I'm in bed sick again You might be saying to yourself, weren't you just recently sick with a cold that morphed into a nasty ear infection where you lost your hearing for a week? Well, yes, that would be the truth. I am now in bed with another cold. 2 colds in one month... i didnt even know that was possible! I eat crazy healthy, drink spinach, carrot, beet, kale juice almost daily, I work out DAILY, I dont really drink much, maybe a glass of wine a week, so WTF??? I have no idea! So now I'm obsessing with my purell and rubbing it all over my hands even though I haven't left my house with the exception of getting chicken soup and some apple ginger lemon juice from the bev hills juice guy.
so yesterday I spent ALLLLL Day in bed, cruising the interwebz and now i'm all caught up on my celeb gossip. I wish I was more passionate about something more useful, but such is life.
on friday I had coffee with my crazy drama friend who always has drama and creates drama and I can't stand it because she brings in on herself. She always has drama and then calls her friends and asks for advice which she never takes, so today I asked her why she doesn't take her friends advice and shes like i dont know. Why do i waste my time talking to her then! Anyway, while sitting outsie peetes coffee drinking my coffee from the coffee bean (i only drink coffee bean coffee) Victor Garber walks by and since this is Larchmont, someone stopped him to ask him about his show being cancelled. he was on Eli Stone, which I semi liked, I'd give it a 2 because it was bad, but i like bad shows sometimes, so overall Id give it a 7. Anyway, he was so cute in his adidas track suit. He was fantastic in Milk. You guys must see that film.
fri night was cookie swap night. We had a girls gathering and I had a great time. I felt shitty and could tell either I was getting sick or had really bad allergies, I have never sneezed so much in my entire life. Now that I know I'm sick i feel bad as all my friends except one is a mom of a young kid. Cookies and compnay were fantastic.
Then saturday all i did was sleep and rest and lie in bed. Like i have said before being a member of the WGA brings with it the benefit of getting sent dvds of movies not out yet or in the theatre now. So on friday I got benjamin buttons and even though I had no interest in watching it, boredom from being infirmed does funny things to people and I popped it into the DVD and watched and LOVED! I loved it! Its hard to explain, but go see it and you will like it too! It comes out christmas day!
today I got out of bed at noon and went to the coffee bean and sitting outside talkign about television was Jason Bateman!!! He's so cute, although he does have a lot of sun damage! A downside of living in LA, but one can stop that from wearing a little SPF Jason!!!! geez!!!!
Oh on friday while in larchmont I went to larchmont beauty supply. Have I ever told you about my addction to beauty supplies, I'm obsessed (since age 15) with aging!! yes that is not normal, I cared more about SPF at age 15 than my SATS. I also had bad skin so give me a break, I'm not vain. Anyway, I have never in my life walked out of larchmont beauty without spending at least $100 usually it's over $200 which is why i can't go in there anymoer, but i needed new facial cleanser and moisturizer so this was a need not a want so i allowed myself to go in. I went up to the french gay guy who works there and jackpot, I was his dream customer. I explained how my skin was dehydrated, blah blah and he set me up with a bunch of things I should use. Also the stuff I had been using he told me was for "mature" skin and so i shouldn't be using that!!! I NEARLY KISSED HIM! HE THINKS MY SKIN IS NOT MATURE!! or MAAH- TUR as he said in his french accent!!! Naturally that made me buy more! I'm such a sucker!
Anyway I only spent $140 bucks!! yay me and I've already used my mask and new cleanser and moisturizer and I'm loooooving!!!!
My sister used to write for a high end magazine and I used to get a million beauty products for free, i mean I had 5 shelves of high end products, but you know what, they weren't right for my skin!!! I love how everythign these days can be made so personal, it really does make a narcisitic society!! anyway, that's all for now! I need to take a nap! I have my accounting final tomorrow, I have to get an A!!!
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