Wednesday, November 09, 2005


yesterday morning, i rose very early to go to get accupunture. for those of you who are only willing to take what the western medicine doctors give you, you are sadly missing out. Last year I went to get treated for anxiety and it was truly a life saver. The drs. I go to are famous in LA, yes yes, all the celebs go there. I was coming out as helen hunt was going in (wait, is she still a celeb) but now I'm going back for anxiety maitenance and more importantly, sciatica.(sp?) I think. I tore my hamstring while in chile a year and a half ago and decided to do nothing about it, strangely it hasn't gotten better, but has gotten SO MUCH WORSE. who knew if you neglected a health issue it would get worse. anyway, my leg feels awesome right now. I"m telling you accupunture is the way to go if you have a problem that western medicine will throw pills at just to aid the pharamceutical companies and get them richer!! On a side note, i think Will gets home from mexico either today or tomorrow, i wonder if we're still dating? I guess I'll know if I ever hear from him again.

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