times a week but they must be so sick of me cause I"m sick of me having to beg for money I SHOUDL'VE BEEN PAID 2 MONTHS AGO1!! its actually against the law in the state of california not to pay people after their job has ended longer than 72 hours, so I'm thinking of suing b/c i have no other options.

More on that, I also haven't gotten paid by SONY for my pilot. I handed in my outline in october, my agent billed them in november and i have yet to get paid!?! it's so frustrating having to chase down your money! is any other industry like this where companies just dont pay you!? for months on end?! so i'm currently not handing anything else into SONY until I get paid.. suckers. or wait maybe thats me!

anyway, got up at 730 am trying to adjust to east coast time as I head there in a few days. I never have done this but b./c i was sick this weekend and in bed until noon, that would be 3pm east coast time and a little indulgent if I were to do that! so i'm trying to just dial it back a little! but i took a nice walk int he rain to the coffee bean.... oh BTW I hate people on facebook who haved lived in LA for 2 seconds who can't believe it's raining in LA! yes it's winter you dumb ass it's rains in LA during the winter! I hate stupid people. Geez I'm angry today. okay back to work on my Sony thing i wont be handing in until I get paid.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I had a great meeting on tuesday and had to write a sample webisode for this web series I'd be the showrunner for and now the actor is going to read it to see if I can handle it! the job would be so fun mostly becaue I'd be the head writer and directing the actors while they record their voices to the animation!!! so I"m supposed to meet the actor this week, but since the job doesn't start until feb. (it was supposed to start in january) I might not! Oh well, hopefully he likes what I wrote, it's pretty twisted and edgy but all my writer friends loved it! (and they would tell me if it totally sucked)

I'm in bed sick again You might be saying to yourself, weren't you just recently sick with a cold that morphed into a nasty ear infection where you lost your hearing for a week? Well, yes, that would be the truth. I am now in bed with another cold. 2 colds in one month... i didnt even know that was possible! I eat crazy healthy, drink spinach, carrot, beet, kale juice almost daily, I work out DAILY, I dont really drink much, maybe a glass of wine a week, so WTF??? I have no idea! So now I'm obsessing with my purell and rubbing it all over my hands even though I haven't left my house with the exception of getting chicken soup and some apple ginger lemon juice from the bev hills juice guy.

so yesterday I spent ALLLLL Day in bed, cruising the interwebz and now i'm all caught up on my celeb gossip. I wish I was more passionate about something more useful, but such is life.

on friday I had coffee with my crazy drama friend who always has drama and creates drama and I can't stand it because she brings in on herself. She always has drama and then calls her friends and asks for advice which she never takes, so today I asked her why she doesn't take her friends advice and shes like i dont know. Why do i waste my time talking to her then! Anyway, while sitting outsie peetes coffee drinking my coffee from the coffee bean (i only drink coffee bean coffee) Victor Garber walks by and since this is Larchmont, someone stopped him to ask him about his show being cancelled. he was on Eli Stone, which I semi liked, I'd give it a 2 because it was bad, but i like bad shows sometimes, so overall Id give it a 7. Anyway, he was so cute in his adidas track suit. He was fantastic in Milk. You guys must see that film.

fri night was cookie swap night. We had a girls gathering and I had a great time. I felt shitty and could tell either I was getting sick or had really bad allergies, I have never sneezed so much in my entire life. Now that I know I'm sick i feel bad as all my friends except one is a mom of a young kid. Cookies and compnay were fantastic.

Then saturday all i did was sleep and rest and lie in bed. Like i have said before being a member of the WGA brings with it the benefit of getting sent dvds of movies not out yet or in the theatre now. So on friday I got benjamin buttons and even though I had no interest in watching it, boredom from being infirmed does funny things to people and I popped it into the DVD and watched and LOVED! I loved it! Its hard to explain, but go see it and you will like it too! It comes out christmas day!

today I got out of bed at noon and went to the coffee bean and sitting outside talkign about television was Jason Bateman!!! He's so cute, although he does have a lot of sun damage! A downside of living in LA, but one can stop that from wearing a little SPF Jason!!!! geez!!!!

Oh on friday while in larchmont I went to larchmont beauty supply. Have I ever told you about my addction to beauty supplies, I'm obsessed (since age 15) with aging!! yes that is not normal, I cared more about SPF at age 15 than my SATS. I also had bad skin so give me a break, I'm not vain. Anyway, I have never in my life walked out of larchmont beauty without spending at least $100 usually it's over $200 which is why i can't go in there anymoer, but i needed new facial cleanser and moisturizer so this was a need not a want so i allowed myself to go in. I went up to the french gay guy who works there and jackpot, I was his dream customer. I explained how my skin was dehydrated, blah blah and he set me up with a bunch of things I should use. Also the stuff I had been using he told me was for "mature" skin and so i shouldn't be using that!!! I NEARLY KISSED HIM! HE THINKS MY SKIN IS NOT MATURE!! or MAAH- TUR as he said in his french accent!!! Naturally that made me buy more! I'm such a sucker!

Anyway I only spent $140 bucks!! yay me and I've already used my mask and new cleanser and moisturizer and I'm loooooving!!!!

My sister used to write for a high end magazine and I used to get a million beauty products for free, i mean I had 5 shelves of high end products, but you know what, they weren't right for my skin!!! I love how everythign these days can be made so personal, it really does make a narcisitic society!! anyway, that's all for now! I need to take a nap! I have my accounting final tomorrow, I have to get an A!!!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

I'm super excited to meet on this web series today. I would be the head (and only) writer and show runner so I'd be directing all aspects of production and the production schedule. Very exciting.

So a few months ago my apt. building was having plumbing problems and guys kept going in and out of my apt and the water kept getting turned off. So one day i was just home from the gym and needed to hop in the shower and then go meet my cousin's husband in the OC. but the water was turned off so I fired an email to my landlord being like WTF? anway, I was out late with my cousin's husband just talking about life, and didn't get home and get to bed until quite late. I wore this old tshirt to bed that i got in like 1988, it was a late night with david letterman t-shirt and I was obsessed with him and still adore him aND attribute my comedy career to his comedy so i've never thrown it out, and it is covered in holes, a few of them right over my boobs.

Early the next morning (and early for me is the 9 oclock hour) my door is knocked on and i'm so out of it, i get up and answer the door and its my landlord. We stand there and tak for like 5 mins and i tell him the shower is now working blah blah. Anyway, I close the door and realize that MY NIPPLE HAS BEEN TOTALLY EXPOSED AND IS STICKING OUT OF MY SHIRT. Now I dont want to be fresh, but I have unusally long nipples. There i said it. In college a few of the my friends called them pencil erasers. They dont work in comedy professionally obviously... anyway, I WAS HORRIFIED!!!! i mean, HORRIFIED, MY FUCKING RIGHT NIPPLE HANGING OUT!!!!

so since then I have realized that my landlord is more often "accidently" bumping into me in the building. I have seen him 4 times in the past 10 days alone and when he starts talking to me good luck getting out of the conversation! I mean I dont have a job with hours so I can't say "i'm running to work" I could say "i have to go work on my script" but since I'm my own boss, he would be like "you can do that later" anyway, I dont know what to think but its suspcious. p.s. he's a super nice guy not some creepy rapist!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Slumdog Millionaire

New Rule: If you dont go see Slumdog Millionaire we cannot be friends. it is the most beautifully shot, amazing movie this year. now I truly believe it should win for best picture, but I'm sure Milk will as it has the money of Universal Studios behind the academy award campaign, not FOX searchlight which has not as much money. The statistics alone on the sheer amount of best picture awards Universal has puts it in their favor and the only reason I know this film information BTW is because my show was shot at universal so I drove past the movie posters every day of the best pictures. Please you know me, I'd take a "sleepless in seattle" over "a beautiful mind" anyday! I love love love chick flicks! I love romance and comedy! I'm a total freak girl! I have a good friend who when she meets a guy is obsessed with the story of how they met so when she tells people they will find it so romantic, I'm not as bad as her, I mean, sure I dont want to be like "this is my boyfriend Greg, we met because I wasn't paying attention driving and slammed into his car killing his entire family isn't that sooooooo cute!"

Anyway, i digress, make sure you see slumdog millionaire, it's amazing and i will pay you money if you didn't absolutely love it.

AFter I watched the movie my friends texted me to meet them at The Snake Pit. I was very hestant to go seeing as I was at my friends house on 3rd street and I live right near there but I drove up to melrose to meet them for a drink. Betsy was there as well, she worked on my ABC show and now is working as the Exec. producer's assistant on Samantha Who. She was super psyched to see me because we used to see each other every day in this crazy fun loud funny office and now she works on a show where no one tlaks to each other! Then my friend Bailey randomly came in and I was super excited to see him cause he laughs at everything I say, which I like.

Speaking of jobs, I'm meeting on a show this week for a certain actor from that 70s show. One of the other old writers from 70s was doing it but he left so my name was thrown into the mix. It's just a webseries thing and I'd be the supervisor and writer but it sounds like easy money. Speaking of easy money ABC has finally agreed to pay me out of my contract even though they cancelled the show I was writing on. They are allegedly going to pay me the remaining 12 weeks but lets see if it actually happens. BTW in what other industry would people go to work and not get paid!? Turns out none of the writers have gotten paid for the last 2 weeks of work on our show and its like would these executives who have held up our payment go to work not sure if they're going to get thier money? The entertainment biz is insane. Meanwhile this is not a small operation, this show was with Dreamworks and ABC! And one of the writers has a freakin emmy and he can't get paid!?! Pfft.

Alright, off to a 1 year olds bday party for my friend who I went to high school with.

p.p.s my friend Debbie has just texted me that she doesn't look any closer to meghan fox either. I ate yogurt for dinner last night, so hopefully i'm inching my way there. I need to go do plank for 1 min. to work my abs and and then i'll go to this party, that should help.

Friday, December 05, 2008

facebook makes the world too small

I used to baby sit these 2 girls in my hometown when I was in 8th and 9th grade. They went to the town's catholic school and then went to a fancy catholic school in the city for high school and then they both went to catholic colleges, including notre dame! (go irish! (my dad's alma mater) anyway, so now I"m friends with them on facebook and they're both total drunken whores!!!!!!! they commment on each others pages about how one of them didn't come home last night and they're always talking about getting drunk and being hungover and then getting drunk... and it's not like they're 22, i mean thats what I was like at 22, so sure fine, i get it, but the older one is almost 30!!! WTF? and they post pictures of themselves being all fucked up and drunk and it's insane!!

does this mean I'm getting old?! they also look very whorey in all their photos. ok, not like I"m some saint, i wear tops where my boobs hang out all over the place, but still, i'm not made up to look like a bangkok street walker!!!

anyway, that's all. I just needed to express my alarm... if you only knew thier sweet sweet little Catholic parents. Their mom is like in the Junior League with my mom and they are so cute and they volunteer etc and if they only knew what their daughters were up to... sheesh!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

WGA screeners

there are some major advantages of being in the WGA. Every year around this time, we get to see free movies, just walk into any LA movie theatre and you can see any of the academy award potential movies for free with a guest. pretty sweet, although everyone I know is in one guild or another so the guest part doesn't really apply.

but they also send us free movie DVDs this year I've gotten a ton including, milk, changeing which my friend michelle is in, the visitor, slumdog millionaire, burn after reading, and like 2 others, they come every freakin day fed exed!!!!

The only prob. is that the the fed ex guy arrived today at 922am and I was dead dead dead asleep (such is the life of an unemployed writer) and that annoyed me, but I was psyched to get changeling to see my friend in her big role debut in scenes with angelina freakin' Jolie!!!!
I was over at my friends debbie and dans the other night, they live on the top of my street and I go over on mondays to watch gossip girls and drink wine. Anyway, Debbie shows me a picture of this actrees megan fox who is in the new GQ magazine or some shit. And she's like look at this girl's body that is ruined by a "brian" tatoo right about her vaj jay jay! She's married to or dating or something brian austin green AKA david silver from bev hills 90210.

Now my friend bern and I saw them together like 3 years ago at the 90210/melrose place DVD release party and she was wearing this ring that was NOT TO BE BELIEVED it was a ROCK!! I wondered how many people died to get that ring to the US. anyway, that was before she was a nobody. Anyway, back to this picture in it she's basically naked and she has a hot body that now I WANT TO HAVE ON ME (less the Brian tatoo!) So i decided to do operation megan fox's body and starved myself for 2 days until last night when I broke down and ate 2 pieces of pizza!!! I mean I didn't look at all like her after 2 days. This has happened before when I was dating my friend Bryan and I went through Operation JG (Jennifer Garner before her babies of course) and that did not work out so well either. But i'm back on the meghan fox band wagon, so watch out world, i'm going to be so fucking hot in just a matter of days... er... years!

Monday, December 01, 2008

whole foods

i've said it before and i'll say it again. the whole foods sesame chicken tenders are the best thing out there (after katsuya sushi of course!) I have one in my mouth this very moment and I dont even want to swallow it... this sounds dirty! I've said enough.

was up in los olivos last week to hit the wineries and I saw noah wylie coming out of the little los olivos market, damn he's still so cute! i mean he looks exacly like he did on er a million years ago! adorable baby face! I'm sure he's a devil in real life, but I enjoyed looking at him for the briefest moment!